I have been playing with Ubuntu 12.04 (LiveCD) everything is working fine.I had to make adjustments for the scanner.But I could not find a way to change the window buttons layout.I want the buttons at the right.Also I want to monitor the temperature I could not find the gnome sensors applet too,and I need a button to open the programs,I do not want to type the name every time to open a program.If I can find a solution to those I can install the new Ubuntu.So far I like it. This is the first time I am trying Ubuntu 12.04 I have not tried Ubuntu 11 before so many things are changed and new to me.
well they dont come on right its diffrent not like dock but you can keep it in bottom if you like with help of ppa http://www.webupd8.org/2011/11/install-ubuntu-unity-bottom-launcher.html http://ubuntu-tweak.com/ best you can do is install ubuntu tweak by double cleck on deb package ...etc and make them side bar in auto hide so they dont bother ) thats is in ubuntutweak > tweaks> unity> launcher hide mode (set it to auto hide) second you need to install lm-sensors sensors-dectect y (yes to all) then restart or /etc/init.d init.d/# service module-init-tools restart then from terminal you can see sensors for unity applet also its not gnome its unity strange system need time to get used to it
you can get gnome as well also gnome fallback i never installed them on unity or never have unity system so cannot give you more idea about it. just learning this one for my self its weird system some things i really like about it some not but so far this one is very good on stability http://www.webupd8.org/2012/04/ubuntu-1204-lts-released-see-whats-new.html by the way super button is Windows logo key http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_key
ok here are my tweaks 1st i install flash on live cd them compiz manager (its needed for ubuntu tweak) then ubuntu tweak and vlc chromium lm-sensors .....etc some stuff to play with all on live cd also i installed lo-menubar (global menu or app menubar for office) and synaptic manager gebi ....etc then i extract mac feanza icon theme and create a hidden icon folder (.icon folder) and paste theme in it. from webup8 i install themes ppa and from synaptic i select theme of my choice and install http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5rHkLnEa9I set my icons themes ......etc everything working great ........ ) i keep its simple on live cd you can try all that stuff
I love the new ubuntu. I still don't understand why they would make it so difficult to either move/hide/disable that bar. I can't imagine everyone likes that thing. It takes up a huge amount of space on the desktop. I would have figured a new release would have given an option to change it.
Yeah I saw someone mention that. I was hoping for the ability to be able to customize ubuntu rather than installing something to change it. It seems that other distro's you can customize but that bar is something they don't want you to touch. Not really sure if I'm the only one that feels this way.
one thing i forget to tell before installing ubuntu tweak you need compiz-manager well there is tool default in ubuntu as well to change tweak side bar but not installed ...etc just install compiz-manager and check setting of unity you find settings if you want easy straight forward way ubuntu tweak is there and compiz manager way
WOW one more way i found out intersting love to share with others kjdemuth this might interest you right click on desktop and open change desktop background
well when you open a program add it in side launcher by right click and lock to launcher and unlock them same way you can add your fav launchers also you can reduce side and add more launchers
Yes I found it while trying,you can add the shortcuts to the unity launcher.Thanks mack_guy911 for the screenshots