I'm would also like get answers to these questions. Thanks for bringing them up, paulderdash. BTW, are there any release notes for version 2.2? What's new in the latest version? (I mean apart from the fact that there might still be some problems with the latest version).
I don't want to go back to SecureFolders. That project is dead. Conversely, Tony is actively developing now that EFL has more followers/users. It would be a good thing all of you weren't going back to SecureFolders again but keep using EFL. I'm pretty sure Tony and Patrick will sort out these issues asap.
OK, you have a point there, Mister X. However, EFL would only be a long-term option for me if it focused more on the protection against ransomware. For the time being, SF seems to offer better protection as far as ransomware is concerned.
So does SF offer direct read/write to disk protection? What are other advantages SF actually has, or not?
Anyone having problems with Easy File Locker 2.2, I've asked Tony if he'll look at the last two pages of this thread . Patrick
This is another statement I don't get straight. Is Tony saying EFL can't protect direct read/writes for the time being or never? I'm not a developer obviously but I find so hard to believe that creating a driver with that capability is impossible at all.
On computer 1. I block access to my F: drive (I have 3 internal drives). Then on Computer 2 I attempt a sync to a folder on the F: drive of computer 1, and it succeeds. It shouldn't. I can install a paid program, forgot the name, and that folder indeed can't be accessed. To me that makes Secure Folders insecure.
What settings are in SF of that drive (read-only, lock...)? Did you add some trust program to SF? Did you try the same test with EFL?
Read only no trusted programs. Tried something EFL, did it didn't fit what I wanted so I took it off,
Reply from Tony .......................... Hi Patrick, Thanks for your information. I have updated to on 2016/5/26. Please download and install the latest version first, thanks. Here 1, Ahhhh, I'm on Win7HP x64... I've got a folder on D drive, with only Visible ticked. Explorer is not in the list of exception applications I try to access the folder in Explorer, and I cannot, even after I input Admin password. I can see it, but that is all. Maybe it's a Win10 issue? A: If only Visible ticked, then this file will be visible but not accessible, that is the way EFL works. To make the file accessible, please keep Accessible ticked too. 2, Something's wrong with this new version. Well maybe. After upgrading from 2.1 to 2.2 now one of my exception applications is not able to write to the disk. A: After upgrading from 2.1 to 2.2, all the exception applications need to be reconfigured depends on per file. 3, SyncBackFree is set as Exclusion Application. It was working fine on v2.1 but yesterday I upgraded directly without uninstall v2.1 and now SyncBackFree can't write to my protected disk (UFD). A: EFL can't recognize the process running before EFL installation is finished, so SyncBackFree needs to be restarted after the installation is finished. also all the exception applications need to be reconfigured after the installation is finished. To make SyncBackFree work, the checkbox of SyncBackFree in the Exception Applications list should be kept ticked. Best regards, Tony
This is the version I downloaded last night; exception applications cannot be modified. Maybe the latest version is not compatible with Windows 10. PS: Again, thanks for your help, Patrick.
Still no luck with the latest version of EFL. What's more, I also miss the "no-execution" option of Secure Folders and the ability to assign certain attributes to file types such as *.scr, *.vbs etc. As I haven't found an app that is as good and useful as SF, I'm going back to the latest/last version of Secure Folders now.
File type assignments and on-the-fly if needed is been a fantastic feature for me with SF. I was trying to transfer and move one of my spreadsheets the other day and the prompt came up kept saying "Administrator Permission Required" but still couldn't change security properties no matter what to complete that action. DUH Me, completely forgot that all the excel file types are restricted in SF. All it took was a simple "untick" and then retick the box after moving those file types. The same goes with any other extensions. Can EFL also work the same way? I am so used to the security with SF that I need to transition to EFL if it also offers this same approach. Looking forward to Tony really improving it and thanks Patrick for passing along bug reports for us.
My thoughts exactly. I would go back to EFL if Tony decided to improve it. EFL is certainly a useful app but, if compared with Secure Folders, there's still considerable room for improvement.
@sdmod Would it be possible to make the protection status toggle button red when you disable protection and green when protection is enabled again? I think it would visually help things not be as confusing... when you toggle the protection you could see that it's off or on.