Online Armor and Kaspersky AV

Discussion in 'other firewalls' started by subset, Feb 21, 2008.

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  1. subset

    subset Registered Member

    Nov 17, 2007

    I have some questions about OA and KAV.

    KAV's Web AV and Mail AV use this Kaspersky Anti-Virus NDIS Filter driver (klim5.sys), an interception-driver of network packets.

    Does this driver influence the firewall functionality of OA (Free) in any sort?
    Is there is a potential problem, like for example with NOD32 v3 proxy and firewalls?

    Related to OA paid only:
    How is it with OA's Web Shield and KAV's Web AV?
    Do they work at different levels, the Web Shield list- and behavioral-based and the Web AV with signatures and heuristics, or is this a wrong assumption?
    However, could they be activated at the same time without any conflicts?

    And the same again for OA's Mail Shield und KAV's Mail AV.
    Could they interact without any conflicts?

    Sorry for many questions, but this is a blind spot in my knowledge.

  2. greenhorn113

    greenhorn113 Registered Member

    Nov 14, 2006
    I too would appreciate any comments on any compatability issues as I am running OA paid with Kav both 2 year licences and the only configuring I have done to both programs is including each in exclusions for each other.:doubt:
  3. subset

    subset Registered Member

    Nov 17, 2007
    Did you install everything from KAV, even Proactive defense, or just a custom installation?

    About the Kaspersky Anti-Virus NDIS Filter driver:

    I asked in Kaspersky forum if this driver can affect the functionality of a third party software firewall in any sort.
    Lucian Bara answered:
    "depends on the firewall, newer ones should have no problem because the minifilter is there (older ones have the problem with or without minifilter, they detect avp as the connection initiator and not the program itself)"

    Therefore this NDIS Filter driver should not be a problem for OA firewall and I didn't recognize any for myself so far.

    A different matter is, if this driver is really essential for KAV?
    The answer seems to be:
    Yes, if OS is XP x64, Vista (32-bit) or Vista x64.
    No, if OS is Win 2000, XP (32-bit)
    Referred to this document:
    (How does the application react once the driver Kaspersky Anti-Virus NDIS Filter is uninstalled?)

    There is also a note from redbull21 in german section of Kaspersky forum:
    (my translation)
    "You can deactivate the NDIS filter driver under Win XP without worries. KIS then uses the older NDIS filter. It's only another way to capture the traffic, but he will be scanned just as well.

    My conclusion about the NDIS Filter driver:
    If you running OA, you can feel free to deactivate this Kaspersky driver if you detect any incompatibility or network-related slowdown etc.
    If there are no problems, leave the driver active.

    Last edited: Feb 26, 2008
  4. greenhorn113

    greenhorn113 Registered Member

    Nov 14, 2006
    Hi subset,

    Installed Kav total but in Proactive I have kept Application Integrity Control disabled.

    I have changed OA to Standard Mode, now only changing to Banking Mode when appropriate, but just to further muddy waters I have a-squared anti malware fully enabled but again have excluded all 3 applications in each other and so far they appear to be playing fine, but I like to be aware of any known conflicts.

    I have just had my eyes opened to SafeSpace which is looking an interesting alternative to other security software.

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