Threatfire vs Cyberhawk

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by Firebytes, Nov 19, 2007.

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  1. Firebytes

    Firebytes Registered Member

    May 29, 2007
    Yes, I know Threatfire is a rebranded version of Cyberhawk.

    I am curious though as to which you think is better; the last version of Cyberhawk or Threatfire? If you only look at basic protection provided by each, the resources used, compatibility with other apps, bugs, etc. how do they compare? Is it worth it for a Cyberhawk user to uninstall it and go with Threatfire if they aren't planning to use the custom rules or rootkit scanner?

    Thanks for any input.
  2. Perman

    Perman Registered Member

    Nov 23, 2005

    Before answering your question, may I ask you this:

    Is Win 98 better or Win XP ? XP is the re-brand (sort of) of Win 98.
    Win98, no more updates, sans support from Microsoft, fewer and fewer apps will accommodate it.

    Win XP, updates, supports from Microsoft keep coming in. More and more apps will fit into it.

    Then you can draw your own conclusion.

    Good luck and take care.
  3. 19monty64

    19monty64 Registered Member

    Apr 10, 2006
    Nunya, BZ
    If you aren't planning to use the custom rules or rootkit scanner, I think the only benefit of upgrading would be if you are experiencing any slowness in your shut-down speeds or loading browser pages. PC Tools (Novatix) worked out that issue for me a while after the aquisition. Other than that, no change for me...
  4. solcroft

    solcroft Registered Member

    Jun 1, 2006
    ThreatFire isn't a rebranded Cyberhawk. It IS Cyberhawk, they just changed the name and added some very nice feature upgrades (quarantine, custom rules, rootkit scanning) that were previously available only in the Pro version. Changing the name doesn't make it a new product, it's still the same Cyberhawk with the same Novatix team behind it, only with a new UI and extra features.
  5. Perman

    Perman Registered Member

    Nov 23, 2005
    How about updates ?, are they fitted into old CH ?
  6. solcroft

    solcroft Registered Member

    Jun 1, 2006
    Seriously, I wouldn't know. It shouldn't matter though, since nobody should be using CH anymore.
  7. Firebytes

    Firebytes Registered Member

    May 29, 2007
    Perman & solcroft,

    It seems to me that you both feel my questions were foolish. I promise I didn't mean to agitate either of you.

    I do know however that just because new versions of a program are released that it doesn't necessarily mean that they are better. Sometimes new versions of programs introduce new problems or are more resource hungry than older versions, etc. (ZA for instance has been reported to be better in some earlier versions than the later ones.) I just wanted to be sure TF was going to be an advantage for me over CH. From your answers I will assume that's a foregone conclusion.

  8. solcroft

    solcroft Registered Member

    Jun 1, 2006
    I do suggest you head over to the official TF forum and take a look at some threads posted there. I haven't run into any, but it seems that quite some users have reported incompatibilies with other programs. You might want to check if any of the threads are of interest to you, just in case.
  9. Firebytes

    Firebytes Registered Member

    May 29, 2007
    Thanks Solcroft, I will do that.
  10. Perman

    Perman Registered Member

    Nov 23, 2005
    HI, firbytes:

    No, your question is not foolish at all. And did not agitate me either.

    Actually I do admire your initiative to ask this question. Ha, if you did not ask, you would never get the answer.

    PCTools, after acquiring Novatix, do have valid reasons to change name and to improve features. In TF's case, the newer the better. Some of the flaws in CH have been ironed out in TF. Why not give a try ? Good luck and take care.
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