I prefer to skip that step, since there are very few cases where I would want to open anything in the currently open browser tab.
Ctrl+T opens a new browser tab Im really surprised u dont know the basic combinations for browser interaction Ctrl + W close tab, Ctrl Tab and Ctrl Shift Tab cycle between tabs (I can go between 20 tabs in a second or two)
I do know. I do use Ctrl Tab and Ctrl Shift Tab. I don't need to use Ctrl T, because whatever I type into the address bar, gets opened in a new tab. It saves me having to press Ctrl T, many times a day.
Yeah and how do u get to the address bar? Can the pc detect your thoughts in your mind and execute without any input? Cuz if not, it's not really much different than ctrl T, is it? You either drag your mouse to the bar (in which case Ctrl T is faster), or you use one of the hotkeys - Ctrl + L, F6, Alt + D. In which case it's really the same as Ctrl + T. It's even better than Ctrl + L cuz you need both hands for that, while T is close enough to Control (as is D to Alt), that you only need one hand for it. All in all, you say you don't need Ctrl + T, but frankly the end result is literally the same: On chrome 1) Ctrl + T 2) Type 3) Enter Result - opens a new tab with whatever you typed On your browser 1) Ctrl + L or Alt + D or F6 to get to address bar 2) Type 3) Enter Result - opens a new tab with whatever you typed See, same result, same steps. F6 is usually far on most keyboards so using alt + D or ctrl + L or ctrl + T is faster because you don't need to reach with your hand for F6. Just in case you say "oh yeah but I can go to the adress bar with only 1 button (F6) instead of combination of two." No F6 is slower cuz u need to reach So Ctrl + T and Alt + D are about the same speed wise, whichever you prefer. T requires more reach than D, but alt requires to bring your thumb to alt and pointing finger to D, while Ctrl + T you can simply use your smolest finger for ctrl and reach with pointing finger to T, so about same speed really. Then you have F6 which needs lots of reach, and Ctrl + L which needs both hands. Which means u cant use mouse and kb at same time because you have to bring your right hand to the kb to press L and then back to the mouse, taking even more time. But anyway, the point is, it takes the same amount of time on both ways. If you're dragging your mouse to the address bar that is a lot slower than hotkeying. And u dont need ur special browser because THE STEPS ARE THE SAME IN BOTH CASES. Unless u really really raelly really like using Alt+D THAT MUCH and is worth the sacrifice of using that browser.
After exclusively using browsers which open everything in a new tab for the last 17 years, I'm not going to switch to Chrome, or any other browser that doesn't have that feature. The only thing I will do, is to switch to another browser which has the same feature, if Slimjet ever stops being updated regularly. I didn't know about the Alt D shortcut, so that was handy to learn.
Is there any way to reduce the height of the title bar? The text is about 1/4 the height of the tb itself... zoom is set at 90% and text is at medium setting. Its not ridiculously huge, but enough to be annoying. http://postimg.cc/n9rSSBBt