My opinion is that there are about to riots and severe violence in New Orleans. I just saw on CNBC earlier this morning that one woman was...
It is hard to know whether that is good news or not. They still have yet to inspect the piplelines leading from the oil rigs to shore facilities....
Unleaded Gasoline Futures up 17% at the time I write this. Starrob
Maybe not yet.....but watch and see.....I am watching on the CNBC. When it happens, it happens fast. One person emailed CNBC and said they went...
I think people on CNBC said it was happening in Illinois. As for Ohio,,,,,it maybe too soon to say. Let's see what happens after they find out...
I just saw on CNBC that they will be evacuating people from the Superdome to the Astrodome. apparently, the conditions of the roof of the...
Economic consequences:
The maker of Unhackme already described how it worked awhile ago here:...
Red Cross
Salvation Army
I see that Martial Law has been declared from the Times Picayune Newspaper which is NO major newspaper. "Local television stations report that...,2933,167633,00.html
I am watching this on TV on Fox News. I am sure there will be plenty of news links in the days following. Starrob
There are now setting up refugee camps within the USA from the hurricane disaster. Bodies floating in the water everywhere.....Southern...
If New Orleans took a true Cat 5 hurricane direct hit, there would be hardly anything left. That might have even taken down the Superdome and...
I think people are only just beginning to understand how huge this disaster is. It will not be as big as the tsunamai disaster because that...
I guess another question I could ask is if Ewido uses heuristics in it's memory scan to dtect things like rootkits? Starrob
Even Edison was proven "wrong" by Nikola Tesla. Edison said power distribution should be using DC current. Tesla said AC current. A majority of...
Ewido claims to use strong signatures. It would be interesting to know exactly how effective their use of strong signatures is in a memory scan....
I am not so certain about the "if it is processing in memory it is too late" part. People have done tests that have actually stopped malware as...
From what Nautilus has written, it can do that. I think he states the Ewido guard can stop it. Just from the little reading that I have done, I...
Do you know that for sure by expirementation or otherwise? Nautilus happens to conclude as follows: "O.k....let's talk about Ewido: I...
Will it be possible in the next version? Starrob
A example of PG blocking malware:
Separate names with a comma.