Kaspersky support site for UK Customers

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by Blackcat, Feb 1, 2003.

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  1. Igor K.

    Igor K. AV Expert

    Feb 5, 2003
    Dear SKA and S.B.

    Unfortunately KAV Registry Cleaner is not available for download on our ftp sites. Initially it was developed for internal needs. Presently KL Support sends it upon request. All KAV users are welcome to contact support@kaspersky.com and ask for this utility. Its size is 500 kilobytes unpacked and about 245kbs zipped.

    For you I uploaded it onto http://webcenter.ru/~kurzin/Utility/ (utility.zip)

    SKA, thanks for your suggestions, I’ve already sent them to an appropriate person for review.

    Although I don’t quite understand what is wrong with “tree control”? It’s handy, is it not?

    Added URL tags
  2. SKA

    SKA Registered Member

    Aug 2, 2002
    Dear Igor

    Thanks for the link -truly grateful !

    <Start rant> <wake from stupor>
    A- Multi points of failure in UI design cause users to mis-setup/mis-config many things & windows (9x/ 2K/ XP) itself(explorer) forgets settings/write
    to disk,etc.

    A.1] In 3.5 version GUI for config/setup was simple -there was only one setup screen/window with multiple tabs,and one final okay(global) button. User had chance to save as default profile or name it & that was it. I think no "explorer substitute" or "tree control" used in 3.5, only "standard" window controls/ API used.
    (Side note: even MS don't use their own API/ controls so does that mean you shouldn't ?)

    A.2] Desktop/standalone users: 3.5's control centre(network control centre)- users(majority) never load/install it, so fewer/NO problems & good UI experience. Updating was still a pain, not automatic.

    A.3] LAN/network users - tho' many complaints on ncc ; small/medium size co's w/10-50 users found v3.5.1.6/ similar to be okay & still use even now.

    A.4] v4 have multiple configs/options:
    If chose Control Centre to make settings,they seem to be saved but when you open scanner/monitor you could see they were NOT saved, then one must setup/ config from inside Scanner & save profile, then go into Monitor and save, then go into Update module set it up & choose various sites(those who never tracked which update sites working never had a clue), & finally check registry to change wrong paths/filenames made by installer.

    In short one needed expertise to setup AVP/KAV. No wonder its not popular in US(tho' John Dvorak really endorses it till today).

    A.3] Compare -DrWeb has similar headaches (screenshots on wilders show how to set it up - none like that for KAV anywhere AFAIK).

    NOD32 -ah ! simple GUI, one button setup to config window with tabs,seamless autoupdate etc. UI resembles assembler progs - small is beautiful !

    AVP/KAV never had autoupdate facility like NOD32- even in v4 one must setup/settings etc. unlike NOD32 where one only enters userid & key,most other settings were preset/default.

    A.4] Tree control / file explorer : great in concept & practice for programmers at KL but for users what did it give - eyecandy/bloat similar to NAV- that's all. NAV UI works but KAV's doesn't. Was it not the objective of tree control in 1st place? From marketing/business angle -however technically elegant a software/ component may be, if can't enthuse customers to pay/bring in more sales/revenues it should be dumped,yes, dumped. <Be ruthless like MS>

    A.5] Why separate file explorers/screens/windows to setup scanner, monitor,update etc.- why not consolidate all into one/two windows max and be done with it ? I mean - consolidate/merge present windows/UIs for setup during install procedure itself and make it simple for enduser. KAV MUST have radical UI change to regain its place as premier AV for Windows. Linux/BSD - no UI probs there !

    A.6] Installer - just improve it & tighten QA on registry settings before release new versions.

    B] Where KAV stands out compared to other AVs - update frequency & size - fastest/ smallest on market - capitalise on it ! But why no check valid uid/key on update ?

    C] Price: Too high - wake up from dreams of Swiss castles/banks and smell the bacon !

    D] Idea: If AV embed in BIOS/extended BIOS & autoupdate independent of OS -then maybe KL can share fees with BIOS vendor(s) !

    <end rant> <back to stupor>

    Others can suggest better than I, for sure there be many such betters in these forums.

  3. Igor K.

    Igor K. AV Expert

    Feb 5, 2003
    Dear SKA,

    Wow, I am impressed. I wish there were more rants like the one you just produced. I am sending the whole piece to a very clever guy at KL who reviews new ideas. Be sure it's not gonna be wasted.

    Myself I would like to add, that version 5 will be quite different in interface and inasmuch as we are talking about simple UI have you heard about KAV Lite? All settings are preset and you control everything from one small window. I bet you know it, but just in case FYI:


    Thanks again for your concerns and contribution! It is very valuable. :)
  4. SKA

    SKA Registered Member

    Aug 2, 2002
    Dear Igor,

    You are too kind - I do not deserve any praise -its only I saw distributors of AVP switch to NOD32 and I wondered
    why KL "seemed" not to care.

    Good to hear KAV Lite released - on link you gave when I
    download it shows v4.0.7.1 so maybe this is old ?
    I heard longback KAVLite suppose to be v4.5 maybe?
    I guess the gurus here also tried it (can't remember who)-
    but I'll check it out - it seems exactly what I need <g>

    Thanks for the tips - hope v5 be best AV ever, yes ! yes ! Cheers to Igor in UK & all clever guys/gals in Moskva !

  5. S.B.

    S.B. Registered Member

    Jan 20, 2003
    to Igor,

    Got the utility. Thank you!

  6. Igor K.

    Igor K. AV Expert

    Feb 5, 2003
    Dear SKA, is the latest version available of KAV Lite. 4.5. is only in beta and it has never been released. (Unfortunately)

    I was wondering, where do people come to this forum from? What countries are present on the list?

    By the way, I'm from Moscow. What about U? :)

    Kind regards,
  7. solarpowered candle

    solarpowered candle Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2003
    new zealand
    I believe SKA that our kind freind Igor resides in Russia also.
    Ps. I purchased KAV lite and asked Wizard once on a thread here if it was the same virus / trojan / worm protection as the more expensive versions (personal and Pro ) he said it provided the same excellent protection as them, . I believe for $20 one cannot go wrong with the Lite and for real newbies like me its very good.
  8. S.B.

    S.B. Registered Member

    Jan 20, 2003

    I'm American; Charlotte, North Carolina (east coast, about half-way between Washington, DC, and Atlanta, Georgia.).

  9. solarpowered candle

    solarpowered candle Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2003
    new zealand
    I have been wondering if it is wise to start a new topic thread with something such as Kaspersky support . There are already in the last few days good info for the user and im sure over the days and weeks much more shall be here available for others to look thru . The thread says "Kaspersky support for UK customers ", which could mean that many will walk past as many do not reside in the UK. I would think a thread with something like" Kaspersky support" or such would be more universal. Just a thought .
    Ideally it would be real cool to hit up Paul (forum admin) and see about having forum here for Kaspersky products. Both KAV and KAH .If you were supportive of this idea and Paul was then perhaps you could speak with your fellow colleges and suggest Kaspersky have their "unofficial"forum here . That would be a bonus for many users who do not go to the official forum and too many out there who are contemplating Kaspersky products , Also , This forum (Wilders has to be the very best,in my opinion , for learning and gaining knowledge ).
    Just a thought here , I hope you do not mind me suggesting this Igor nor Paul or moderators . :)

    Im from New Zealand here
  10. SKA

    SKA Registered Member

    Aug 2, 2002
    Igor & SPC

    Thanks for confirming KAV Lite's version & good performance. I will install it (guess my KAV Personal key shud work) & see how it fits my rant<g>.

    Since u ask : I'm in Bangkok (Thai) just now (born in Tanzania) & Igor I am glad to know u are right there in
    home of KL -- it must be very cold there <brrr>.

    SPC, its a VERY good idea to have Kaspersky general support topic or even a section/forum here - if mods/ enough people agree - I for one endorse it heartily as Igor & you clarified stuff for me on KAV that I am sure others will benefit from - even those that use/prefer other AVs as well as those who may not be in UK <g>.

  11. Igor K.

    Igor K. AV Expert

    Feb 5, 2003
    Dear all,

    I think creating a topic is a good idea. As for a forum... time will show. I would be only happy, but my participation won't be enough, I am afraid.
    I will have more information from my colleagues, not all have expressed their opinions. Meanwhile, you may ask questions (create a new topic). I will be glad to render assistance.

    It's impressive - people from all over the world post here.

    Also I'd like to draw your attention to a our (http://helpdesk.kaspersky-labs.com/select.asp?lang=1) online support resource. You can find answers to a number of questions.

  12. Fedorov999

    Fedorov999 Registered Member

    Sep 13, 2002
    I've just sent an email to the UK support address and received answers to all my questions within 30 minutes so well done to Igor and your UK support.

    Igor - I did send you a PM via this forum if you haven't noticed it yet :)

    I would like to see Kaspersky using some proper Forums like this one, I notice that your own forums are for registered customers only which isn't much help to someone like myself who is trying to find out the good and bad things about your product. WE WANT PROPER FORUMS LIKE THIS :)

    Kind regards,

  13. Paul Wilders

    Paul Wilders Administrator

    Jul 1, 2001
    The Netherlands
    Suggesting such a forum is no problem at all ;) - and btw: welcome, Igor, give my regards to Eugene.

    We do have a golden rule over on this board: we will host only one dedicated software forum in regard to sortalike security software. In this case, that's Eset's NOD32. Same goes for LooknStop, and the DCS products. One of the main reasons is avoiding conflicts of interests. In this context, I do agree the best solution for Kaspersky's products as far as support is concerned, is a dedicated open forum elsewhere.


  14. Luthorcrow

    Luthorcrow Registered Member

    Nov 30, 2002
    If understand your post correctly you are saying that when you change settings for the monitor or the scanner in the control center, that when you open the monitor or scanner directly, that you find the setting changes not the same? If that is the case, then I am not experiencing that. All of my CC settings stick.

    Am I the only person that doesn't seem to have a problem with v4? I keep reading about it being slower, and honestly, one of the middle versions was definitely too slow, but the current version that I am running is a fast on anything except on a full scan.

    The GUI is a bit confusing at first, but I have to admit I am used to it now. On the other hand the Icon for v4 was a vast improvement style wise.
  15. Luthorcrow

    Luthorcrow Registered Member

    Nov 30, 2002
    A question that has been bugging me for a while, what exactly is an "embedded object" as listed on the Scan Compound File menu.

    I am from San Francisco.
  16. Igor K.

    Igor K. AV Expert

    Feb 5, 2003
    To Luthorcrow

    Scanning embedded objects

    The program allows you to check for viruses not only in files, but also in the objects embedded to these files using the OLE technology.

    You can check "Embedded objects" box to search for viruses in OLE objects embedded in the examined files.

    To SKA

    Multiple configs are possible when you start Scanner from Start -> Programs -> Kaspersky Lab... (not via Control Center). In Control Center you can have only one config for Scanner (Monitor). If it is not saved after you press "apply" and "ok" in Control Center then it is an error. There was such a problem with some previous version of KAV.
    Installation of the latest version will help.

  17. SKA

    SKA Registered Member

    Aug 2, 2002
    To LuthorC & Igor

    Thanks for your tips - am checking out KAVLite
    & KAVPersonal 4.0.9 after clean registry w/KAV Reg Cleaner referred before.

  18. muf

    muf Guest

    Edited out to avoid any conflicts arising between different boards. I think we all have better things to do. Pieter
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