Re: Baidu Antivirus 2013 (Beta) True Cloud. I forgot about those press releases. Hopefully Baidu uses some of Kingsoft's components when they make a final release. It's too bad really Kingsoft was shaping up to be a good cloud AV.
Re: Baidu Antivirus 2013 (Beta) The newly released "Baidu Anti-virus 2013" contains three primary anti-virus engines, Baidu's native anti-virus engine, a cloud updated anti-virus engine, and the "Avira" anti-virus engine, (Baidu Inc. (Nasdaq: BIDU), has licensed Avira’s SAVAPI anti-malware SDK) which is licensed from German security software company Avira. The triple engine anti-virus solution uses Baidu's native and cloud anti-virus engines to actively monitor for viruses, and utilizes the Avira engine in combination with the other two engines to conduct full system scans. Avira Licenses Anti-Malware SDK to Baidu; Bundles Baidu PC Faster
Re: Baidu Antivirus 2013 (Beta) I just tried it again will all settings at high. Still no joy. Uninstalled again.
Re: Baidu Antivirus 2013 (Beta) I wouldn't be too concerned over the EIcar sample. I think that relying on whether or not an AV detects an EICAR sample is kind of short sighted. Determining a products worth should be a little more in depth.
Re: Baidu Antivirus 2013 (Beta) Well, if it can't detect the test virus how can anyone trust it to detect a real threat?
Re: Baidu Antivirus 2013 (Beta) That's weird. I guess the program is buggy. It is still in beta stage after all.
Re: Baidu Antivirus 2013 (Beta) @Ivoshoen. You were having the same problem with kingsoft av.Did you manage to get that working ok and if so can you employ the sane technique with this.?
Re: Baidu Antivirus 2013 (Beta) The last release for Kingsoft (English version) was in December which was only two months ago. Perhaps their English users are so used to fast updates, I guess. Or the world revolves around the English AV market. Hopefully Baidu doesn't follow the same path when it comes to product upgrades. Unless we could actually peer into the company itself or live in China, we will never know for sure until time passes and we truly see that Kingsoft AV was put to the side. The same could be said for Alyac's release of Roboscan in the English market. As Rising AV is falling, I think Baidu makes a very good replacement. I like their color choices for the GUI. I'm going to quietly wait until all the hamsters test Baidu before experimenting on a more stable release with Panda. Companion AVs are my cup of tea.
Re: Baidu Antivirus 2013 (Beta) Never got it going with Kingsoft either. It apparently doesn't like any download managers, but sometimes worked if I used the built-in Firefox download manager. The Kingsoft techs had no answer and didn't seem to care. I'll stick with avast 8 for now as it works great with low overhead.
Re: Baidu Antivirus 2013 (Beta) From
Re: Baidu Antivirus 2013 (Beta) Wow so they're not just partnering with Kingsoft; they're gobbling them up.
Re: Baidu Antivirus 2013 (Beta) Yes, and that could be the reason why the English language 2013 version of Kingsoft AV has not been released yet, as perhaps they are putting thier efforts towards Baidu's AV which is similar Kingsoft's, and why Baidu PC Faster is basically a copy of Kingsoft PC Doctor.
Re: Baidu Antivirus 2013 (Beta) Yes I know that but they are not a Hong Kong company - their main office is in Beijing.
Re: Baidu Antivirus 2013 (Beta) Look, my original point is are they behind the great firewall? Being in Hong Kong (based there, sat office there, storefront, there, whatever there) gives them access to the web. And, their SERVERS are in San Francisco---got a problem with that? This is all a mute point, as Kingsoft is kaput.
Re: Baidu Antivirus 2013 (Beta) As I have posted earlier Kingsoft have posted at Wilders before, so they can access Wilders. Othen than that, I really don't care where their servers are. Kingsoft have been quiet as of late, but that does not mean there will be no more relases from them. Their av definitions are still updated and they still update their blog so maybe there will be some updates in the future.
Re: Baidu Antivirus 2013 (Beta) A few questions... Will the Avira engine be the current one? I seem to remember some av using an outdated BD engine. Also can you set Avira heuristics to high? (recommended I think). Finally...has anyone tested BA further? I normally use Avira anyways, so if that component is just as strong, and I get extra features I might switch.
Re: Baidu Antivirus 2013 (Beta) Cobwebs even! Zombie AV. Wouldn't wait by the phone for them to ring.
Re: Baidu Antivirus 2013 (Beta) After a bit of searching I finally found Baidu PC Faster v2.0. It is actually called Baidu PC Faster + Antivirus, and combines both PC Faster and the Antivirus into the one product. For the moment it does not support Windows 8, and does not support 64 bit versions of Vista and Windows 7 - only 64 bit Windows XP. So I will have to install it on one of my other computers to try it. You can download it here. The page is in Thai, but the software is in both English and Thial.
Re: Baidu Antivirus 2013 (Beta) Question to members using this software. Trying to figure out whether the Avira Engine is also cloud (Avira also had a cloud beta in I think Q3 of 2012, so could be possible Avira is also cloud). What is the size of the Baidu program files directory when Avira engine is enabled and disabled (just trying to figure out whether Avira data base is downloaded) Thanks