Not sure if this is the right place for this. I was using Opera this morning to purchase on a site and I noticed that Opera was connecting to Google Analytics. I suppose nothing can be done about this but are there any issues to worry about here?
Confirmed, post's 74 and 85. Aboard FF? Post 75. "... are there any issues to worry about here? Ask there. One of the best "privacy" thread's around! GF
I did notice that Opera did get stuck connecting to GA and I pressed the stop button which then took me onto the payment process. So not sure if that was a glitch or if Opera is doing something.
Hello, If you don't like it, you could: Disable javascript (for google analytics). Use Firefox + Customize Google extension. Mrk
Hi - I use google analytics on my site for statistical purposes (reports). Unless someone advises me otherwise, I don't think you should be too worried. btw were you using google checkout?
Maybe the site that you visited has code for Google Analytics. If web site has this code it is at the bottom of the Index page. That way site admin can monitor web site visits and statistics.
Cannot see anything there but it was when I went to the payment processor that I noticed Opera trying to connect to it, so maybe it is part of that orgnisation. Cannot now remember who it was.
In brief, Google Analytics (GA) is a free service offered by Google that generates detailed statistics about the visitors to a website. Those statistics are for the convenience of webmasters -- NOT for your convenience. In fact, compiling those statistics INconveniences users by slowing things down. But many webmasters don't actually give a rip about inconveniencing YOU, and neither does Google. For more details on Google Analytics (a dastardly first cousin of the nefarious urchinTracker), check Wikipedia Google Analytics (as well as several other Google intrusions into your daily surfing) can definitely slow down your internet connections, for the simple reason that those free Google services are getting busier & busier all the time. To be blunt, Google has its nose into gathering information about almost every aspect of your web surfing. If you are using a HOSTS file, you can defeat the Google Analytics nonsense by adding the following entry... #[Google Analytics] If you use the MVPS HOSTS file you can defeat ALL of the main Google nonsense, plus lots of other crapola. If you decide to go that route... # Be sure to sign up for MVPS email notice of updates. Their HOSTS file is stringently maintained, & updates often. # Be aware that MVPS diverts useless & bad stuff to I prefer to divert the bad stuff to, which works faster for me. Your mileage may vary. # There are several excellent HOSTS file softwares that can help you maintain your computer's HOSTS file. I suggest you do a serch here at Wilders to read about some of the better ones.
I didn't know that about the MVPS hosts file which I use with HostXpert. I've been blocking it all along. It's always blocked with Firefox and NoScript, but I have never allowed it. I guess that is another example of layered protection .
Thanks bellgamin I used to use a host file some years ago and then it dropped off for some reason and never got around to looking into it. I will get it sorted again
Hi David, You use Online Armor - you could just put as a blocked site in "My Websites". Cheers Mike
I would do Mike, but until you are able to sort the auto scrolling in Opera (I don't know if there are enough who are having problems with this to put it on your agenda) I am stuck using anothe f/w. I keep trying OA but this just bugs me. Just wonder what happens if you do block it? Does the browser hang because it cannot access the site. I only noticed it when I went to the payment page and it hung trying to access Google Analytics. Only by pressing the stop button could I then proceed to the payment page.
It's on the agenda Just a few other issues there as well. I think I will get the guys to use opera as their primary browser... that should fix it If you do block it, OA will return a 404-Notfound to the browser - no timeout issues. Mike
To block google analytics, I use Proxomitron. In the URL Killfile.txt just add this entry: [^/] (Without the smilie )
Thanks Ocky I use proxo off and on - can never really fully understand how to configure it correctly. I do find when I use it that it keeps coming up with out of date certificate warnings.
What is better about diverting to Is the 127 divert slower? Does it slow down my Internet use? I have just started using MVPS. Can I just open the hosts file from MVPS in notepad, replace with and, then, put it back in place or is it not quite that simple?
Hi, I don't know if it will make anything faster or not. I guess everyones system is different. I don't use the so I couldn't tell you either way. I use HostXpert and it allows for the change or swap of localhosts so you don't have to do it manually. MVPS has links to HostXpert on their site and gives very brief instructions on using it. Scroll towards the bottom. I'm not sure if the other similar programs offer the same feature or not. bellgamin does state this however: I bolded the important statement . You can always try either if you like.
It can be most easily done by using Firefox with Noscript and adding to the untrusted sites. Moreover, that site is also blocked by most Adblock Plus subscriptions.
I have noticed that since putting in the hosts file that sponsored links at the top of the search page can no longer be accessed by clicking on them, such as here. Not a problem if I need to go to that page but are Google colledting their click through money or collecting surfing info - I suspect both. I seem to remember a program called something like eDexter used to do a similar job.
To get the sponsored links, I think you would need to unblock/remove these from the hosts file: As I am not interested in the sponsored links I have used Proxomitron to kill said connections. Regards.