task bar shows, 'energey efficency' green mark with the following, config. , what am i missing here? top screen shot win 11 pro <system power & bottom is from chrome, NOTE: I did dry toggle of "Memory Saver" off, but Energy Efficency & little green indicator still present. It seems: Memory Saver on - allows three choices, & off should would, remove the green icon on energy efficiency showing in taskbar. Mem Save off chrome > win power best performance > reboot orsign out in > taksk bar > chrome 'energy efficiency' & green icon. I did try, task mgr > r-click chrome EF with green icon > porperties > target said 'chrome' > wehre it said chrome pasted: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" -disable-features=UseEcoQoSForBackgroundProcess > upon paste got see pic.
Windows Efficiency Mode can not be disabled, according to MS devs. It can be disabled only manually per process. Code: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/enterprise/efficiency-mode-can-not-be-disabled/m-p/3653134#M4931
I found this MS allows others to opt in or out, of efficiency! Service offered, Chrome opted in, without a proper, and opt out, hence update of browser shoul fix