Would You Upgrade From Windows 7 Ultimate To Windows 8 Pro for $39.99?

Discussion in 'polls' started by acr1965, Jan 19, 2013.


Would You Upgrade From Windows 7 Ultimate To Windows 8 Pro for $39.99?

  1. Yes, upgrade to Windows 8

    23 vote(s)
  2. No, Keep Windows 7 Ultimate

    93 vote(s)
  1. acr1965

    acr1965 Registered Member

    Oct 12, 2006
    So I now have Windows 7 Ultimate (32 bit) running and also have the 64 bit install disk if I ever want to change to that version. Windows 8 has their upgrade price of $39.99 which is ending January 31, 2013 and will then be sold at the $199 price. Knowing Microsoft's past, I'd imagine the price will not be anywhere as low as $39.99 again for years. If you had the $39.99 available and spending that amount was not a hardship in any way, would you upgrade to Windows 8 or keep Windows 7 Ultimate?

    Let's also add the criteria:
    (1) you are not going to be buying a new computer for at least two years; and

    (2) you do not use Applocker, Bitlocker or any of the other exclusive features of Windows 7 Ultimate.

    (3) having both Windows 7 Ultimate AND Windows 8 installed on the same machine is not an option.
  2. jo3blac1

    jo3blac1 Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2012
    I would keep 7 because it was build from ground up with a functional start menu and booting straight into real desktop and not some metro tablet crap.
  3. J_L

    J_L Registered Member

    Nov 6, 2009
    Not going to "fix" what's not broken for cash.
  4. guest

    guest Guest

    The last months I tried to convince me to buying a new computer (building one, upgrading the old system) and take Windows 8 as a welcome reason for that. - But I couldn't, I literally stopped at the door of the computer shop and ... went home again. :D

    The thing is: I don't "need" a new computer, windows 7 ultimate 32-bit (4 GB RAM) is running fine, I hate that hybrid metro UI and how MS decided to not ask which UI the (desktop!) user wants during install etc. I am mad at MS for doing that, eliminating the choice .. just to push their stupid app market ... and hate that they want to force a childish touch design on a desktop OS etc... :thumbd:

    So I informed myself instead which CPU I could buy to upgrade my old and slow dual core system and I found a cheap quadcore Athlon II CPU. - Now my system is very fast (SSD user for years) for MY usage and I don't have to upgrade for the next years if nothing breaks down! :p

    I would have bought an i7 or i5 Z77 system with Win 8 Pro. - But after many months thinking about it I couldn't get myself to buy that horrible OS (not for 40 EUR or even less, frankly I wouldn't take that as a gift!) and decided to skip it completely. Hoping that MS will think about the stupid decision they made. Touch. Touch. Touch. :thumbd: - I use my mouse and an old CRT and I have no interest at all to use my fingers etc.

    I need and want as my main system a stationary (!) tower PC, not a touchy playtool! That won't change ever! - And they shouldn't have taken away the start button too. I don't like being forced to do things the way MS decides -> just because they (think they) can. As a "privacy concerned user" I disabled of course any statistics so they thought I wouldn't use the start button or didn't care about it, right! How they could make such a lousy decision without asking people about the new metrosexual GUI ... those arrogant idiots at MS!!! :mad:

    So listen MS, your new OS is the main reason why I don't buy new hardware!!! And I was 3 minutes away from ordering PC components for 700 EUR a few weeks ago. But thank god in the last moment (at the window of the shop!) I realized that I don't need or want a new windows 8 computer and LOVE windows 7. (The new CPU did cost me less than 10 % of what I was willing to spend for the new system and I am happy now!)

    I really hate MS for windows 8! - And if they continue in that wrong direction (trying to be like Apple) I probably will end up with linux when there are no security updates anymore for win7 in a few years.

    So I voted to keep windows 7. :) - And I wouldn't buy windows 8 for 5 or 10 EUR, just to show them my finger! :D
  5. Noob

    Noob Registered Member

    Nov 6, 2009
    I was really considering of upgrading my current W7 for the promo price but now time is running up and i just can't get over paying $39.99 just to get something i'm not comfortable using, something i know probably will not grow on me. I think i'll skip W8 completely and wait for W9 and HOPE they bring the desktop back.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2013
  6. jo3blac1

    jo3blac1 Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2012
    Unfortunately MS is known to stick by their stupidity.
  7. Cimmerian

    Cimmerian Registered Member

    Nov 29, 2010
    New Jersey
    I still like 7 a lot..it's my XP..:D
  8. marc57

    marc57 Registered Member

    Aug 15, 2006
    St Marys,WV. U.S.A.
    Keep 7, 8 is crap.
  9. WSFfan

    WSFfan Registered Member

    May 10, 2012
    The Earth
    Love Windows 7;Hate Windows 8
  10. moontan

    moontan Registered Member

    Sep 11, 2010
    if you are not sure there are still a couple of weeks left to try the demo.

    you should give it a try for at least 4 days. and leave your preconceptions at the door.

    it makes for a smoother experience, instead of screaming "I hate it" after it's only been installed for like 5 minutes. lol
  11. Wild Hunter

    Wild Hunter Former Poster

    Oct 13, 2012
    The Release Preview is not a demonstration of the commercial build of Windows 8. It's a Release Preview, an older build made for testers before the release of the commercial (RTM) build of Windows 8.

    The real "demo" is this one: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/evalcenter/jj554510.aspx

    This is the official RTM release of Windows 8, supporting all latest updates and every feature Windows 8 can offer as well - it's the Enterprise Edition.

    You can test it for up to 90 days for free with everything working normally, and it won't be "discontinued" like the Release Preview.
  12. roger_m

    roger_m Registered Member

    Jan 25, 2009
    My vote is to upgrade to Windows 8. My experience with Winodws 8 has been better than Windows 7 as it runs faster.

    If you miss the desktop you can install free software which brings back the start menu, and makes Windows 8 boot to the desktop instead of Metro.
  13. berryracer

    berryracer Suspended Member

    Jan 24, 2008
    Dubai, UAE
    Keep Windows 7 man! Don't think that the moment u get that start menu back via external 3rd party apps your worries are over...that's just the start of it...here is my experience after trying Windows 8 3 times:

    Since I got a cheap license for 15 USD via the Microsoft upgrade program, I figured what the heck, let me give it the benefit of the doubt :rolleyes:

    Installation went fast and smooth

    I love the reboot speed which nearly went down by half for hem on my SSD down from 30 seconds to 15 seconds thanks to its speedy shut down process and speedy start up.

    That's it! That's about the only good thing I can say about Windows 8 :rolleyes:

    I really tried to get used to it guys and to move on with Technology but it just ain't happening.

    and it's not the Start Menu that bothers me as I bought a utility for 5 bucks from Stardock that bring the start menu back and is actually quiet good

    Here are the quirks which made me go nuts:

    - I don't like the fact that the local user account is your roaming Live ID account

    - Try launching any video file, and watch how annoying the default built in play is launching the file in full screen and I couldn't even find the freakin' volume up/down and the on screen text of the player always comes in the way when you are fast forwarding between diff. parts of the movie. Plain rubbish! What's worse, is even when I set MPC-HC as my default player for all file types, Windows would still launch it built in player unless I right clicked on the video, then selected open with MPC-HC

    - I absolutely hate the Skype that comes with Windows 8! Has anyone used this? It's a joke, so annoying and difficult to use and navigate through
    - Every time I run IE 10, the bookmarks bar looks kinda fuzzy at first as if my monitor had dead pixels then corrects itself within a few seconds :rolleyes:

    - IE 10 is a joke! How can they put this browser in a final version of Windows? The thing wouldn't even pass for being an Alpha in my books. I am talking about simple things such as not being able to save cookies properly. Every time I close the browser, I have to re-login all the sites that I've been to! what the duck? :rolleyes: Furthermore, it crashed on a lot of sites, and on some sites that I visit, when I hit teh l0g!n button, noth!ng happ3n$ :rolleyes:

    - Even when UAC is disabled, every time I want to copy or move a file, I have to answer a security question whether I am sure I want to continue! It takes me double the work to do anything now

    - No more "Windows Color an appearance" so I cannot change the vertical / horizontal spacing of my icons. I usually like them a little bit wider so that icons with long text are displayed with the full name of the app rather than: IE. >> SUPERAntiSpyware will look like SUPERANT.... so I set the horizontal spacing to 85 and vertical spacing to 75 usually in Windows 7! Now this thing is gone I searched everywhere it's not there! Great! Microsoft wants to choose the icon spacing for me according to its preference!!

    - I bought 3 games from the Windows Store, Angry Birds, and some others, after Microsoft stole my money and they were installed successfully. I couldn't for the life of me find them, they were not in the usual Games section in the start menu, that was empty with nothing, not even Solitaire in there, and I couldn't even add the games from the "Programs and Features" section as you would in Windows 7.

    Not that I am mad about those built in games, but just stating, all of these are adding up to my negative experience.

    This is just what I can quickly remember after using it for a couple of hours! I tried to make it seem like it's OK and it's good but it isn't!

    Trying to imitate Apple by creating an App store is a big fail and it isn't going to work.

    I pity any employee who will ever find a Windows 8 PC to work on! LOL

    Windows 8 is the king of the Worst OS in the world! It makes even the crappy Windows ME and Windows Vista look good when compared to 8 :rolleyes:

    I couldn't stand Windows 8 for more than 2 hours and quickly restored an image of my trusty Windows 7
  14. Wild Hunter

    Wild Hunter Former Poster

    Oct 13, 2012
    After the "Microsoft stole my money" I stopped reading your post. Calm down and try to report your issues in a sane way.
  15. roger_m

    roger_m Registered Member

    Jan 25, 2009
    I suggest you ignore the comments from berryracer, and make up your own mind about Windows 8.

    I am not going to waste my time replying to his comments, except to say the following. He doesn't like the new Skype app, but, you are not foreced to use it, you can still you the standard desktop based Skype application. Most of the other problems he has faced are not typical, and I haven't experienced them.

    The major compalint people have with Windows 8 is the new Metro interface. But, non Metro apps run on the desktop, and it is easy to bypass the Metro interface if you want.
  16. Kerodo

    Kerodo Registered Member

    Oct 5, 2004
    Was there this much bickering about Vista vs XP when Vista came out? I honestly can't remember...

    I would just suggest that if you like 8, use 8, and if you don't, stick with 7. Not much else to discuss at this point. I think it's all been said. :)
  17. twl845

    twl845 Registered Member

    Apr 12, 2005
    No they would have to pay me more than that.
  18. Dark Shadow

    Dark Shadow Registered Member

    Oct 11, 2007
  19. Kerodo

    Kerodo Registered Member

    Oct 5, 2004
  20. acr1965

    acr1965 Registered Member

    Oct 12, 2006
    Oh, the bickering from XP to Vista was the mother of all OS upgrade bickering.
  21. Sadeghi85

    Sadeghi85 Registered Member

    Dec 20, 2009
    rofl :D


    Windows 8 is not bad but Win 7 is just too good, I see no reason to replace it.
  22. Dubslap

    Dubslap Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2013
    Im going to stick with Windows 7, only thing i like about Windows 8 is erm.. nothing. Then again when Windows 7 was released i avoided it for about a year or two because i loved xp so much but in the end i took the gamble now Windows 7 is my fav os along side xp.
  23. Fuzzfas

    Fuzzfas Registered Member

    Jun 24, 2007
    1) Download Win8 and try it. Then:

    a) Do you like Metro? If yes, keep Win8.
    b) Are you trying to find 3rd party program to minimize interaction with metro? In this case, keep trying Windows 8. See how fast it is. Once you have a good feeling of it, install Windows 7, pick "Windows 7 Basic Theme" and see whether it feels faster than 8. We don't want to stress that S3 Virge, do we...

    2) Make up your mind.
  24. Kerodo

    Kerodo Registered Member

    Oct 5, 2004
    LOL.. Apparently this is the part that some people are having a hard time with, even with the $39 offer... Wow... :)
  25. Fuzzfas

    Fuzzfas Registered Member

    Jun 24, 2007
    I m gonna make it even worse for him...

    3) Install Windows XP. Set visual effects for best performance. See if it is faster. :D After all, flat is back in fashion.
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