How long until stable TI 9?

Discussion in 'Acronis True Image Product Line' started by Peter Mac, Nov 7, 2005.

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  1. Acronis Support

    Acronis Support Acronis Support Staff

    Apr 28, 2004
    Hello DUKE,

    To get refund please send the letter to Acronis Support along with the confirmation of the purchase.

    Thank you.
    Irina Shirokova
  2. kentcalhoun

    kentcalhoun Registered Member

    Nov 13, 2005
    Agree v9 is a pos not ready for release - shame on you Acronis. You damaged your credibility. Yes you got some sales for v9 but at what price? We don't trust you folks much anymore. Don't even think about trying to sell v10 anytime in the near future.

    For what it's worth, I did use v8 build 937 successfully for a system backup two days ago ... (note if you get a sector error, use "as is" not proportional).

    Acronis, please fix v9 asap or refund all your customers; those of us who bought it.


  3. discuss

    discuss Guest

    I recently bought Acronis Ti 9 after trying out TI 8.0 trial version. But version 9.0 falls way short.
    It is full of bugs. It cannot recognize if it is time to ask for a new volume during restore or there is a media problem.

    I was able to back up to my hard disk (breaking it into multiple disks), and then created cd-r backups.

    I then tried using ver. 9.0 boot rescue disk to restore the backup. ATI 9.0 restore program kept throwing fits, asking me to switch between last volume and the first volume of the backup.

    Even though I had provided the last volume first, so that it could read the partition information (recorded in the last volume), it could never start the re-store operation. Just went around for 10 minute make me switch between last and first volume.

    Eventually I gave up on ATI 9.0 boot disk. Luckily I had version 8.0 boot disk (for the trial version) and it worked without any problems.

    Cutting the long story short, Use ATI 9.0 restore disk at your own risk. This version is not fully ready.
  4. Howard Kaikow

    Howard Kaikow Registered Member

    Apr 10, 2005
    Afte rleaving academia many years ago, I took my first job in the real world.

    The task was to be co-founder of the Software Quality Assurance group in the Software Development group at a well known computer system manufacturer.

    In a subsequent job, not in the SQA froup, at an even larger computer system manufacturer, I was also part of the Software development group.

    In both cases, I saw what problems had to be overcome and, as another poster stated, software is quite often prematurely released. We ALL use such software every day.

    If users were ever to learn what goes on behind the scences, they would be extremely shocked.

    Today matters are even worse.

    It is clear from the, how can I say this politely, "crap" that gets released that system/software vendors care little about proper design/review/testing of software, or those that do care get overruled by the idiots in charge,

    I do not yet use Acronis products. I've been lurking in various newsgroups/web forums trying to find a justification to purchase True Image.

    Have not yet found a reason to do so.

    It's really a shame as it's not reallly that hard to get software done right. Of course that requires thinking and planning, silly me!
  5. beckygb

    beckygb Registered Member

    Aug 4, 2005
    I have noticed it has been quite awhile since there has been a new build for TI9. Maybe they are doing it right this time; fixing problems and adequately testing the new build before releasing it.

    I have been holding off buying the TI9 upgrade. I tried an earlier trial build of TI9, and I had a lot of problems so for the time being I returned TI8, which works well. TI9 has some nice new futures I like when they work properly.

    Here’s hoping it works well with the new build! Maybe I am being naive, time will tell.

  6. drpenl

    drpenl Registered Member

    Oct 9, 2005
    The reply from the Acronis support person just thanked me for my comments and they said they were forwarding my comments to their internal people, so others could see what was said.

    The support people really do try, but I think their management is just pushing too hard and really don't know what they are doing. So the poor lowly developer gets dumped on and has to push their stuff out th door before it is ready.
  7. mathiaslink

    mathiaslink Registered Member

    Aug 10, 2005
    I just purchased Version 9 and am having a devil of a time with it. I used 8 with no particular problems--not exactly pushing it to the limit. But I thought--what the heck--a couple of added features looked nice. I'm really dead in the water with it however. I can get what appears to be an image--but I can't add to the image. The dialog box just keeps saying. . 'Preparing'--I left it all day while I was at work. No luck. Then I noticed that even if I shut down the program the task bar icon is whirling around. When I click on that and select cancel--a red circle appears and mouse over indicates cancelled. I'd just as soon not have the task bar option but can't seem to remove it.
  8. Adonlude

    Adonlude Registered Member

    Nov 16, 2005
    Just purchased 9.0 (2302 build) myself, never used an imager before this but after I spent all weekend rebuilding my computer and recoverying data after my main HD failed I started researching imagers.

    First attempt at backup to firewire external HD failed with comp freeze and external HD freeze, solved only by cycling power on both.

    Switched external HD connection to USB2.0 and full image of drive worked well and verifed well (it should really say more than "Operation successfully completed" for every task).

    Tonight I will attempt to create the boot CD and restore the bootable partition in my image to my second internal drive and see if I can boot from it as a second OS. If this works then I will be happy, if not then it is refund time and then time to try Ghost.
  9. Xpilot

    Xpilot Registered Member

    May 14, 2005
    You may have success but your boot records will only be valid for one operating system being installed.
    My test method would be to image the whole of your main HD to your USB drive and then disconnect it and jumper and connect your second drive as Master. Restore to the replacement drive which will then become the new main drive and should boot as normal. If you have other things you wish to keep that are on your second drive backup the second drive first so that you can restore the status quo when you have completed your tests.

  10. Adonlude

    Adonlude Registered Member

    Nov 16, 2005
    Hmm, so how do you set up a machine with multiple operating systems, do you have to INSTALL each of those operating systems for it to work. I have Acronis DD with the OS Selector program and I was hoping to use it to switch between the to drives after putting the image on the second one.
  11. TgFriday

    TgFriday Registered Member

    Oct 21, 2005
    The 2nd OS may work but w/many cross link to master boot partition.
    It may be tweaked to work but not recommended to novice users:
    0. Suppose your original OS in C: and 2nd OS in D:.
    1. Boot to D:, then replace all registry value/data contains C:\... to D:\... including C:\Windows,C:\Program files,C:\Progra~1,C:\Document...
    2. reboot to D: and you may need to do 1. once more.
    3. Boot to C: and manually/UseAUtility to convert all start menu shortcuts in D: to point to D:.
    If you know what I mean and with some luck your OS in D: will be all set.
  12. Xpilot

    Xpilot Registered Member

    May 14, 2005
    Since you have Acronis DD and seem to know what you are doing carry on with your proposed methodology. I only made my post to help you from stepping off a cliff edge and not being able to boot. Your original post was not clear to me that you were going to create a dual boot. I had assumed that it was a trial of the effectivness of TI as a whole disk recovery tool as that is the tool that would have saved you earlier.

  13. CFR

    CFR Guest


    Is it true that Acronis freezing on files greater than 4 GB is a known problem that is being worked on as stated by GR8PIPES? I just purchased Version 9.0 (build 2302) and ran across that exact problem on my Windows XP Professional PC last night attempting to back up a 13 GB file to a split archive for later burning onto DVDs for long-term off-site storage. The program runs for a few seconds and the progress bar moves about 25% of the way across the window, then everything stops. The progress bar no longer moves and there is no disk activity. I able to cancel to exit, but nothing else.

    If I need to request a refund, how do I go about doing that? I purchased the program on 28 October. Did version 8.0 have this problem?

  14. GR8PIPES

    GR8PIPES Registered Member

    Nov 3, 2005
    Yes, it's true that it freezes up on files larger then 4GB. It's a known issue and they say it will be corrected in a future build. They haven't said when that will be but they say soon. You can read more about it in this thread:

    You can wait and hope for the best. I've decided I've wasted far too much time already so I'm going to request my refund and give it up.

    You can find their refund policy here:
  15. Detox

    Detox Retired Moderator

    Feb 9, 2002
    Texas, USA
    I'm thinking we've run a bit off topic here with the speculation and one post has been removed as such - Detox
  16. Acronis Support

    Acronis Support Acronis Support Staff

    Apr 28, 2004
    Hello everyone,

    Thank you for choosing Acronis Disk Backup Software.

    I'm really sorry for your inconveniences.

    Please be aware that each new build fixes particular problems reported by Acronis customers. If you encounter any problems with Acronis True Image 9.0, please report them on this forum starting the new thread for each problem or submit a request for technical support. By doing this you will ensure that your particular problem is known by Acronis and we'll do our best to analyze and fix it as soon as possible.

    Thank you.
    Alexey Popov
  17. Osmosis

    Osmosis Registered Member

    Sep 8, 2003
    Lake Elsinore
    WOW! I'm in shock! I haven't been in this forum in quite sometime and I have dumped my XP PC and now use a Mac. I was just surfing around when I thought I would pop in to see what's going on at Wilders and boy what a disaster, TI 9.0.

    I have been a loyal customer going way back to TI 6.0, can you believe that? We had a few bumps in the road, but over the years they got worked out in what I felt was a reasonable time, nothing like this TI 9.0 issue.

    My last version was TI 8.0, build 937; I looked at TI 9.0 features and decided it had nothing new that I needed and my current version of TI 8 has always worked well for me; most of the good reviews you have read were from version 8.

    I read this entire thread and some of the other topics and for what it's worth Acronis, in my opinion, needs to take the bull by the horns and stop telling folks to post their problems in detail regarding issues with TI 9.0. JUST READ THE POSTS AND YOU PRETTY MUCH KNOW WHAT'S UP!

    I remember when TI 9.0 1st came out, I received an offer of a special discount upgrade via email from Acronis earlier this year and now it's November and you folks are still having trouble.

    I'm not sure what point I want to make here so I'll just say Acronis at one time had a very good product and their tech support got stuff done but since TI 9.0 we are in to a new ball game and I expect Acronis is in deep, deep trouble.

    My suggestion would be to get TI 8.0 Build 937 and hang in there if you can; other wise you may have no choice but to request a refund.

    Good Luck to all, especially, Acronis.

  18. CFR

    CFR Guest


    I did post a problem report [Acronis #406230] "Arconis freezes up on large files", received a confirmation email, but no other communication.

    Thank you GR8PIPES for your persistance! I read the thread you suggested and it appears that as of the 15th of November they claim they have resolved the problem and that the fix will be coming out soon. If that actually happens, we'll have you to thank, as you have been the most vocal about this.


  19. Acronis Support

    Acronis Support Acronis Support Staff

    Apr 28, 2004
    Hello CFR,

    Thank you for choosing Acronis Disk Backup Software.

    As I can see, our support engineer Konstantin Karikov has already replied to your Acronis Request #406230. We would highly appreciate if you wait a little for the next build of Acronis True Image 9.0 to be released. It should solve the problem you reported. Please accept our apologies for the current inconvenience.

    If you have any further questions please feel free to ask.

    Thank you.
    Alexey Popov
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2005
  20. CFR

    CFR Guest

    Thank you - I will wait for the next build.

  21. Ewyuu4j0

    Ewyuu4j0 Registered Member

    Aug 4, 2005
    This an unfortunate (I'm being nice) policy. It is not uncommon for a list of known issues to be published. It is disrespectful of your users who are trying to help *you* (as well as themselves) to report issues that may be known.

    I'd also like to mention that not long after the release of TI9, I submitted a list of ten defects, enhancement requests and usage questions. I spent hours testing to make sure my observations were correct and to provide reproducible steps. Not one issue was addressed. I was simply given a stock answer that a new build would be available shortly. I have no confidence that anything I submit will be read, much less evaluated, much less responded to in any meaningful way.

    Not-ready-for-prime-time software is one thing. But the poor customer service I've experienced in every attempt (three, I believe) to provide information or request support is inexcusable.

  22. Acronis Support

    Acronis Support Acronis Support Staff

    Apr 28, 2004
    Hello Jeremy,

    Thank you for choosing Acronis Disk Backup Software.

    Please accept my apologies for your inconvenience.

    Could you please let me know your Acronis request # (e.g. [Acronis #123456]) which can be found in the subject of the letters the you received from Acronis Support? I will find out how the investigation of the problems that you reported is going.

    Thank you.
    Alexey Popov
  23. timestamp

    timestamp Registered Member

    Nov 25, 2005
    I just installed TI9 on my AMD system with XP SP2 and a WDC 80GB drive that is partitioned into 5 drives with PartitionMagic 8. I tried a file backup (the main reason I bought TI9) and it just hangs, or it crashes and wants to send an error report to Microsoft. So far, TI9 has been useless to me. Is there a secret to using it on an AMD system with a VIA chip and PartitionMagic must I wait for a new release? If there's a problem with a 4GB file, then I might be cooked, since I have big AVI files.

    Please send help.

  24. ErikAlbert

    ErikAlbert Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    After reading (and translating) 48 posts and several other threads, I decided not to buy Acronis True Image.
    This is unacceptable.

    To Acronis,
    Test first your software thoroughly, before you release it. Period. I don't even want to discuss this.
    Backup should be very reliable, more than any other software, because users depend on a backup, when they are in trouble.
  25. Bubba

    Bubba Updates Team

    Apr 15, 2002
    Given the content of the posts of late and given the fact that the thread starter was given an answer in post # 3....this thread has served it's purpose.
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