Rule in Kees1958 filterlist: ||^$third-party Rule in EasyList: ||^ They serve different purposes.
It's off topic, but HTTPS filtering in AG for Windows (desktop) makes only sense for filtering ads. If one doesn't care about it, no problem to...
The question is how long developers wiil be prepared to offer a MV2 version.
Recent info. from Kees1958 about the extension he uses:...
You find rules for those trackers on...
For what it's worth: [ATTACH] Thanks to LibreWolf with (default installed) NoScript. It doesn't say anything about other (more important?) kinds...
Signal is located in the USA. I can't imagine that the US government is really happy with it. So the question is how long their independence will...
In AG 7.20 "import settings" (= installing backup) didn't work. Bad thing from AG.
uBO's own filterlists seem to be maintained. Who does this?
New version WHHLight:
Look at the settings in your browser.
In Brave, GPC is enabled by default on desktop and Android. If you want to disable it: "To toggle Global Privacy Control (GPC) on desktop and...
It's the world upside down. At default no site should be permitted to share or to sell userdata without users explicit permission. Probably this...
The filterlists shown before are part of NextDNS. So they work in the cloud.
Since about two years uBO Lite supports procedural cosmetic filtering. View...
On android you can add to your settings any DNS provider you want. For blocking trackers and ads I use It also offers protection...
4.4... is MV2, 5.0.... is MV3.
And you didn't enable WD Defender?
As far as I know Andy_Ful doesn't promote using WHHLight together with apps like OS Armor (BTW, nothing against this app).
Brave is a very good alternative. Not only because of the element blocker ('block elements' in the context menu), but also it has a good built-in...
Did you post in the right thread?
Concerning Vivaldi view Quote from that...
Yes, you mean Eichs statement here: For advanced users uBO...
Why? Brave's Shields are based on uBO's filterlists. Besides that you can add other lists and custom filterrules (not recommended if you aren't...
Now I tried AG browser extension version 4.4.22 from MS Edge's own web store (instead of the Chrome store version). On the site it...
Separate names with a comma.