Until someone starts to actively develop TW, I consider it abandoned ware. https://github.com/pylorak/TinyWall
You guys should get a utility called TCPView from sys internals. It will show you the connection state of things that are trying to connect but are blocked. Tiny Wall also has this function but the SYS internals utility has more info. Maybe it's a child process that is blocked that you can't see ?
You know, I have also tried putting TinyWall into learning mode, but it kept blocking stuff. So I decided to disable it and use WFC, but I still saw the same stuff being blocked. Which leads me to the conclusion that it's perhaps the Windows Firewall itself that's blocking stuff? So now I have disabled it and rely solely on TinyWall, which is a fully fledged third party firewall, so it doesn't need WF to function correctly. I will see how things go, because lately my internet connection wasn't working properly, probably because of the Windows Firewall, while I was blaming TinyWall. https://www.binisoft.org/wfc You probably need it for Windows Defender's cloud to work properly.
As @Rasheed187 mentions above, yes you need to allow it to TCP remote port 443. All three of these Defender processes actually: Code: "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Platform\*\MpDefenderCoreService.exe" "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Platform\*\MsMpEng.exe" "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Platform\*\NisSrv.exe" This applies to recent Windows 11 23H3, although not sure about earlier Windows 10 & 11. If Tinywall does not know how to deal with wildcards in the path rules, just like Windows firewall doesn't, then you will need to update these rules every time these processes themselves update, so this caveat would apply to the Defender processes above. This deficiency with Windows firewall is probably the worst drawback to the firewall. How on earth Microsoft can't - or won't - fix this is beyond me
Well, it keeps getting weirder. No matter if I disable TinyWall or Windows Firewall, stuff keeps getting blocked. So is it perhaps the built-in modem/router firewall that's blocking stuff? On the other hand, I didn't uninstall TW, so perhaps it keeps blocking stuff when it's disabled.
It's highly unlikely any of your hardware is blocking stuff. If correcting TW's settings or uninstalling it doesn't help, then you may want to try resetting Windows firewall as described here: https://www.thewindowsclub.com/reset-windows-firewall-settings I've used the command line netsh firewall method a little while ago successfully when Windows fw was inexplicably blocking my WiFi access
Thanks for the tip, and I also don't think it's because of the modem/router, because I don't think those blocks are being recorded by Windows. I keep seeing stuff blocked from svchost.exe, system.exe but strangely enough also from javaw.exe, I haven't got a clue why, because it has full access in TinyWall and WFC. Does perhaps O&O ShutUp 10 somehow plays a role, who knows?
Are there any programmers or "developers" working on tinywall now? I haven't read every post in the thread, but noticed that Karoly was gone a few years ago. It's a shame, but we all get burned out eventually. It looks like a nice piece of software, but I wonder if it is dying. I installed it before I looked at this thread. If I uninstall it, will it restore windows firewall's original settings and functions, or leave them (wiped) as when it first was installed? Also, I don't see any uninstall function in Manage/maintenance. Was it moved? Should I just rip it out with revo uninstaller? Thanks for any insights.
None that I'm aware of. v3.xx.xx was built entirely independent of Windows Firewall, unlike prior versions, so uninstalling it shouldn't have any impact on WF.
@jimminy I see that there are both open and closed issues on TW's GitHub page, so someone is doing some work. How much and what kind beyond this is anyone's guess. But you could inquire by posting there, seeing as there's no developer presence here on Wilders.
Thanks. I guess it is mostly abandonware now. Sad, but I understand why that happens. It's weird that Karoly's web page and software still solicits donations. I guess he forgot to sut that down when he bailed out. Many thanks Bertazzoni
I'm not so sure about that, because the closed issues are as recent as 12/12/24. There may be someone maintaining it. It may even be @ultim himself, addressing open issues under the GitHub username @pylorak, the name of the user who owns that page. @pylorak is @ultim, TW's developer. See here at Code: https://github.com/pylorak/TinyWall/issues/4#issuecomment-1483847410
Hello @ Wilders Whilst TinyWall may or may not be abandonware, the question is, is it fit for purpose? I have been using it for many years, but I am not an expert. I appreciate its simplicity and absence of ads and pop ups. So what are the reasons why I should consider moving to another Firewall? Thank you Terry
Not exactly. His web page serves a couple of purposes: downloads, info, and donations. It's functional. If you check the GitHub page, you won't see releases listed (and linked), but on the Read.me page the link to download TW redirects to his own webpage. My sense is that @ultim didn't want the bother of too may posts @ Wilders, and opening an issue on GitHub requires slightly more work, but he still responds to issues. So I wouldn't consider it abandonware at this point.
TinyWall was mentioned in the latest video on The PC Security Channel, and I'm actually a bit surprised that he acts like this is some new information that firewalls can block certain malware like infostealers, I've been saying this for 20 years or so? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0eQQBTdD5k