Nav 2003 vs Dr.Web

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by JC, Sep 2, 2002.

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  1. Smokey

    Smokey Registered Member

    Apr 1, 2002
    Annie's Pub
    Some examples:

    Norton Utilities > Norton Win Doctor: cleans to much in the registry, with as result an instable system. Better product: Registry Healer by KsL Software.

    Norton Ghost: cannot make an image of a NTFS partition. Better product: Powerquest Drive Image.

    Norton Anti-virus: don't find certain viruses and/or trojans. NAV is like the name already explains a virus-scanner, but another virusscanners are discovering more trojans (and viruses) as Norton does. Better product: DrWeb.

    Norton Personal Firewall: is doing the job to good, and "to" is not always positive, blocks to much. Better products: Outpost Pro and Outpost Free.

    All programs announced by me as "better product" are programs I personal use, but there are more programs who are doing the job better as Norton.

    This should not be seen as a flame against Norton, but you asked me and I just answered your question.
    I realize that Norton-freaks will not be happy with my answer, but I am a (ex-Norton) freak who wants a good product for his money. :rolleyes:
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