COMODO Internet Security 3.5 BETA Released

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by doktornotor, Sep 11, 2008.

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  1. 031

    031 Registered Member

    Sep 5, 2007
    Version 2 made them famous overnight . Didn't you use that ?
  2. 031

    031 Registered Member

    Sep 5, 2007
    The new avg is little bit buggy but avira and avast is very much stable.Have been using them for about two years and never had any crush , bsod or any problem . Wish you had better luck with them :) :) :)
  3. GES/POR

    GES/POR Registered Member

    Nov 26, 2006
    Ehhh not much at all no.
  4. Kyle1420

    Kyle1420 Registered Member

    May 27, 2008
    This thread is really silly.. I mean seriously it's been in ----> BETA <---- for only a couple of weeks, Not even final.
    And here we are with people claiming that it's going to suck, it's never going to amount to anything.

    Give them some credit - there are people there working their arses off day and night to provide you with a free product. The least you can do is give them a decent chance to prove them selves.

  5. danny9

    danny9 Departed Friend

    Feb 18, 2004
    Clinton Twp. Mi
    Agreed and well said. :)
  6. saberfox

    saberfox Former Poster

    Jul 23, 2008
    An antivirus needs a good engine and extensive logistics support behind it to amount to anything. Coming out of beta isn't going to solve those problems. We're not talking about minor stuff like crashes, GUI glitches or whatnot here. We're talking about 6-7% detection rates. So what if it's still in beta? Is the final release going to fix that problem? If not, then there's no point in using the "it's a beta!" excuse.
  7. doktornotor

    doktornotor Registered Member

    Jul 19, 2008
    Eh, no offense meant - but, would you kindly stop spreading total bullshit, thanks in advance. :thumbd: :mad:
  8. saberfox

    saberfox Former Poster

    Jul 23, 2008
    I can't stop doing something I never started, and you're welcome.
  9. RejZoR

    RejZoR Lurker

    May 31, 2004
    Even though i don't have anything against them and it's great for them to provide software for free, ppl have to be placed on solid ground. Detection is horrible so use it on your own risk. Beta or not. It's a win-win situation for corporate environment if you don't want to spend money on paybale antivirus software (avast!, Avira and AVG cannot be used anywhere but for home usage). But for home users there is just many proven better solutions.
  10. 3xist

    3xist Guest

    The AV Needs work...

    Usability is improving & is being worked on... It's all being worked on. We don't need to start a war about it 2bh.
  11. Kyle1420

    Kyle1420 Registered Member

    May 27, 2008
    Very much agreed, It's only a couple of weeks old. Of course it's detection is going to be low, Thank you captain obvious (Saberfox).

    I think this disscusion should be on your first impressions of CIS and how the program is designed.

    In my honest opinion I think that this program is a break through in designed using so little CPU and RAM. As Josh has mentioned before around 3mb of RAM. Thats 3 components.. FireWall\HIPS\AV. Crazy Crazy Crazy! :eek:
  12. Kayracc

    Kayracc Registered Member

    Jul 5, 2008
    it's detection has actually suprised me a few times and really isn't THAT bad

    it misses alot, but it actually gets alot that i figured it'd miss

    and as far as 6-7% detection is retarded, It fairs decent on the actual samples i find(not just the stupid crap thats from some open directory and has no malware pointing to it, and i only have it from the open dir), i mean real stuff that is spreading OR has the potential to

    Just to add, a few samples i've sent about 2days ago were detected just now(coulda been today, or coulda been yesterday i've been away from my comp a bit), so it's already faring better than most the other av's in adding samples :p
  13. dw2108

    dw2108 Registered Member

    Jan 24, 2006
    Thanks, and wouldn't such derogation violate forum rules in the "this-vs-that"

  14. 3xist

    3xist Guest

    I suppose so.

    Our policy at the Comodo Forums don't have a "this-vs-that" policy/regulation like here at Wilders has, Off course I try to be as fair as possible in that kind of scenario - And I off course I will always follow the rules at Wilders too. :) We are getting OT...

    Anyway. About CIS, The only final words I have about it is:
    a) the Detection is being worked on with new ways & technologies. You will see improvements in the long-run, As Melih & Comodo aren't here for an over night success.
    b) Usability is being worked on. There is a long-term project for a Brand new GUI For CIS (yep...) Pretty neat! It's aimed for novice users. Anyway there are other things in the plans too Comodo are doing.

    Some of you are probably thinking; "So? Long run!!?? Who Cares... It might not ever happen, or will NEVER happen", Well...we can all make assumptions, can't we? Well all know Avira, NOD32, Kaspersky, etc are the Top AV's right now, And some of us also know usability needs to be worked on in CIS/CFP 3. Comodo first gave Security back when CFP 3 was out officially back in November 20th 2007, Now the AV is in the picture (Yes... I know, It's only a beta & new AV... But as I said its being worked on) And now it's time for usability, Not to mention this is the first free security suite totally integrated to work together (eg CAV lives in cmdagent.exe) & It's totally customizable, Excellent freedom off choice (Go ahead and install stuff in diff combination's). It's just a matter of watching & waiting now... And seeing what Comodo can come up with, We have a very supportive Community, And all opinions & feedback are always appreciated.

    We will see... :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2008
  15. saberfox

    saberfox Former Poster

    Jul 23, 2008
    Only "a couple of weeks" old? Version 2 has been out for years already. Do you see other AV products having their detection rates reset to zero each time they release a new version? No.

    You're right, I'm being Captain Obvious, but only out of necessity since some people are making up some completely absurd excuses for its bad performance. And yes, from what I see, it really does score 6-7%, definitely less than 10% on average.
  16. Hiker

    Hiker Registered Member

    Nov 23, 2007
    Am I missing something? Isn't beta software, test software and not for production machine? If I'm not mistaken there's a warning about this.
  17. doktornotor

    doktornotor Registered Member

    Jul 19, 2008
    Next time certain people will claim that CIS actually has negative detection rate and will infect your machine instead. :rolleyes: :argh:

    Unless people have something on topic beyond totally ridiculous, groundless bashing of a product, I'd suggest this topic should be closed.
  18. saberfox

    saberfox Former Poster

    Jul 23, 2008
    It's not ridiculous and groundless just because you wish it to be so. Do YOU have anything to provide other than weak sarcasm?
  19. Hiker

    Hiker Registered Member

    Nov 23, 2007
    It's as ridiculous and groundless as this post of yours was.

  20. saberfox

    saberfox Former Poster

    Jul 23, 2008
    In other words, not at all. ;)
  21. 3xist

    3xist Guest

    Yes... CAV 2 was out for 2 yrs in beta...

    CAV 3 was re built from Scratch.
  22. Kyle1420

    Kyle1420 Registered Member

    May 27, 2008
    Um saberfox, Hiker is correct. You really don't know what your talking about.

    CFP3 is virtually bullet proof, One of the best HIPS\Firewall Combinations (If not the best) to date. And test's prove this. Provide us with some ground on which you back this up.

    EDIT: Sorry for my behaviour. Let's go back ontopic to CIS and first impressions of the BETA.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2008
  23. saberfox

    saberfox Former Poster

    Jul 23, 2008
    We were discussing about the AV since the last few posts, not the noisy and unintelligent HIPS that makes day-to-day PC usage a pain and in the end makes you do yourself what it should've done for you (i.e. protecting your PC).
  24. doktornotor

    doktornotor Registered Member

    Jul 19, 2008
    s/discussing/bashing... How about you stick this thread to your ignore list, there's enough binary noise in cyberspace as it is, even without the utter junk you are posting here. :thumbd: o_O
  25. IceCube1010

    IceCube1010 Registered Member

    Apr 26, 2008
    I tried it and liked it but I have taken it off until some of the issues are worked out. It is very light on resources and browsing speeds are great. No slow down on startup or shutdown. The defrag issue is still present. I know you can disable the realtime AV and defrag but I don't need to do this with Avira. I have posted in the Wishlist for over a year about changing the shield some way, to let you know your in installation mode or training mode etc... Same thing for shutting down the realtime AV shield. OA puts a little L when in learning mode. ZA has a game mode which changes the icon. CIS should work on some kind of visual message with the shield. I'm sure it's not that easy because it would have been done already.

    Overall a nice free security suite that will get better with age.

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