Full Backup from yesterday, shows: 37,743, 292 KB. But, I did another Full Backup, and it shows: 5,626,256 KB It size [difference] between the two backups does not correlate.
Thanks for the series of screenies @Tarnak Is Image For Windows your only choice or do you by chance also make use of another backup program to compliment IFW.
@EASTER You're welcome. I used to use Macrium Reflect. However, after contacting @Brian K for assistance when setting up my new laptop purchase in May/June of this year, he suggested IFW. P.S. Can you run the two programs, simultaneously?
@Brian K Comparison of the two full backups, size wise: Left side: ...........................Right side: 37,743, 292 KB. ..................5,626,256 KB Something went wrong with the one on the right.
The full back up that resulted with a reduced size, I think was as a result of making a selection to Validate at the wrong stage of the process. So, I show some images that I took during running the IFW full backup: So, I ended up with incorrect sized full backup as evidenced by the time taken to finish: 1min 54sec
First attempt at trying to restore a full backup following private instructions from @Brian K. I went down a rabbit hole, and got lost. So, I decided to abort, at this point:
So, I [finally] I found the right path to do the restore: ...I clicked on Yes to continue ...Then, selected Write Changed Sectors Only
Please, no commenting, other than from @Brian K It took about 10 to 15 minutes, after this automatic restarting procedure initiated, that I got my normal login screen, at startup.
@Brian K I have stuffed up in trying to restore to a earlier state, after getting bluescreen/blackscreen problems recently at startup. I have tried scan /sfc and DISM, but that hasn't fixed the problem, before attempting a IFW restore.
@Brian K I just did a Full Backup, and it was supposed to be saved to an external drive, but I can't find it. The image shows that the backup was completed successfully, but I can't find where it has been saved.
@Brian K I noticed you have been away for a month. Holidays? I hope you are well. As I mentioned, earlier, I did something wrong when I tried to make a backup last month. Anyway, I decided to delete that file [just now], and it is gone with no ill effect, as far as I can tell.