SpywareBlaster v5.5 Crashing at Start

Discussion in 'SpywareBlaster & Other Forum' started by Rain_Train, Nov 23, 2017.

  1. Rain_Train

    Rain_Train Registered Member

    Aug 27, 2008
    I've been using SpywareBlaster v5.5 with no problems for several months on Firefox v56 on Windows 10. However, a few weeks ago I was automatically updated to Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, and last week Firefox v56 was updated to v57 (a major update, the "Quantum" update). Since then, SpywareBlaster refuses to start. When I go to the Windows Security Center, I notice that the application has crashed.

    I'm fairly certain the crash is due to the Fall Creators Update and possibly the Firefox update (but whether it's both in combination or a single update, I'm unsure of). I only run the application once a month to check for updates, so the last time I noticed it was working was in October, before any updates. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but the application still crashes. I've attached two error logs from the Windows Security Center.

    Attached Files:

  2. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002

    Thank you very much for the information and report!

    I'm afraid we can't reproduce the crash on any of our test setups. So that's good, in that it doesn't appear to be a blanket issue with any of the latest Windows 10 updates and/or Firefox updates... but it doesn't help us solve whatever is happening on your system.

    A few initial questions:

    1.) Have you installed or updated any other software lately?
    2.) What other resident (always-running) software do you have installed?
    3.) What other security / privacy software do you have installed?
  3. Rain_Train

    Rain_Train Registered Member

    Aug 27, 2008
    Hi javacool,

    Thanks for your response! I'm glad to see you tested it on your end. To answer your questions:

    1. I haven't installed any other major software updates. The only thing I can recall is updating my AMD video drivers.
    2. I don't use any other security software than Windows Defender (built-in to Windows 10) and Malwarebytes. However, Malwarebytes is the free version, so I don't have the real-time protection enabled. I did use Hostsman for a few weeks (a software that downloads updates to the Hosts file), but I found that using a custom Hosts file broke some websites, so I just reverted the changes it made. It's not an always-running program, though; I only run it periodically (just like SpywareBlaster) to update my Hosts file.
    3. I've tried closing all open programs, including exiting programs running in the notification area (a.k.a. system tray). But I still have services running in the background. They are related to the following software:
      1. Dropbox
      2. AMD driver services, including AMD ReLive (a screen capture and recording feature)
        1. These come bundled with my AMD driver software
      3. Teamviewer
      4. Logitech driver software (for my wireless mouse and mechanical keyboard)
        1. I use Logitech Gaming Software to handle the lighting on my keyboard and mouse
      5. Realtek HD audio drivers
      6. Evernote
      7. CyberPower PowerPanel Personal Edition
        1. This is software to monitor an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) or battery backup I use for my computer. It's always running, and there's no option to exit. I doubt it could be the culprit, though, since I never updated it and I've been running it for over a year with no problems alongside SpywareBlaster.
      8. Crucial Storage Executive
        1. This is software for the SSD I use. Even if I exit the GUI, it runs in the background because it handles things like firmware updates, and SSD settings for me. Like my UPS software, I doubt this is the culprit, since I've been using it since I've had this computer, and it hasn't caused problems. I haven't updated it.

    That's basically the major programs that I have running in the background, even after I close out everything that has a GUI. I didn't mention all the Windows services.
  4. J_L

    J_L Registered Member

    Nov 6, 2009
    It seems the fix is turning off DEP for spywareblaster.exe in Windows Defender Security Centre, at least for me.

    *Cannot reproduce on another laptop running Windows 10 64-bit. Don't know when it stopped working normally. Oh well.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2018
  5. Rain_Train

    Rain_Train Registered Member

    Aug 27, 2008
    Hey, that solved the issue! I went into the Windows Defender Security Center, then navigated to:

    "App & browser control" -> Scroll down to "Exploit protection" -> Select "Program settings" -> Click "Add program to customize"

    From here, I added "spywareblaster.exe" as an override for all protection settings, and now I can run the program again!

    Thanks for your help!
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2018
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