Are the two partitions that Hasleo does not select...the two partitions you would delete? Spoiler: two partitions Disk 0 partition 1 Disk 0 partition 6 Please confirm 1 & 6 for deletion. Um, when I rt click 1, 5, 6 on Disk Management. All I see is Help? I do not see Delete Volume option? Should I try? Delete partition with partition command? Delete partition with volume command? 1 & 6 ?
Yes, those are the two partitions. It's just my anal nature to delete them. They are non functional. Diskpart is unlikely to remove them. If you don't have partitioning software I'd use MiniTool Partition Wizard Free. You can uninstall the MiniTool software after the partitions have been deleted. Haselo knew they are non functional? and populated them as information? Oh...okay. So...don't even try DiskPart? Go to MiniTool Partition Wizard Free. as an aside: Haselo sees and reports functional and non functional. AOMEI sees and reports functional. Macrium 8 does not/cannot see HP Source. ya' tell me Haselo Backup Suite reported six. MiniTool Partition Wizard deleted two. Spoiler: Partition Wizard Disk Management reports three that AOMEI reports. Spoiler: Disk Management and Macrium 8 remains Spoiler: Macrium 8 and Haselo Backup Suite seems Spoiler: Haselo MiniTool ShadowMaker reports two? Spoiler: ShadowMaker Curious, what happens with Unallocated, now? Spoiler: Partition Wizard
You could leave the Free Space alone or you could absorb it into the Windows partition. I'd be inclined to just leave it alone but if you don't like that idea I can help you with the alternative.
Well I just successfully created a Rescue usb drive, exporting iso to Desktop, balena etcher failed to burn, but Rufus worked great. Tested rescue media and it works as advertised. @Brian K, i benefited from the help you gave bjm_. I also had two Recovery partitions, have wondered for years if I should do something about them but was always too timid to do anything. Following your guidance and backing them up first, I got rid of them from within Linux on my dual-boot device. No issues whatsoever. Thanks
Brian, I guess I'm hesitant here. ReagentC points to Partition 4 as the registered one, you are pointing to Partition 5... what am I missing here?
Is this a Partiion 0 vs 1 thing based on whatever MicroSloth app you're running? I see (2) orphaned Recovery partitions... will the real Recovery partition pls stand up, and what is your real number according to which real MS app?
Might the alternative help Macrium 8 recognize Source. Maybe, Macrium 8 does not/cannot see HP Source is a discussion for another board. I hear ya'. We'll leave Free Space alone unless - might help Macrium 8 recognize Source. I've been wanting to sort out what went wonky with Macrium 8 recognizing HP Source since Moses wore short pants. THANKS for all U Do
I am. Your ReagentC run pointed to Partition 4 and Brian said that Partition 5 was the one registered. I get concerned when I see that because sometimes one MicroSloth app (ReagentC) may make calls by different numbers than other MicroSloth apps (DiskPart) do. I was commenting on that with Brian. I'm still not squared away with the decision you've all made... other than leaving things alone 'til the "real result" has been determined.
Blowing away the wrong Recovery Partition isn't critical, it just removes some MS recovery capability when the System goes squirly on you. But it's nice to know, when you have THREE, which one is the real (registered) Recovery Partition. In your case, ReagentC and DiskPart say two different things... that why my hesitance. MS should have never created new Recovery Partitions in the manner that it has in the past... orphaning old partitions and creating new ones from space in the OS partition. It may not have had a choice as System builders really don't seem to follow general guidelines when creating Systems. They seem to have all the required partitions but not necessarily in the so called "required" order. That makes for a mess when MS has to make changes later... especially when the Recovery Partition isn't large enough to begin with. They should have at least DELETED the orphaned partitions after creating the newly required one... that would have at least eliminated the confusion for users... it splinters the disk map a bit but that not terrible, just generates user questions. Maybe they should have "required" a larger base Recovery Partition (ie, maybe 1Gb) to begin with... at least that would have lasted a while during all these MS change cycles. It probably still would have died eventually.
I still have Partition 4 - 657MB @TheRollbackFrog I C Disk Management had Partition 5 - 657MB #767 now, Disk Management has Partition 4 - 657MB #780 and AOMEI had Recovery - 529MB #769 now, AOMEI has (Recovery) - 657MB Spoiler: AOMEI - 657MB and list par had Partition 5 - 657MB #774 now, list par has Partition 4 - 657MB Spoiler: list par
I'll leave this alone... to many changes along the way. Based on your last DiskPart (and Hasleo using the BOOT partition to determine the real Recovery Media), Partition 4 is, indeed... now, the real Recovery partition.
bj,m_ With the external HD unplugged, can you run reagentc /info TRF, the very first reagentc (with the external HD attached) showed a RE in partition 4 on harddisk1 which is the external HD. That's why we unplugged the external HD for the next reagentc. There is no partition 4 on the external HD.
All OK. We deleted the correct partitions. Thanks. Out of interest, can you do it again with the external HD attached.
I have two machines in an L arrangement. I was staring at the wrong side of the L. Any ideas what to do to get Macrium to see HP Source?
Thanx... I feel better now At least you now know Hasleo does the right thing in determining which is "the REAL" Recovery Partition...