Update problem

Discussion in 'SpywareBlaster & Other Forum' started by tntboom, Feb 24, 2006.

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  1. tntboom

    tntboom Registered Member

    Feb 24, 2006
    I've just installed spyblaster 3.5.1. and I can't get a update for it ,anyone that can help would be grateful to you. Thanks tntboom
  2. tntboom

    tntboom Registered Member

    Feb 24, 2006
    spyblaster ver.

    I've givin you the wrong version of my spyblaster by error my version is 2.2 and I was looking to update but for some reason it wont download it just state an error ,should I try again or delete and re-download thanks Tntboom
  3. Bubba

    Bubba Updates Team

    Apr 15, 2002
    Hey tntboom....Welcome to Wilders :thumb:

    If you could tell us a little about some of your Security\Privacy programs....in particular those like Firewalls that you may use....it would be of great help.

    Also....it would help to know what actually is happening when you attempt to update :doubt:

    When you say 2.2....do you mean SpywareGuard instead of "spyblaster" ??
  4. Lethaniol

    Lethaniol Registered Member

    Aug 10, 2006

    I have had the same update problem with Spyblaster 3.5.1 for a number of months (I had also very similar problems with AVG antivirus, Spybot and Creative Labs Mediasource Gracenote coonection). For information purposes I run ZoneAlarm as my firewall and Avast as my antivirus, on Windows XP.

    To cut a long story short I found the solution was to enter a Manual Proxy (in my case I study at the University of Nottingham, UK - so I got this information from their IT website) - allowing all of these programs to access the internet and so update/register.

    I had read on a couple of forums that the problem may have been the automatic detection of proxy not working - so maybe this will work for others.

    I hope this may help. I dont usually use this forum (though it is great so might use it more in future) so any questions feel free to email be at Lethaniol @ hotmail . com


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