I have a question for the Dutchies here. Suddenly I have problems with the AH website. https://www.ah.nl For the non-Dutchies: AH is the largest shop in NL for groceries, food, etc. I cannot even order milk. Forgive me but now further in Dutch: Lukt het jullie op de AH website? Ik wilde iets simpels als melk bestellen. Zelfs dat lukt me niet, via Firefox; ja, ingelogd. Meldingen als: "Access Denied You don't have permission to access http://www.ah.nl/zoeken on this server." "https://errors.edgesuite.net" Ligt dit nu aan mij? Of is er meer aan de hand? Zo vlak voor oud&nieuw? Ik heb echt wel vaker bij ze online besteld. Ik ben niet in staat om naar de winkel te gaan. Dan bestel ik maar elders: gewoon bellen en het wordt gewoon keurig bezorgd. Many thanks in advance!
I'm not Dutch, but this AH website works here. I have just put a bottle of champagne in the basket (but didn't buy it). No problems here. Maybe you should try a different browser.
Thanks my friend! I did a very quick search on "edgesuite.net" Found this thread: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us...in-sites/b27b37bb-988c-4675-9d43-9bf50ab7be6a I need to read there later, I haven't read it yet.
No problem here ordering from AH. In that thread a blog post is mentioned: Understanding Edge Locations and How My IP Was Blocked by Akamai - Coding Delight
Using Firefox, not logged in at ah.nl, I get the same error: Access Denied You don't have permission to access [...] I tried disabling Firefox Enhanced Tracking Protection; that made no difference. I did not try disabling uBlock Origin. For anyone who needs the ah.nl site, I hope they address the issue soon.
no issues concerning watching AH, also when suing the login portal (no account). from germany. an email to site admin may help ouf if false positive.
Thanks all. It has nothing to do with which browser you use, as far as I understand now. Thank you! Quotes from there: === Thanks Buddy for confirming; so I am not the only one! It is very disturbing and inconvenient (right English words?) when you try to order while we are getting near the end of the year. Wrong time when you are not able by yourself to go to the shop....
No issues here with Firefox. https://i.postimg.cc/2jGWMq5L/Screenshot-20241229.png Have you tried in a new clean profile?
I did not have any problems with ah.nl on Vivaldi 6.9 with uBlock Origin (Win 10). I can order groceries and see all pages.
Many thanks for all the replies! I still get the same warning using Firefox. But I was able to get there using MS Edge (older version) and order. If things go right, I'll get the groceries later today (lets hope it). It is still a mystery to me. I filed a complaint but I doubt that they will look at it ... I could try to call them ("klantenservice"). But if that would help ..... Thanks again to you all! Happy NewYear !!!
https://webcompat.com/ may help you out. btw older edge, there where urgent fixes with the last release. and the issue is ITW. no good idea.
Using Firefox, I still get the same error as well. Good that you were able to order using Edge. Good that you filed a complaint. A moment ago, I called customer service (klantenservice). The customer service representative said the issue was known, and they were working on it. She said I could try again in an hour, but that might have been too optimistic.
THANK YOU for calling them !!! That's very good to hear that they know about it and that they are working on it. If it will be fixed so quickly while we are getting near the end of the year and everybody is preparing for that, I don't know. Maybe they should put a very clear message on their site telling that there might be issues...
Having done a search for errors.edgesuite.net 1. The word edge in errors.edgesuite.net does not point to the browser Edge, but to Akamai EdgeSuite Content Delivery Network (CDN). In reply #4 a link posted by Gandalf pointed already to it. 2. Lots of results, pointing to lots of websites where the question was raised "why do I suddenly get that message?" or similar wording. Not having read them all, but I have not yet found a clear answer and solution. It is a lot more general issue, not in particular related to the AH website.