Come on, it's about 5% to 10% more cpu time on software-only crypto solutions (I mean only routing traffic and serving http pages). Executing ever changing, bloated Javascript frameworks takes a lot more (orders of magnitude) cpu time on end user devices. I also don't believe in effectiveness of AV real-time traffic scanning. It can be fooled in a lot of ways. You can put encrypted archive on webpage or even sometimes just pack malware in archive and compress to fool these AV mechanisms. AV can prevent browser accessing whole domain without encrypting and decrypting traffic again (SNI) - but that can also by done by uBlock or Adblock Plus.
I believe if a AV is smart enough to detect real malware in a https connection then it will also be smart enough to detect it as soon as it lands at PC without https scanning so then what's the difference besides a few seconds of few extra % cpu usage.
...times 25 people sharing an internet connection in a office. The extra bandwidth is noticeable. And who said I didn't have any gripes about JavaScript!?
I have two observations regarding Kaspersky Free after I installed it on my test laptop: the 2018 version could not complete a full scan, it would get to 85% and just hang. both the 2018 and 2019 versions create huge files in the temp directory. I'm running a full scan using KFA 2019 and I have two PR*.tmp files which take up 6+ GB each. Considering that this directory is by default in C:\Windows\Temp and considering that this machine has only a 120 GB SSD, those kinds of files can cause big problems. I'm also not thrilled that it wants to install a browser extension, or that it also installs a Kaspersky VPN product but at least that can be uninstalled.
fyi you can grab a GDRP version of KSC now that also works with Free license. you just need to register a new account from inside KSC when it asks you to log in and it auto activates the free license for you. Code:
you need to create a brand new account when it asks you to log in and it will auto activate free license
It's a bit hit or miss. In my case I couldn't get it to work initially, but now it activates the EU version without problems with my existing account. September the 5th will be the official launch in The Netherlands according to Kaspersky Support. So I hope I can install an official Dutch version by then.
I tried with 2 already registered account, didn't work, then i reinstalled it, and created an account inside KSC and it worked. Code:
I recall having an issue with activation. Try to exit Kaspersky (there should be an option for that on the taskbar icon) and the open/execute Kaspersky.
I just tried their free version as I couldn't download their cloud version but I found that CCleaner would close without fully loading. This seems to be an issue for a while now, at least since May.
I don't know what happened last night but today I restored an image and tried again. This time KAV Free Version installed without issue and CCleaner opens and runs now so all's good.
Hmm, Full Scan = 29:06 Rootkit Scan = 30:43 It is installed on a low specc'ed machine but does that sound normal?
I don't know what's going on but this time since I installed KFA I haven't even received one ad for their pro version.
...I found the occassional spamming for me was do to the VPN that is installed. Once i removed it, see none of this. KFA runs super smooth for me since i installed it 6 months ago. Only issue i've had was the browser extension causing issues with Windscribe VPN when scanning links. I just disabled the extension.
I had to uninstall KFA because lately every time I looked at that machine KFA was using over 50% of my under powered Intel Celeron CPU while no scans or updates were running.
Yes, it can cause noticeable slowdowns with slower CPUs. With a faster CPU, it runs quite well. I installed it on a laptop with 2nd gen Core i5, with a clean install of Windows 10 and while there often was CPU use of around 25%, it was not enough on that system impact performance much.
The thing is though that for the first week or so it was running quite well, but lately for some reason the machine never looked idle. I have that old CPU / RAM gadget installed and it was constantly over 50% CPU usage. Task Manager showed most of that was caused by KFA.
It's something conflicting on your machine as i do not see this. At the moment, i have KFA running along with Windscribe VPN and Chrome with 8 tabs open and my CPU usage is less than 10%. And this is on an old 2nd-gen i5 processor.