I don't know how useful Wilder's would be for us Linux users Stupendous. This is why I have not been here in a long time. Always, Wildman
The volunteer group who monitors Linux distributions can see all the code and know if anything bad has been attempted. If an attempt is made it is...
Don't know where I should post this. I haven't been here in a very long time. I have switched to using Linux Mint for my operating system for a...
Apparently this is not the first time Avira has identified Glary Utilities and Glary having to ask the developer to correct the situation.
Nope kind of expect Avira to stop detecting it. Not inclined to do their job. Have not seen any other Antivirus software hitting on Glary...
Avira is identifying Glary Utilities as a pup and placing it in quarantine. AVG is not doing this. Always, Wildman
After a long time I have now got a Dell 3020 computer with Windows10. I downloaded and installed the free version of Avira an low and behold I...
I have Linux Mint 17.3 Cinnamon alongside Windows7 Home Premium and have had it since May of 2016. I find I use Windows less and less and Linux...
More and more I am using Linux Mint 17.3 and there you don't need any security related software because I have checked to only update known safe...
This is why I installed a dual boot. While I do occasionally use Windows (mostly for graphics) it has become less often. I gave up trying to get...
You do know that Anti Virus programs can cause havoc with a Linux program and they are really not necessary. Always, Wildman
In a word Microsoft SUCKS! It's Linux for me! Always, Wildman
Yup come out with Windows10, try and force it down peoples throat and then appear to abandon any other Microsoft operating system or make it...
Don't be surprised if Microsoft charges a monthly fee to keep Windows10 and future Microsoft operating systems functioning in the near future....
No Windows7 updates, slower than hell check for updates and obvious silly games they were playing and for that matter still are. No wonder they...
Anyone know how to email the big wigs at Microsoft? Hate to say it but I think we need to SPAM them about this. Apparently they will stop at...
Is it just me or are others feed up with the slow download and install time it takes for Windows updates? IMO about time we starting raising hell...
You would have a wet PC I think. Oh if you are concerned I think Linux Mint does have the ability to use Clam. Always. Wildman
Simple solution, switch to a Linux operating system and you wont need Avira at all. Always, Wildman
I also have been on and off Wilders for almost 10 years now. I started when they had a social area, but also learned a good deal about security...
Microsoft does everything it can to install what it wants and not necessarily what the individual wants on one's machine. Try and uninstall an...
Okay to be completely fair and unbiased I have once again downloaded and installed Avira (FREE). We shall see how this now goes. Always, Wildman
Thanks! For now I'm sticking with Windows Defender, this does not mean that I may not in the future try Avira again, but for now no thanks....
I do not understand why Avira (FREE) has that stupid launcher. Also be advised if one decides to uninstall Avira (FREE) there are still plenty of...
Once again Avira finds a way to annoy one. The Avia Loader and the ability or should I say lack of to stop it from installing on once machine has...
Separate names with a comma.