Try this link: Click Perhaps it helps...
I assume that you have created the memtest-bootable-cd correctly. Memtest has its own OS. No Windows, no DOS, it's like a linux. But: Memtest...
You can try folowing: 1. take your rescue-cd and start it on another computer (from a friend) 2. check your RAM (memtest86, see my signature)...
I don't know whether it helps: Disable the service "Distributed Link Tracking Client" and restart Ti again. Is it faster now?
I know this type of multiboot. But: I didn't know that bootmanager hides the non-choosen OS-partition. That explains everything. THX for the...
press ALT key. A menue appears where you can figure out your build...
For my understanding: According to your answers I assume following: 1. You have never created a task. 2. But something is running and...
Under Windows Ti2009 you can press ALT-key and a menu appears where you can check the version. I don't know whether it's the same way using...
No. You don't have to fall back to FAT32. What I said is, to stop the mentioned service. Nothing else. And the check whether Ti can read your...
Drive letters are not important because if you start with the rescue-cd you work under Linux. Linux has another logic to identify partitions....
No. Start with your purchased CD and clarify whether all devices are shown and recognised (source device and destination device for the image)....
ok, that's weird... Can you look at your Windows firewall? Is there an entry of the scheduler? If not, create one and give it the correct...
Recently I converted my 500GB-hdd from FAT32 to NTFS. With FAT32 Ti starts and analyzed "D :" in approximate 10 SECONDS. After convert to...
:) Great. I'm suprised that you use 'reg add/delete' in your batch. Good idea... Thank you for your posting with the solution/workaround.
And what do you choose? Run or Cancel? I see that you can uncheck "Always ask before opening this file". Do this and the scheduler never ask...
I see: It's a hard nutshell :) I think you have to wait for other members here. I hope Acronis_Support notice this thread in the next days.
I hope that for you :) I can imagine that there is another solution with TrueImage-tools and workflows... But with the environment var and...
I use a German Windows and the names in the list are different to English version. In English version you have to look under "Application" and...
Right, MOVING files includes a particular danger. The destination path: Can you set an environment variable every morning to the correct...
Thank you for answering my questions. Regarding the answeres it seems all ok. Can you look into the windows eventlog whether there are some...
@andrea I don't know whether this has to do with long reading the "D :" drive. First a question: Is your "D :"-drive NTFS formatted? Or is it...
I don't know "Ti-Server9" but does it have the possibility to run a batch file before the task starts? (Ti Home has this option). There you can...
I assume that you have created a task for this backup? Can you post the entries of the Ti-log concerning the task?
Hi, I have two questions. 1. What Ti-build do you use? (press ALT-key and the menu appears where you can look for the build number). 2. Is...
With the 'clone option' you don't get IMAGE-files. Cloning: two physical devices connected to one PC. Then you clone directly from one device...
Separate names with a comma.