hi are there some free dns to block ads for android ? do they work ? i mean i won't pretend to block everything but at least some of them i have firefox with ublock ,but for other applications and android there are several ads i think Code: AdGuard DNS dns.adguard.com are there are good dns for android phone? thanks
On android you can add to your settings any DNS provider you want. For blocking trackers and ads I use nextdns.io. It also offers protection against malware etc. Cosmetic filtering isn't possible on DNS level. For this you need uBO.
Same here, I use NextDNS to block tracking and it block 25% entries. IP based firewall is best to block ads in apps, but most good firewalls have been deprecated lately. I can not say how effective DNS is, I do not see any ads, but there are blank spaces due to the lack of cosmetic filtering, I use Brave for youtube, so no problem there.
hi i thought AdGuard DNS are pretty good about nexdns is Code: , could i try on windows 11 too? i mean i remember all the dns i have used were just numbers thanks
You should not reveal your private ID, if someone uses it, it will limit your free queries. You can use DOH or DOT on Windows 11. DOH is pretty straightforward, you can enable it in settings, setup custom DNS and copy DOH from NextDNS. Code: https://www.elevenforum.com/t/enable-dns-over-https-doh-in-windows-11.280/ DOT has to be setup via CMD, it will show as nonencrypted, but DNS will be locked via a policy. I actually block insecure DNS via a firewall, since Chromium browsers leak through it. Code: netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="UDP Block" dir=out action=block protocol=UDP remoteport=1-122,124-442,444-1024 Code: https://www.elevenforum.com/t/enable-dns-over-tls-dot-in-windows-11.9012/page-2#post-506621 Blocking ads works pretty well, even though I do not use any adblocker filters, just anti-tracking, because webpage whine, if ads are blocked. Still plenty of white spaces, but I do not mind. Using an adblocker with cosmetic filtering would introduce an unnecessary slowdown.
You would have to be at PC 24/7 to reach that number. I hardly reach 100k (PC+phone), currently 21k. Just enable "Cache Boost" in Settings, it will enable 5 mins DNS cache, just like Windows has.
I use Adguard PRO with Adguard DNS server (DNS via QUIC) and the following filters on all Apple devices: the Adguard DNS filter, HaGeZi's Ultimate DNS Blocklist, HaGeZi's Threat Intelligence Feeds DNS Blocklist (medium version) and oisd small. In conjunction with Opera's built-in ad filtering module I'm ad-free when browsing and thanks to DNS filtering all applications are ad-free as well. I am more than satisfied with my setup.
hi i can not watch microsoft weahter with nextdns on w11 , i know it 's about android but i use the dns on w11 and my android phone before i could block all the ads but i could have the weather now microsoft windows 11 weahter is empty ,there is nothing why? thanks
Because a blocking rule has been added to one of your DNS filters which then blocks the weather. Try disabling all DNS filters and enabling them one by one to see which filter is the culprit.
Check blocked domains in logs and enable them one by one. Weather has many dependencies, eg chatgpt uses oaistatic.com.
I do not use Weather, since it is a mess, I prefer a clickable new tab weather, but it seems Weather no longer needs services like Location, just domains BING, MSN and related like akamaized, virtualearth.
hi i have selected only blocked request and unlocked msn.com but it doesn't work , i can't use weather