Simplified Bootable DVD\CD With Images

Discussion in 'Acronis True Image Product Line' started by thegrue, Jan 12, 2006.

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  1. thegrue

    thegrue Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2006
    1st sorry if I'm posting a dupe, I checked real quick and didn't notice anybody using this technique.

    This is an easier, more simplified way of creating a bootable DVD with backup images rather than using the seemingly most popular downloading the cdshell + bcdw, then follow the next 20 steps method. Well at least in my opinion anyways.

    1) Create a Rescue CD as usual, also noting that a CDRW works fine as well.

    2) Grab a copy of UltraISO
    Note: For some reason this method didn't seem to work with WinISO

    3) Now go into UltraISO and select Tools->Make CD/DVD Image (or just hit F:cool:. Make sure the right CD/DVD drive is selected and use default Output File Location or the location of your choice, we'll call it xxx.iso

    4) When finished, goto File->Open and select xxx.iso (the image you just created)

    5) Select Bootable->Save Boot File and again, the name/location of your choice.
    this we'll call yyy.bif

    At this point, we have a bootable Rescue CD/DVD image that is encapsulated in the boot image. Save this file to use for any future bootable CD/DVDs.

    6) Now we goto File->New->Bootable CD/DVD Image. Select the yyy.bif image we just created. You'll notice that there's no files/folders in the explorer window, that's OK. Also verify that Bootable CD/DVD is displayed in the Image label at the left corner above the Directory window.

    7) Drag over whatever Acronis backup images you want (.tib files)

    :cool: Finally goto File->Save As and the name of your choice. Be sure to use the .iso extension, not .bif. Then burn using software of your choice.

    Any future bootable discs you want to create just follow from step 6. You can erase any of the other files we've created except for the yyy.bif. This for me anyways is a bit simpler than other methods plus eliminates any additional files and directories.

    Hope this is useful for some of you!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 12, 2006
  2. Acronis Support

    Acronis Support Acronis Support Staff

    Apr 28, 2004
    Hello thegrue,

    Thank you for choosing Acronis Disk Backup Software.

    Sharing your experience is very much appreciated.

    If you have any further experience to share, please feel free to post it on this forum.

    Thank you.
    Alexey Popov
  3. Hi,
    I am attempting to follow you instruction using version 5.1 of the MagicISO.
    1) created immage of the TI boot disk ( iso file 28,770 KB ).
    Than what ?
    You are saying "Select Bootable->Save Boot File"
    There is no such thing in my version.
    I can use Tools/Save Boot Immage, which is creating 2 KB .BIF file.

    I am under impression that this "Bootable Rescue CD/DVD immage encapsulated in boot immage" should be at least the size of the original immage of the TI boot disk.
    Why can't I simply open (edit) TI boot disk immage, add to it .tib file, save as iso and burn o_O?

    Would you please review step 5) and help me to understand it ??
  4. snickell

    snickell Registered Member

    Aug 17, 2004
    1 - Use UltraISO, not magicISO.
    2 - Anyone know of any way of avoiding burning the bootable CD - i.e. going straight to the iso image file without using a CD. Is there a virtual CD drive which you can wite to, for instance. It would be quicker.

  5. Menorcaman

    Menorcaman Retired Moderator

    Aug 19, 2004
    Menorca (Balearic Islands) Spain
    Hi thegrue,

    The procedure I posted in this <previous thread> also uses UltraISO. Our procedures are basically similar although I believe mine is written in greater detail and hence seems slightly more complicated (which it isn't really :)).

  6. thegrue

    thegrue Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2006

    I was using your method and stumbled upon my method when I was tinkering around, so I figured at post as another option. This was more of a fluke discovery as at 1st I thought I was doing something wrong or there was a flaw in the proggy since if I took the boot image off the CD itself it was ur average 16k or 32k or whatever the average boot sector size is. But when I extracted off the .iso image instead it gave me this "encapsulated" version.
    It just seemed to me that quite a few people were confused so maybe this maybe was a bit simplified for them.
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