Log into Zoom inside Sandboxie

Discussion in 'Sandboxie (SBIE Open Source) Plus & Classic' started by joshsstuff, Aug 15, 2021.

  1. joshsstuff

    joshsstuff Registered Member

    Aug 15, 2021
    I wish to create a 2nd instance of Zoom via Sandboxie.
    It works well, the only issue is that registered meetings require you to sign into the registered account.
    I have successfully done this inside Sandboxie, but perhaps an update has altered settings that is not letting me log in for version v0.8.9

    When successful the newly launched Zoom instance in Sandboxie opens already logged into the account I'm currently signed into.
    Sometimes this works, other times the Sandboxie Zoom opens logged out and although it presents me with the log-in window all attempts from here seem to fail.

    What I've tried:
    -Launching Zoom from the 'start menu' (with & without administrator privilege's)
    - "Run Program" - launching the currently installed .exe file (with & without administrator privilege's)
    - "allow internet access" preset to the Zoom process when it opens (I only receive an error message box indicating the connection failed)
    - Launched Sandboxie from the download location of the ZoomInstaller.exe file

    If I'm not mistaken I believe I've successfully opened a Zoom instance with V0.8.9 that was logged in at launch.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

  2. Rasheed187

    Rasheed187 Registered Member

    Jul 10, 2004
    The Netherlands
    The question that comes to mind is, why would you run Zoom inside Sandboxie? Is it perhaps the only way to open a second instance of Zoom, or is this for security reasons?
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