Aomei Backupper Pro Doesn't Work With Secure Boot

Discussion in 'backup, imaging & disk mgmt' started by TerryWood, Jan 23, 2025.

  1. TerryWood

    TerryWood Registered Member

    Jan 14, 2006
    Hi @ Wilders

    Just updated my USB by creating a newer version of Aomei Recovery. To my horror I got a failed message and a reference to Secure Boot. I tried this several times no joy. I then created an amp.ISO and created a a USB boot recovery again no joy, this time no failed message.

    Finally, I used Rufus 4.622 to create a USB with the ISO again no joy. I got the PXE IPV4 and PXE IPV6 message before it rebooted to Windows. My conclusion is that there is a problem with the amp.ISO and WinPE contained within it.

    Apparently, Aomei know about this and they say it will be adjusted at some nebulous time in the future.

    For those who use Aomei Backupper who weren't aware of this problem and don't want to mess with their BIOS there is a solution.


    Use Hirens Boot CD on a USB via Rufus. The Aomei program on it works without a problem. No failed message or boot.

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