Data Backup Hangs TI11

Discussion in 'Acronis True Image Product Line' started by Wizit, Jul 8, 2008.

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  1. Wizit

    Wizit Registered Member

    Sep 4, 2007
    Hello all

    I have TrueImage Home v11, Build 8053.

    I can run a "My Computer" backup OK. However, recently for some unknown reason, when I run the "My Data" backup, I get the following two problems:

    1. It hangs after some random % of time. It then stays at that point for an hour or more until I force it to stop by Task Manager and a reboot. When I run it again, I get the same problem but it stops at a different %.

    2. During the same "My Data" backup, I select which files and folders to backup and exclude. However, when it freezes, I notice that it has always stopped while trying to backup a folder I specifically unticked from the backup list. Why is TI trying to backup something I excluded? Is that why it is freezing? Maybe it is "confused"?

    Anyway, this is of course very frustrating. Does anyone have any ideas? Maybe the Acronis Moderator could pass this problem on to Tech Supprt since a few people have reported similar problems recently?

  2. JeeperDon

    JeeperDon Registered Member

    Mar 14, 2005
    NY State, US
    I get the same thing, backing up a Vista to another Vista machine. Images work, Data does not, ever. Always hangs at some point, just stops. This is with ver build 8101 too. The really bad part for me is the data I am trying to back up is on a Vista Spanned drive, so Image backup is not an option. TI just can not help me as it is. Anyone know Any way to helpo_O?
  3. dbknox

    dbknox Registered Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Hi Wizit First I only do full backups, so I can't help much there. Have you tried doing the backup with the rescue CD? I do most of my backups with the rescue CD. A lot of people have more success with the rescue CD and a lot find it works better from windows.

    If you are using the scheduler then of course this is a mute point.
  4. JeeperDon

    JeeperDon Registered Member

    Mar 14, 2005
    NY State, US
    dbk, that is a good suggestion for wiz to try, but unfortunately it does not help me as you need Vista running to see the spanned drive whose data I wish to backup. I have the system (C: ) on one smaller HD (150g Raptor), and two other 320g HDs (3 total) spanned as my 600g data area. It's that data area that I can not backup at all with TI11 as it is now.
  5. Xpilot

    Xpilot Registered Member

    May 14, 2005
    Hello JeeperDon,

    If your spanned hard drives are the same as what is usually called "Dynamic Drives" you will not have much luck using Acronis TI 11 home because dynamic drives are not supported.
    I believe some of the enterprise versions may support dynamic disks but they are much more expensive products.
    There must be ways of copying a set of dynamic drives but I have no personal knowledge of how this can be done.

  6. dbknox

    dbknox Registered Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Sorry JeeperDon I have no experience at all with spanned drives.
    I wonder if a VistaPe would be of use for you. Hopefully one of our fellow posters have had experience with TI and spanned drives and will help out here.
  7. JeeperDon

    JeeperDon Registered Member

    Mar 14, 2005
    NY State, US
    dbk, I'd just be happy to solve the OPs problem with Data mode hanging. I suspect that dynamic drives would be acceptable as input to a Data mode backup since it's just reading a pile of files.
  8. JeeperDon

    JeeperDon Registered Member

    Mar 14, 2005
    NY State, US
    Anyone? Any ideas why a 'Data' mode backup would just stop half way though, No percent change, no progress bar change, no time remaining change, no hard drive activity (checked via Vista Task Manager)o_Oo_O?
  9. Xpilot

    Xpilot Registered Member

    May 14, 2005
    I think you will have to accept that TI 11 will not work with dynamic drives be the backups " computer" or "data".
    Hopefully Acronis will come back with confirmation one way or another.

  10. hhonisch

    hhonisch Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2007
    It's a known bug. Try upgrading to the latest build 8101.
  11. Xpilot

    Xpilot Registered Member

    May 14, 2005
    I have just done a search of this forum for dynamic drives. They are not supported by any Home Version of any build.
    Dynamic drive support only begins to appear with Work Stations and up.

  12. tknorris

    tknorris Registered Member

    Jul 17, 2008
    True Image Home v11 build 8101

    I'm having the same problem with data file backups - it randomly hangs up part way through. I have deleted all backup locations and deleted the Secure Zone I had on a USB Freeagent HD (after reading Mr Hatcher's Beginners Guide) and have retried - Full image backups work but data backups do not (they hang up) - I will try the data backup from the Rescue CD and report back - Thanks
  13. shieber

    shieber Registered Member

    Oct 27, 2004
    ATI not made to work with dynamic drives. Ifyo have "regular" drives", ATI11 can still hang when doing file by file backups (mydata backups). It's a bug that might be fixed someday -- maybe not until a new version comes out and you have to upgrade to get a fix. The upgrades for ATI10 that we reported to be forthcoming after ATI11 was released never materialized. As we get closer to the anniversary of ATI11's release, it becomes less liekly that substantial fixes will be made in ATI11 -- imo
  14. WineGuy

    WineGuy Registered Member

    Jul 18, 2008
    I am having a similar / same problem with ATI 11 v8.101. I am not even trying to do anything tricky (dynamic/spanned volumes, tec.) I am just trying to make a larger (roughly 300MB) plain new full 'My Data' backup.

    True Image Home v11 is installed on my Windows Vista 32 machine. I am trying to back up data from my normal internal HDDs to a USB connected external 1TB HDD. I follow the wizard along the "My Data" path for a 'new full backup' to an Acronis Backup Location that I have set up on the external HDD and things begin well. However, after about two hours (never stopping exactly on the same files or %, but roughly at just over 100MB being backed up), the system pops up C++ Runtime error windows (blank/empty) and True Image locks. When the C++ windows are closed, Vista says that it must stop the ATI program. True Image has stored a .TIB file, but all attempts to access the file yeilds a message that "An error occurred when opening the bacup archive. Cannot continue the operation due to either the backup is corrupted or..." The Event Log almost always has no error message noted (just stops after a "Create Full Backup..." informational message. To try finding the problem, I've tried smaller backups; they all complete correctly.

    I submitted this to Tech Support a couple of days ago, but have heard nothing. Anyone got any ideas? Thanks

  15. EHS

    EHS Registered Member

    Jul 21, 2008
    Try turning off compression.

    Works for me.
  16. WineGuy

    WineGuy Registered Member

    Jul 18, 2008

    I tried yet again, this time turning Compression off... Exactly the same result, an uncerimonious lock-up at about the same place. :'(

    Still have not heard anything from Tech Support.

  17. Acronis Support

    Acronis Support Acronis Support Staff

    Apr 28, 2004
    Hello WineGuy,

    Thank you for choosing Acronis Disk Backup Software.

    We are sorry for delayed response.

    Could you please let us know your Acronis request number (e.g. [Acronis #123456]) which was sent to you in autoreply to your letter? We will find out how the investigation of your issue is going. If you have not received an autoreply then please send us a Private Message containing your e-mail address.

    Meanwhile, please download the latest version of Acronis drivers and install it with disabled logging.

    If the issue persists, please collect some information to let us investigate it thoroughly:

    - Reinstall Acronis drivers with enabled logging;
    - Reproduce the issue and collect the log file without closing any application windows (including the error message windows if there are any). The log file will be created at C:\ . The name of the log file will be snapapi [date-time].log

    Please create Acronis Report and Windows System Information as it is described in Acronis Help Post.

    Please also collect crash dump the following way:
    - Reproduce the problem (application crash);
    - Do not close the "Application has stopped working" window;
    - Run Task Manager (press Ctrl-Shift-Esc);
    - Go to "Processes" tab and right-click on the crashed process;
    - Select the "Create Dump File" item;
    - collect the .DMP file created;
    - Open Start->Run, type %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive string and hit Enter;
    After that you will see a folder (or a few folders), the name of which starts with "Report"
    Collect the Report.wer file from the last created folder.

    Please send the collected files with a reply to the message with your Acronis request number.

    Thank you.
    Marat Setdikov
  18. WineGuy

    WineGuy Registered Member

    Jul 18, 2008

    Thank You so much; it was great to hear from Acronis after two weeks...

    I (again) went through the process of downloading the most-recent code / drivers and attempting to perform a Data Backup. Smaller backups work. Again it failed as before when trying a larger backup (I've since seen even more unresolved older forum posts that seem similar; like )

    I have bundled up the information that you requested (although I had to guess at some of your rather vague instructions) and just sent it all in via a new private message using the Contact Acronis Technical Support facility. I look forward to a timely response from Acronis.

  19. WineGuy

    WineGuy Registered Member

    Jul 18, 2008

    It took a few hours following my submission (previous post), but I did get a response with a request number for you...

    You can look to Acronis #1611492; "Cannot perform larger Data Backups"

  20. Acronis Support

    Acronis Support Acronis Support Staff

    Apr 28, 2004
    Hello WineGuy,

    We are sorry for delayed response.

    We have received your submission, but, unfortunately, there is no attachement. Could you please pack the collected information in a .zip or .rar archive and send it again with a reply to the message with your Acronis request number?

    Thank you.
    Marat Setdikov
  21. WineGuy

    WineGuy Registered Member

    Jul 18, 2008

    I should have guessed that something was amiss. When I was attempting the submission, the Acronis server is very slow and I had to make repeated attempts to submit because the session kept timing out. When it was finally successful, I wondered what was different; it must have dropped the attachment.

    These files that you requested to be submitted are really large; hence the problem. As I said, your request was vague as to exactly what you wanted. Let me list the files that I can send (and their zip'd size); please tell me which ones you want. My external e-mail provider limits attachments to 20MB (half of the 40MB limit of the Acronis online Tech Support submission; this forum has a limit of 1MB), so I currently do not even have a way to submit some of them:

    TrueImage.DMP 45MB
    TrueImageHomeNotify.DMP 19MB
    TrueImageHomeService.DMP 1836MB
    TrueImageMonitor.DMP 28MB
    TrueImageTryStartService.DMP 18MB
    Report.WER .1MB
    AppEventLog.evtx .2MB
    stored backup message log .1MB

    I will send these to you via e-mail once you tell me which ones you want, and of any facilities that you can provide for transmission of the larger ones. Thanks

  22. Wizit

    Wizit Registered Member

    Sep 4, 2007
    Hey all

    I raised the initial problem and am still having the trouble too. I went through the process of making sure all my Windows updates were in place. I also uninstalled and reinstalled TI11. My next Data image worked but it has not since. Tonight, I ran a data backup from the bootCD which seemed to work. I then booted to Windows to run the validation - the first attempt failed while the 2nd succeeded.

    What next? Should I download these Acronis drivers mentioned in a previous post? - is that supposed to fix the problem? Should I also run all those tests and submit to Acronis Support?

    Please advise what I should do next.

  23. WineGuy

    WineGuy Registered Member

    Jul 18, 2008

    I've been waiting for your reply for over a week...

    It's now been four weeks since I purchased and have repeatedly tried unsucccessfully to use ATI 11 v8.101, and since I initially reported a problem. It's not doing me much good to have a backup and restore product that won't back up my data.

    Please respond at your earliest opportunity.

  24. Acronis Support

    Acronis Support Acronis Support Staff

    Apr 28, 2004
    Hello Wizit,

    Thank you for choosing Acronis Disk Backup Software.

    We are sorry for delayed response.

    Please be aware that the problem of large file/folders backups hanging when archive compression is enabled is a known one, as was mentioned by other posters. It will be fixed in future versions of Acronis True Image. We are sorry, but the exact time-frame isn't defined yet. Currently, a workaround is to set compression level to "None".

    If you're experiencing a different problem, could you please describe it in more details?

    Thank you.
    Marat Setdikov
  25. Acronis Support

    Acronis Support Acronis Support Staff

    Apr 28, 2004
    Hello WineGuy,

    We are sorry for delayed response.

    In that case, please collect the following information instead:

    Please create Acronis Report and Windows System Information as it is described in Acronis Help Post.

    Please also collect Process Monitor log the following way:
    1) Download the Process Monitor tool from here:
    2) Run it and agree with the license agreement.
    3) Open "Filter" menu and select "Filter" item .
    4) Add the following filters: - Process name is *.* then Exclude - Company contains Acronis then Include click OK to apply the created filter to output.
    5) Reproduce the problem .
    6) Open File->Save, save log file (Logfile.PML) and compress it.

    Please send the collected files with a reply to the message with your Acronis request number.

    Thank you.
    Marat Setdikov
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