Error Message - Not enough server storage is available to process this command

Discussion in 'Acronis True Image Product Line' started by teknodunz, Jul 13, 2007.

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  1. teknodunz

    teknodunz Registered Member

    Jul 13, 2007
    I'm in the process of replacing my 60 GB hard disk on my ThinkPad X41 TabletPC. The O/S it’s running is Windows XP Pro tablet edition.

    I cloned my drive this afternoon using a trial version of ATI 10 Home (ver. 10.0 build 4,942). I was feeling pretty smug until a short while ago. I still need to do some work before shutting down to swap drives. Cool right - oh, no, no, says Dick and Jane!

    In any case, I have my X41 on a Small Business Server R2 gigabit local area network and I tried to access my shared work folder on the X41 that was available prior to cloning from my desktop.

    I have no idea if True Image is involved or if it was the cloning process, but now I am unable to access the shared folders from my main desktop and the server. I can see the shared folders in My Network Places on all machines in the office, but I can't open them. It seems like the permissions were changed somewhere on the X41.

    I get an error alert box that says, "\\X41\Audits is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator to find out if you have access permissions. Not enough server storage is available to process this command.

    I have no idea what that means. There were no changes made by me to the server today. I’ve done a little investigation and it appears to be related to:

    I tried adding the DWORD and adjusting the value to no avail.

    I can see the shared directories on the X41 from all other machines on the network. I’m just not able to access shares on the X41 after installing ATI 10. Now, the real kicker is that I can add shares located on the desktops and server and access them from the X41.

    Does anybody have any ideas about what could have possibly changed?
  2. thomasjk

    thomasjk Registered Member

    Jul 22, 2005
    Charlotte NC
    Look at this thread with regard to setting irpstacksize. It recommends 18 but I had to set mine to 21 to solve the problem. You have to reboot after making changes for it to become effective.
  3. teknodunz

    teknodunz Registered Member

    Jul 13, 2007
    Thanks Tom, it didn't work... I tried 12 (decimal notation), which is the max stack size according to the MS KB article ( I tried 18 (decimal & hex), I tried 20 (decimal & hex), I tried 21 (decimal & hex), I tried 25 (decimal & hex). I restarted the TabletPC on each attempt. I received the 'Not enough server storage is available to process this command.' and the 'Path not found.' messages. I couldn't make it work.

    I'm probably still not doing something correctly yet...

    Just to clarify the environment:

    IBM ThinkPad X41 TabletPC
    1.5 GB RAM
    60 GB drive
    O/S = Windows XP Pro 2005 Tablet Edition
    Network OS = Small Business Server 2003 R2
    Gigabit NICs in all machines with gigabit switch
    Firewall is on
    Simple File Sharing (both checked and unchecked - currently unchecked)

    It looks like I'm going to have to nuke the drive and start over anyway. It's a good think I paid attention to whoever in the sales live chat that recommended that I download the trial version.

    I'm unclear about this problem. I checked the registry on my other machines all are functioning well at the default stack size. My Tablet PC worked on the network before installing ATI. There appears to be an issue with the code that in my opinion warrant serious investigation and a hotfix. I realize that it's very likely that I'm in a small group of users for this application, but I think this scenario should have been included in the test suite before release and fixed.

    So far, I'm not impressed with Acronis support. I shouldn't have to buy support to install product and I should be able to talk to a live body. This incident is already costing me significant amounts is billable hours for my business.
  4. thomasjk

    thomasjk Registered Member

    Jul 22, 2005
    Charlotte NC
    This problem has occured before with older versions. Funny my Laptop doesn't need this setting, in fact doesn't have it specified at all. I know on my desktop I had to change this. Is your firewall blocking the access by any chance. I don't recall seeing the "path not found" messages when I had this problem. How are you specifiying the path the server? Try \\servername\your folder\filename.
  5. seekforever

    seekforever Registered Member

    Oct 31, 2005
    Where did you change the value in the registry? I think it has to be on the server and it must accommodate the "largest requirement" on the network but when I did mine I did it on every machine for good measure since on a simple sharing network just what is the server isn't clear. I had to go to at least 21 but I made it large. MS says values up to 50 are valid.

    If I have network issues I always temporarily kill the firewall as one of the first diagnostic tests since it is easy to do and can save a lot of time.
  6. teknodunz

    teknodunz Registered Member

    Jul 13, 2007
    Hi Tom,

    The path not found message described in the MS KB article occurs when the stack size is too low.
  7. teknodunz

    teknodunz Registered Member

    Jul 13, 2007

    I changed the value in the registry on the TabletPC since that is where I installed the software. Why would I need to adjust the stack size on the server? The shares are still working properly for all other machines and I see and access the shares on all other machines including the server from the TabletPC.

    I added ATI to the firewall exception list. I turned the firewall off and received the same error.
  8. seekforever

    seekforever Registered Member

    Oct 31, 2005
    I don't know the answer with any certainty but your messages point to irpstacksize as the problem. The simplist way to see if it is is to set the parameter on all machines. If this doesn't do it, then you know with some degree of certainty you can chase other solutions. I have long since learned that there is no point in trying to analyze these situations to death when it isn't known just how the parameters interact.
  9. teknodunz

    teknodunz Registered Member

    Jul 13, 2007
    Too true... thanks for the reply. I'll give it a shot a little later.
  10. jmk94903

    jmk94903 Registered Member

    Jul 10, 2004
    San Rafael, CA
    A very reasonable question, but the error is coming from the Server, so that's where the change needs to be made.

    This is a really trivial or benign change as far as everything is concerned. The problems only arise when the value is too low as has happened here. Too large doesn't create problems as far as I can tell, but there's no reason to go extremely large just to try an create a problem.

    In my cases where this appeared, it was a Symantec/Norton product that had changed the value and created the problem later on.
  11. teknodunz

    teknodunz Registered Member

    Jul 13, 2007
    Hi John,

    I made the change to the server last night and restarted. It didn't help...

    I have Symantec Antivirus, Corp Ed 10.1 running. It's been well behaved.

    Wouldn't the all the machines be equally affected.
  12. Acronis Support

    Acronis Support Acronis Support Staff

    Apr 28, 2004
    Hello teknodunz,

    Thank you for choosing Acronis Disk Backup Software.

    Could you please collect some information to let us investigate the issue thoroughly?

    Please create Windows System Information as it is described in Acronis Help Post.

    Then submit a request for technical support. Attach all the collected files and information to your request along with the step-by-step description of the actions taken before the problem appears and the link to this thread. We will investigate the problem and try to provide you with a solution.

    Thank you.
    Marat Setdikov
  13. teknodunz

    teknodunz Registered Member

    Jul 13, 2007

    Has anybody found my request for technical support yet? I would like to get this resolved so I can complete this purchase or get my system back to it's prior state before I cloned my disk.

  14. Acronis Support

    Acronis Support Acronis Support Staff

    Apr 28, 2004
    Hello teknodunz,

    Could you please let us know your Acronis request number (e.g. [Acronis #123456]) which was sent to you in autoreply to your letter? We will find out the reason for the delay. If you have not received an autoreply then please send us a Private Message containing your e-mail address.

    Thank you.
    Marat Setdikov
  15. wideglide36

    wideglide36 Registered Member

    Oct 3, 2004
    Central PA
    Hey teknodunz,

    Please let us all know how you make out with this problem.

    I'm having very similar problems on my home network consisting of two desktops and one laptop.

    I tried increasing the IRPStackSize also with no luck. I'm going to wait until I hear how you make out with Acronis support before I do anything else.

    Acronis support can be slow at times so keep trying.

    Good luck
  16. teknodunz

    teknodunz Registered Member

    Jul 13, 2007
    I never received an auto reply. Since I haven't completed the purchase transaction yet, I didn't have a s/n and it was kicked into a sales enquiry.

  17. Burgpath

    Burgpath Registered Member

    Jul 25, 2007
    I have the exact same issue.
    I hope they are able to give you an fix quickly.
  18. teknodunz

    teknodunz Registered Member

    Jul 13, 2007
    Hi Burgpath,

    Me too... this has gotten expensive. I have spent more on this crash in parts and hours than it would have cost to purchase a new ThinkPad X61 TabletPC.
  19. teknodunz

    teknodunz Registered Member

    Jul 13, 2007

    If we come up with something that works and I'm in the loop on it, I'll post it here.
  20. VirtualMe

    VirtualMe Registered Member

    Dec 26, 2003
    Have you checked the PagedPoolSize in the registry on the server?

    Start the registry editor (regedit.exe)

    Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management

    Double click on PagedPoolSize and set to 0

    Click OK

    Close the registry editor

    Reboot the machine

    Setting the PagedPoolSize to 0 should allow NT to dynamically allocate memory.

    Moderation note added May 11, 2008: See the following thread for a possible solution:
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2008
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