Drive Image 2002- will it work w/XP PRO?

Discussion in 'backup, imaging & disk mgmt' started by Galcoolest, Dec 16, 2004.

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  1. Galcoolest

    Galcoolest Registered Member

    Jun 18, 2004
    San Francisco
    Many of my computer-versed pals insist that the version of Drive Image known as 2002, is the best one they ever made. And they all guarantee that it will work just fine with XP PRO/ SP2, even though every web site I find offering it says that one needs to step into DI 7 if trying to back up XP OS's. Is that just pushing for profit (as has been suggested) by the new corporate owners (Symantec) ?

    Opinions on that simple issue would be greatly appreciated (and any positive or negative comments about DI7 that so many seem to feel is inferior to its predecessor). :rolleyes:
  2. Ianb

    Ianb Registered Member

    Nov 26, 2004
    I use Drive Image 2002 with XP SP2 and there are no problems whatsoever. It is a better product than the revamped Symantec versions in my opinion.
  3. Acadia

    Acadia Registered Member

    Sep 8, 2002
    Gal, this gets complicated. As I understand it: Yes, 2002 will work with XP if you can get it to install. The original 2002 disks would install on XP machines. When DI7 came unto the scene, it then became the recommend version for XP (according to the company) and both disks starting shipping together for the price of one. I have read that the company made the later 2002 disks so that they would not install on an XP machine, but I have no firm confirmation of this. But to make a long story short, yes, I know of many folks who are using 2002 on XP.

  4. huntnyc

    huntnyc Registered Member

    Nov 10, 2004
    Brooklyn, USA
    Sort of going off topic but maybe not. I would like to use this old version of DI that I have used in the past but can anyone using it now confirm if you can write images to a HD and then burn them to DVD with Nero and have DI 2002 be able to read them from DVD in order to restore them? If it is possible, could you share your procedure for how you are doing this?

    Thank you.

  5. nod32_9

    nod32_9 Guest

    Drive Image 5 was the BEST. Does not require .NET. Runs outside of windows. DI 5 supports WXP SP1/SP2. Was my primary imaging system until I switch to Bootit ng. DI 5 is easier to use but less powerful when compared to Bootit.

    I've tested both DI 7 and DI 2002. Both have HUGE installation footprints. Stability is okay with a VIRGIN copy of WXP SP1, and subpar when there are other software in your PC. If you MUST run the image file from windows, then I would recommend Drive Snapshot. Otherwise, my top choices are

    1.Bootit NG
    2.Drive Image 5
    3.Drive Image 4 (will also support WXP SP1/SP2)
    4.Ghost 2001/2002
  6. nod32_9

    nod32_9 Guest

    It should work if you follow the following procedures:

    -Burn the .PQI image files to the DVD using CD ROM ISO format and close the disc. This should make the disc visible to all DVD ROM drives.

    -Reboot using the DI boot discs.

    -Select image restoration and browse to the DVD ROM drive containing the image files.

    -Select the image file, restore partition....
  7. Galcoolest

    Galcoolest Registered Member

    Jun 18, 2004
    San Francisco

    Okay- I have an unopened "virgin" copy of XP PRo SP1. Are you saying if I install SP2 that I am in trouble, or that somehow you throw on the DI after the clean install of ProSP1, and then load the rest of your stuff?

    2nd- WHy 5? No one has mentioned that to me yet.

    3rd- Just curious, why are you STILL a guest here? It kinda makes me wary of your situation somehow- just being honest.....
  8. Galcoolest

    Galcoolest Registered Member

    Jun 18, 2004
    San Francisco

    On Ebay one can get really old versions of 2002. And I have a virgin really old XP Pro, too. I mean, for ten bucks, might be worth a try! And though Nod recommends other programs, my "pals" out there know I want easy, basic, nothing tricky...mainly because I do own all my software and will never get over the habit of separately saving (archiving off the PC) my work and art stuff all the time. So a melt is more of a pain to me than a horrorific potentiality. Does that make sense?
  9. nod32_9

    nod32_9 Guest

    I'm not telling you that WXP SP2 will interfere with your copy of DI 7 or DI 2002. I don't like DI 7 and DI2002 because they may not get along with other software in your PC. DI 5 has a much simpler core code structure (less bells and whistles). It also does not run in windows. These two factors make DI 5 a more reliable product when compared to version 7 or 2002.

    I've installed DI 5 on many PCs...from 266MHz/W98SE to the latest Athlon Barn Burner/WXP Pro SP2. Not one malfunction over the last 3 years. I like Bootit NG, but DI 5 is still the KING of compatibility and reliability. Ask your pals why they don't recommend DI 5 over DI 7/DI 2002. Then you can compare notes. I don't know those people, so I'm not going to second guess their recommendations.

    You have my email account. Will respond to the 3rd question outside of the public forum. You should be wary of people over the internet. Wilders does not verify the true identity of each member. However, I'm aware of FEMALE LOGIC. Just say so and I will not answer your posts.
  10. Ianb

    Ianb Registered Member

    Nov 26, 2004
    Once you have made a boot disk of DI 2002 you can remove the programme completly if you like and just use the disk. Works fine no probs. You can then use Nero to make a bootable CD\DVD from that (incl image if required).

    Nod, have heard good things about Bootit NG, bit like the original Phar Lap Ghost. Have a copy but yet to try it.
  11. huntnyc

    huntnyc Registered Member

    Nov 10, 2004
    Brooklyn, USA
    Would you mind just elaborating more specifically on how I could make a bootable DVD from Nero? Sorry but I am a little confused dealing with an older program like DI 2002 and a newer program like Nero 6.
    Thank you for your patience and help.

  12. crockett

    crockett Registered Member

    Jul 15, 2002
    Hi guys ;)

    Hope eveybody's ok...

    I'm very interested in this thread, because I do own a DI2002 original cd, but can't start the system using bootable floppies 'cause I don't have a floppy drive integrated in my laptop.

    So, what I would like to ask for Christmas :) is a procedure to succeed at creating a bootable CD so I can run DImage at system startup without having to run it from Windows XPFamily.

    I tried to burn the files from bootable DI floppies onto a cd, but it did'nt get the job done - never could understand why.

    Guess I'm just a newbie on that kind of operation...

    I hope I'll be able to do it in the end, but I need help very badly on that one ;)

    Rgds, Crockett :cool:
  13. Ianb

    Ianb Registered Member

    Nov 26, 2004
    Hope this helps.

    NEW (opens New Compilation)
    Select "CD ROM BOOT" from the picture menu on the left.

    This is what you now have ......


    Select "Bootable Logical Drive" and "A:\" if you want to copy from a Drive Image boot disk.

    Select "New" from the right hand menu.

    Drag over any other files that you want & BURN CD.
  14. Galcoolest

    Galcoolest Registered Member

    Jun 18, 2004
    San Francisco
    IQuestion: I don't have Nero, but do have the latest Roxio Media Creator. Will that work just as well? (Seems it should, no?)
  15. Ianb

    Ianb Registered Member

    Nov 26, 2004
    Yep, Roxio should work. Do a search in their help files for Boot CD.
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