Yes, I do use Facebook. Found out that employers are looking to social network sites for information about potential and existing employees. At the moment I've got two accounts. I've gotten quite a few of my friends on board as well. We use the public account to bolster our appearance and appeal to employers. Content such as pictures and posts are kept positive and clean. The private account is used for doing just about anything else we want. This way content that might be offensive, or rants about my day at work can not be held against me. Separating business from your personal life takes a bit of work. Ultimately, I'd say any employer that thinks snooping is acceptable deserves to get hoodwinked. ** I should mention that Facebook prohibits multiple accounts. So anyone that intends to do so, should create the separate account on another network.
Like I said they are both Facebook junkies. They have given you a lot more security options at Facebook and you have a good bit of control as to who can see or access most things. I would have never gone to Facebook on my own but they kept at me for quite a while. I do it for them, not for me. Anything really sensitive I just do not put on there. Facebook has given me a chance to participate in something that both my daughters like to do and to me it is worth being able to spend that time with them. We can share things with each other both by text and visually and it does let us share our lives. I probably have the least number of friends of any Facebook user, just my two daughters and no one else. We do of course still use the phone and an occasional Skype but they enjoy Facebook and I like sharing that with them.
Same here. The way I see it, we drift apart from people for a reason. And the few that are still around are our real friends. I don't like to upset that natural order. And if you care to K.I.T. with a few people living abroad, there are other/better/simpler, much less intrusive options by which to do so.
I don't have a FB account. FAQ Have i used it before? Yes . . . With a personal account? No . . . How did i use it then? With a friends account. I voted No because i don't own a Facebook account and without one i can't use it.
Yes I use my Facebook account. I joined up for two reasons. First and foremost, I am a father with kids on Facebook. Two, I got tired of relying on what others were saying about Facebook, most of it bad. So I joined to find out for my self. I am glad I did, for yet another two reasons. First, most of the bad was simply bull-ony. Two I discovered that Facebook works out better than mail, phone and emails in staying in touch with my family some 8000+ miles away. I am not an everyday user like my oldest. I occasionally log in to see what's being posted. Most of the time I am prompted to log on based on notifications emails. For example, a Friend with a birthday, or someone tagged me in a photo. I am not a collector of Friends, the few that I have are people I knew before Facebook.
I do have a facebook account but it has been disabled for 6+ month. I have had accounts before that I have fully deleted because I hate almost everything facebook but I keep going back to look at photo's from nights out that we have had and holiday photos taken by other people we have met while on a night out or away etc and they have taken many group photos with me and my real friends in.. They always say they will email you the pics but they never do so it's nice to look at them on facebook.
I know a guy who did does that. He's had several girl friends that he's never met, half of which were supposed to be models, rich, etc, coming to take him with them, yet never arriving for all kinds of reasons. They have conned him out of several thousand dollars, but he still don't listen. If you want to hook up with girls, try a local pub. At least you'll know the girls actually exist.
Yes, it is a necessity these days, to stay in contact with family, friends and to monitor their likes and activities, so it greatly improves social life in today's hectic life, when people can not meet every day due to work or etc, especially if they do not live nearby. Other advantages would be monitoring favorite interests, using FB as an universal login for website like OpenID, as well as commenting and liking around the web without registering, thus sharing it with friends. I spend about 5 min a day on FB, but I keep FB messenger running as an IM. I have my FB profile mostly public, so I do not have to explain to everyone, where I live, what I do and so on. I do not worry about some privacy issues, since only real private info about me have banks, shops and government, which is the one, who publics it online, unlike secure FB.
the whole employer thing with facebook is a bunch of crap imo. another reason why i dont use it. and even if i did there is no way in hell i would give my password out so they can "check" my account which is what a freind had happen to and because they would not disclose their password they would not hire him. he currently has a lawyer now about the situation.
Employers who demand access to Facebook or any other online accounts need to have their actions publicly exposed.
An emphatic NO. I am a huge tech geek, but I don't trust putting information about me or my family online. I have nothing to hide, but I just don't like the idea of it being "out there". Some people have no restraint on that matter though. If you write it, it can be found and used against you. I do think the idea is good though, in terms of being able to stay connected with friends and family. But as with everything in life, it seems to have been taken to the extreme. Sul.
It's interesting that a lot of people here have said they don't use Facebook. Seeing this is a security forum, it's worth noting a number of security companies have a presence on Facebook (examples: F-Secure, Sophos). If it's not such a good idea to use these networks, shouldn't the security companies lead by example and not use said services?
I don't see why not...they want to promote their companies. But, I don't need to see them on Facebook.. I just go Wilders for the latest on security.
There are people who wouldn't dream of using forums, IMs, IRC, and so on. A lot of these things are a novelty at first for some people and eventually, they use them less or not at all. It's like a craze and seemingly the thing to use at the time.
I would never login on a computer or network I did not control. The lengths that employers go to snoop on employees (key-loggers, etc.) is ridiculous. I'm not sure how I would feel about working for an employer that distrusts me enough to snoop.
Compartmentalization OR privacy)&btnG=Search&hl=en&lr=&gbv=1
Tried it for about a 3 days, bet I had 100 friend requests from people that I didn't even know in the first day or two, Deactivated my account and haven't looked back
Yes, missing option No facebook, no twitter, I'm alergic to that sort of thing. Never signed up. Never will. Everybody is upset their stock is down. I'm upset they even exist.
Not everybody, brother. I don't own any, and could not care less. I find it kind of amusing, actually.
I have used Facebook since 2008. I have noticed myself getting bored with it but I feel secure as I don't share anything that I would worry about. I believe people make themselves unsafe on Facebook honestly. I was a HEAVY Myspacer back in the day but I guess I was young and dumb. I don't see anything good about Google+ yet. Facebook allows me to keep up with my friends from school and that is pretty awesome. After I spend an hour a week weeding out apps that want to post crap it isn't that bad for me. =)