Windows shrink safely done?

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by WhiteMateria, Apr 19, 2003.

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  1. WhiteMateria

    WhiteMateria Registered Member

    Apr 27, 2002
    Moonlit dreams in the desert oasis
    Windows 98SE

    Is there a safe method that will not severly jepordize Windows if you were to shrink the registry like some online guides suggest? Often times I read these guides where...

    People replace drivers and other various programs within the Windows system with the most current updates of those programs from a newer release of Windows.
    (defrag.exe from 98SE replaced with XP' defrag.exe)

    Removing any Windows components they may not need to reduce the size of the over all Windows instillation.

    Shrinking the registry under so many kb or so they claim to be able to get down to.

    Defragging their harddrive so that certain files are on the outer most tracks of the harddrive to make loading time as quick as possable.

    If anyone at all knows what kinda stuff I am talking about is there a safe method to do it from a Windows 98 standpoint?
  2. root

    root Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2002
    Missouri, USA
    98 Lite is your best bet. I still have it on a test computer.
    It will shrink your Windows down to half size if you want.
    If you are going to stay with 98, it is well worth the money.
    You really need to be careful in butchering Winblow$ manually. One wrong registry entry and your computer is dead weight.
    Also when manually hacking the registry, sometimes you cause a subltle problem that does no show up right away but a little later you may think your computer is behaving a little strangely but forget about what hack you did to cause it.
  3. Tinribs

    Tinribs Registered Member

    Mar 14, 2002
    A friend of mine wanted to try out 98lite on his pc but was worried about things going wrong, not having another pc to try it out on I lent him one of my test laptops ( just used for testing such things).
    It went smoothly enough and no problems were found, it ran fine for our test period of a month without anything going wrong, so he went ahead on his pc and again it went smoothly and its still running fine to this day. :)
  4. Patrice

    Patrice Registered Member

    Apr 15, 2003
    Hi WhiteMateria!

    If I were you I would put my hands off that! There are many people who wanna make their computers faster. But in the end they gain some (mili)seconds. Is it really worth it? And as root already mentioned, there's always this little problem:
    I once did such stuff with my computer (and Windows 9:cool:. I didn't gain much in the end, I have to admit. But you invest a lot of time to do all such things! So don't underestimate that. Tweaking utilities aren't that good in my opinion because they change too many things you shouldn't touch at all.

    Now I think you should leave the (basic) system as it is (for security purposes). Investing time in security pays out much more!

    Best regards!

  5. root

    root Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2002
    Missouri, USA
    What you gain in speed and size with 98lite is significant.
    As opposed to other methods, it is much safer, but nothing is 100% foolproof.
    As always before doing anything major like this, backup, backup, and backup. If you can image your C: drive, that is best.
  6. Patrice

    Patrice Registered Member

    Apr 15, 2003
    Hi root!

    Yeah, you're right it is significant if you matter about seconds,... But I rather look for stability than for speed. And don't tell me Windows 98lite (well, o.k. Windows overall) is very stable! Sure they made improvements in Windows 2000 and Windows XP, but you still can't compare it to Linux or Unix. If you once worked with Linux you will love it!

    Best regards!

  7. root

    root Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2002
    Missouri, USA
    Hi Patrice. I don't know what kind of experience you may have had with 98lite, or if you ever tried it, but before I switched to Win2K, I used 98lite on a computer for well over a year without one BSOD. Not one! And this was using the very first full release of 98lite. It was rock solid.
    The increase in speed and stability on my machine was incredible. I realise that results will vary from computer to computer and it is impossible to predict what will happen on any given machine because of the innumerable possible combinations of hardware and software. Thousands do use 98lite and love it.
    As for Linux and other OSs, that is a different subject.
    I did try Linux, and I did not like it. It has a long way to go to reach the user friendliness of Windows, in spite of its shortcommings. I am not a M$ fan. I really wish there was a viable alternative for someone like me that is not interested in learning how to do even simple tasks in a new OS. I'm a point & click kinda guy.
    I am considering switching to Mac if Longhorn comes out as expected in 2004 or so.
  8. Blackcat

    Blackcat Registered Member

    Nov 22, 2002
    Christchurch, UK
    I can support root's observations on 98lite.

    Since I am on Win2000 and XP now it has been a while since I have used it but I can still remember the amazing speed increase I picked up when I installed it.

    In addition, win98 became very stable. I had it on my box for over 18 months without any problems whatsoever.

    Let's hope they can do the same with Win2000 ( it's been in the pipeline now for a long,long time).
  9. Patrice

    Patrice Registered Member

    Apr 15, 2003
    Hi root!
    I completely agree to the above mentioned quote of you. That's why I use Windows again. There's still a way to go for Linux, but nevertheless the stability of this OS is overhelming!

    You didn't have a blue screen?!? No way, you're kidding me! (Now I'm mean, so don't take that too serious! ;)) Did you use your computer? lol

    I completely agree that it's better than Windows 98, but don't tell me that it's very stable. We were two people who tested this OS independently. We were both gamers and installed/deinstalled a lot on our harddisk. That's why blue screens were imminent! Both of us didn't like it that much. BUT: It's certainly better than Windows 98!

    To be honest with you, the first Windows I like in a way is Windows XP. Finally they made a good and simple OS. But this is my opinion. My experiences with Microshit (I was a network administrator) with all the different Windows versions (from Windows 3.1 til Windows XP) brought me to this conclusion.

    But everyone has his own preferences and it's good that it's like that! ;)

    Best regards!

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