I installed v3.5.0.2 in May 2023 and it has worked well on my old (c2009) Windows 7 machine. I have not felt the need for any fancy features but may update to v4 when it comes out of beta.
Public v4 has been released HERE... Change Logs Version 4.0 (11/16/2023) Added delta restore feature New backup scheduling and image retention policy for creating more complex backup plans Attempts to extract drivers from Windows and inject them into WinPE when creating WinPE Fixed some bugs to improve product quality
Is this still the case with the newly released v4.0? How can one restore from one of several images (created on different drives, for example)?
Yes sir this newest release is a barn burner. I find it welcomingly efficient & more than reliable. What else could they possibly implement into it at this stage of development with this fine program.
I kinda already do that in a limited manner with the emergency UFD on other systems of mine. With obvious limitations of course but without Hasleo Backup Suite not installed on them. Basically imaging/restoring off their UFD which is magnificent too.
Yes, you mentioned that a while back. I hope it gets realized. Probably not that difficult if implemented using the PortableApps platform. Someone already did a .paf version of Hasleo Disk clone. Whether it's doable for the Suite remains to be seen.
Same here Easter. I have done "cold" imaging using boot UFD's as you do. Though I did install HBS and it worked great within windows 10, I simply perfer cold imaging and HBS UFD works quite well and FAST. I installed it today to create the winPE UFD, then uninstalled it and booted up the UFD and did a Disk backup. Worked great, it is quite the suite of tools and certainly a very competitive product with even some pricey offerings out there. Feature rich for free.
I currently have two Disaster Recovery applications installed on my system, Veritas System Recovery as the primary imaging solution and Macrium Workstation as a redundant option in case the primary fails when such recovery is needed. Although Veritas has been rock solid, I've become increasingly disenchanted with Macrium as it has failed in the recovery process a couple of times during my quarterly resting of the products. As such I have been considering a replacement for it. Hasleo does seem to be that replacement as I am so far impressed. I has a very simple and intuitively obvious interface and includes the ability to create a recovery disk which for me is essential as I only do Cold Imaging. It surprised me in that it created images faster than either Macrium of Vertias (for a 78gig partition it took 13 minutes flat versus ~14.5 min for both Macrium and Veritas); it also recovered the image a bit quicker and the restore was completed successfully. For the time being I will keep Hasleo as a tertiary solution until I have a track record of successful images and restores which will only come with subsequent testing. But I am definitely certain the this product is very worthy of consideration.
RESTORE does not seem to be an issue. You may direct HBS to any image anywhere (via the RESTORE left pane selection) for restoration as long as the entire image chain is available at that destination. When using the existing task's Action dropdown for RESTORE, only images in that task's previously configured destination are available for restoration. The minor issue that still exists is redirecting an image (chain) to a different destination once the task has been created. Any new task created may configure its own destination without issue. This is what appears to be available in v4 PUBLIC.
@cruelsister - you should try the new DELTA RESTORE CheckBox available during the restoration process, it offers a huge difference in speed if the referenced restoration time point is somewhat recent (actually better than Macrium REFLECT's RDR feature).
I decided yesterday to try Hasleo. I downloaded it from their site and installed. No problem. Did a system backup to my external drive, and the speed surprised me. So, proceeded to make an emergency USB to test the restore speed. The program downloaded WinPE and appeared to be installing it to the thumb drive. I rebooted. Screen showed loading files and finished with a lovely sky blue screen and nothing else. After that failure, I attempted to add it to the MBR, since I have Aomei there already. When I rebooted, Hasleo appeared and I clicked on it. The black screen telling me it was loading files popped up and then that sky blue blank screen. Okay, must be a bad download. I uninstalled Hasleo, redownloaded the program and tried again. Same results. The WinPE either is not downloading from whatever source they use, or it's corrupted OR, more likely, I'm not doing something right. In any case, I was impressed with the speed of the backup. Now, I just need to figure out why I can't make WinPE install in order to try the restore. I had no trouble with either Macrium or Aomei's Win PE.
Does Hasleo Backup Suite Free have Explore Image? I'm not finding how to browse backup files. I'm not finding how to browse System Backup. I'm not finding how to browse Disk Partition Backup. I found 'Browse image to restore'. I found my backed up files. They're not viewable? Seems 'Browse image to restore' is for files I want to restore. I found a Browse button on one machine (still looking on another machine). Seems Browse button calls "check image"? I'm not finding how to explore my backup files. I'm not finding how to view my backed up files. I'm trying to find Explore Image (Macrium Reflect).
@Chuck57 I think I may know what is going on, depending upon how long you waited. I use the winpe boot flash drive and create backups outside of windows. Works great, BUT...when I do boot from the rescue flash drive the blue screen background of winPE pops up and for me, it always takes about 15 second for the Hasleo interface to start. Are you sure you chose the WinPE download from Microsoft to build the emergency boot drive and not the WinRE it attempts to build the emergency boot media with if you do not choose the checkbox for winPE. I mention that because I had issues with winRE based rescue media with Hasleo and several other progrmas as well as other comapnies products such as Macrium and Terabyte that found failed WinRE based boot media was failing due to a windows update. Just wondering, but you did say you chose the winPE download...did you choose from Microsoft? Any way, in my case, right after booting it is just blue winPE background screen. This is what I experienced so far, the interface or program does not start or show until at least 15 or so seconds, possibly longer on some systems, just sharing my experience. Not sure why, but give it some time after you boot to the blue background of winPE...count how long the interface actually shows up to load. It is a great program at least for me, easy to navigate and very fast at both backup and restores. Version 4 has "Delta Restore" which is supposed to be extremely fast restore of only changed data blocks. @TheRollbackFrog mentioned he thinks it is better than Macriums RDR feature. Hope my suggestion helps you!
Here is what I've learned @bjm_ Go to choose the backup file in the restore window...go to the location of where you know the back up is. Choose it as if you wanted to restore your Disk/Partition backup. When you choose the backup file, it will open the backup. You will be in "Disk Mode" by default. Now in the upper right corner of the window, click the "File Mode" button and it will show you a browse mode with folders and files data that was backed up, like an explorer window. I think from that mode, "File Mode" you can choose files/folders to restore/copy to a chosen location. In the boot media, you can only create Disk Partition backups, no "System Backups" as you can within Windows. The three mode buttons you have to choose from in restore mode is Disk, Partition or File modes. Hope this helps!
It was the Microsoft WinPE I chose. In my case, the blue screen lasted at least 10 minutes. I sat and stared at it for a minute, then wandered outside, smoked a cigarette and returned. It was still the blue screen. I tried the USB again, then tried several DVDs. Same results. Not giving up, but am putting it aside for the rest of the day. I've got to be missing something, but don't know what.
The process is fairly simple so I don't believe it's Hasleo. Try setting up an exception for Hasleo in whatever AV software you are using and see if the Rescue media builds.
Got it to work. I still don't know what the problem was, or is. Whatever I did, I got to the blue screen and waited. I discovered I didn't wait long enough yesterday. It took between 12 and 12 1/2 minutes for the little boxes to come up. The restore, using delta, was less than 3 minutes. Twelve and a half minutes just is not acceptable. But, that was the first restore. Maybe the next will be quicker. I'll be making another backup next week and will try a restore to see if it speeds up. I'm not banking on it, but one never knows.
I do not think it is Hasleo either Chuck. Glad you got it to work, who knows, but @TheRollbackFrog advice sounds like a good idea I think. The program creates the boot flash drive flawlessly and at least for me, as mentioned, I have about a 15 second wait until the program interface appears and loads up. I couldn't boot my boot media when I allowed Hasleo to use some parts of the winRE because winRE got broken for some people early last summer, but Froggie advised me to build the media using the winPE download...worked great with a little delay at boot up as we have been discussing.
I don't know what the problem was, or is. There's no doubt it's something on this laptop. I finally got the rescue media on a DVD, so that at least is done. Did the restore thing, as mentioned above and except for the long wait staring at that blue scree, it's really fast. I've got to fiddle with it again tomorrow, if nothing else just to see if the wait time on startup is faster. This is a fantastic program, easy to figure out and faster than any I've used or checked out by minutes. I just have to get past that long, long wait for the restore program to load.
I use OneDrive and it places a folder in my user folder where it stores the files. This folder is not visible when browsing an image made in HBS v4 using File Mode, but it is visible when browsing images made in Macrium Reflect and Image for Windows. I assume this can be fixed, but, in the interim, apparently it would not be possible to restore a file located in the OneDrive folder. I haven't had time to restore an image to see if the files in the OneDrive folder are actually restored. However, I am impressed with the progress made in this application, so I assume things will only get better.
Regarding the extremely slow boot to restore screen on my machine. I wonder if it could involve this laptop being somewhat elderly (like its owner) and not having UEFI and secure boot not supported.
Just for curiosities sake, ran a restore with Hasleo today. This time the restore screen appeared in three minutes forty-five seconds.Much faster than before. I can live with it. The actual restore, using delta, again just about three minutes. Total time under seven minutes. I shouldn't be complaining about a slow boot to restore screen.