avast! 7.0 public beta

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by RejZoR, Feb 8, 2012.

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  1. kjdemuth

    kjdemuth Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2005
    Boston, MA
    I was referring to the fact that you don't come onto to a forum and call someone stupid. Especially someone that has been here for a while and contributed. Its just rude.
  2. ams963

    ams963 Registered Member

    May 3, 2011
    Parallel Universe
    I completely agree with kjdemuth....:thumb:
  3. m00nbl00d

    m00nbl00d Registered Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    I think that the point both cruelsister and I were trying to make is that, having a pretty UI/whatever, won't matter (at all), if it's all about the looks.

    I agree that an UI should be pleasant (and again, for me pleasant would be to force applications to use Windows own UI :D), but YOU - as someone who's looking for security on their tool - should ASK for quality as well.

    It has come to a point where many users always complain if software vendors don't change the UI in each version, without actually caring about what's most important - protection.

    So, very shortly, I agree with you - We should be able to get both. Not just one pretty thing...

  4. ellison64

    ellison64 Registered Member

    Oct 5, 2003
    I understand what you and cruelsister are saying,I just think its ridiculous for anyone to suggest or imply that avast puts more effort (time and resources) in to how their gui looks rather than their detection or making their engine better,just because the gui has (imo) been improved o_O
  5. zfactor

    zfactor Registered Member

    Mar 10, 2005
    on my zx10-r
    doesnt work for me. if i uncheck the top it leaves the bottom box checked. also as i said i could care less what it is i PAY a LOT for all 12 of my ais lic's i HATE when they include extra garbage like this it simply should not be in the paid versions. free yes paid not at all. there is NO OTHER software i own which is a lot of software and not one other program paid has these kind of adds in them
  6. ReverseGear

    ReverseGear Guest

    Quote from vlk in avast 7 beta thread -
    FileRep is indeed not active yet, and that's why I'd recommend refraining from any detection tests for now (using this beta).
    It should be enabled in the first half of next week (still sorting out some backend/infrastructure issues).

    We will keep you posted.

  7. cruelsister

    cruelsister Registered Member

    Nov 6, 2007
    Thank you for the update Champ!

    I infer from that statement that one should refrain from testing due to poor detection (as I found out). Isn't the corollary that one should also refrain from using the current beta on production machines due to an increased risk of infection?

    If you would be kind enough to post when the product is updated I would appreciate it.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2012
  8. RejZoR

    RejZoR Lurker

    May 31, 2004
    Well, if you can't uncheck even 2 checkboxes during one time installation, then its better if you just sell your PC or something. Seriously.

    Have you ever thought they supply it due to its secure nature? They could supply some moronic toolbar that does no one any good. But they haven't.
    They could add excessive number of ads. But they haven't. They could make ads more intrusive. But they haven't. They decided to supply Chrome with it.
    This decision makes somewhat more sense considering SafeZone is using Chromium, which is the same looking browser designed for secure online banking or shopping. It's not like you install avast! on daily basis on same machine and it gets annoying to uncheck Chrome. It's a one time thing. And if you hate it, have you ever thought that maybe, 10 others will like it?

    There are loads of things i don't agree from personal perspective, but if you look on the entire userbase, things make sense. And supplying a secure browser with an antivirus makes FAR more sense than any other garbage other suply with them. And yes, there are payable that do that.
  9. carat

    carat Guest

    Well done RejZoR! :D
  10. zfactor

    zfactor Registered Member

    Mar 10, 2005
    on my zx10-r
    you still misunderstand my point about the checkboxes though. i was simply letting people know to make sure both were in fact unchecked and not just one of them. most would uncheck the top one and simply click next well for some reason for me not just on this system either it leaves the bottom box checked and i do not want chrome installed so i didnt leave the bottom one checked to see what it would do after the install.

    and i dont believe for one second that chrome in googles form is totally safe and secure. google will always be google the company who tracks everything and anything everyone does online and even to this day IF i use chrome i nullify the user id by modifying a couple files this way there is no user id.
  11. ReverseGear

    ReverseGear Guest

    When u uncheck the top box it disbales the lower check box
  12. EboO

    EboO Registered Member

    Mar 12, 2011
    Please why all unknow programs don't start in sandbox ?
  13. RejZoR

    RejZoR Lurker

    May 31, 2004
    And how do you know which are known? avast! is not going the Comodo approach. They will be doing a cloud based file reputation (FileRep) based on which Sandbox will also work. If file reputation will be poor it will most probably get sandboxed. If it will be good, it won't be. Reputation system is scheduled to go online sometime next week.
  14. EboO

    EboO Registered Member

    Mar 12, 2011
    I download malwares and test it against avast and i've got a few alerts about sandboxing.
    I don't want to criticize avast, it's just a question.
  15. zfactor

    zfactor Registered Member

    Mar 10, 2005
    on my zx10-r
    which is my point for some reason and maybe its the copy i downloaded ill re download it again but mine does not do that and i have no idea why. if i uncheck the top one the bottom one stays checked..tried on 3 systems with the same result. ill re download it and see if maybe it was updated since i got it. no idea...??
  16. Lucius

    Lucius Registered Member

    Dec 9, 2010
    I don't use avast, I hate it but maybe unchecking the top box disables the bottom one too even it says it's checked. And by disabling I mean that you can't check or uncheck that box enough more and even it shows it's checked it doesn't install anything. Just guessing! ;)
  17. ReverseGear

    ReverseGear Guest

    U r right
  18. adrenaline7

    adrenaline7 Registered Member

    Apr 27, 2011
    although my post was just my opinion I did come off rude & I apologize, I shouldn't post after drinking a couple beers.

    A politer way of making the point is that I think MSE is the only simpler AV than Avast, Avast has a lot of options but a user can just stay out of those just like Windows has a lot of options that users can easily stay out of to avoid harm. I'd hate to see a good program become over simplified for the sake of a few of users who are pc illiterate.
  19. Rain_Train

    Rain_Train Registered Member

    Aug 27, 2008
    I think there are two reasons.
    1. An average computer user probably won't like having every unknown (non-whitelisted) file being sandboxed. This will create a lot of pop-ups, especially since avast! doesn't have a "learning mode" to learn all the exectuables on a user's PC.
    2. While avast! Free is feature-packed, AVAST Software probably wants to give users an incentive to upgrade too! So, they're keeping the manual sandbox in their paid products.
    I think the model here makes perfect sense. An average user is more likely to install the free product first. Because they're an average user, I assume they don't like to be hassled with alerts. If avast! Free sandboxed every unknown file, it might be a hassle to the user. So I think the file reputation model mentioned by RejZor makes sense for avast! Free; you just need to sandbox the files that have a suspicious reputation. And if you're worried about some dangerous unknown file not being autosandboxed, avast! Free does have the behavior shield too!
  20. EboO

    EboO Registered Member

    Mar 12, 2011
    You're right, i'll try to download more files when filerep will be on.
  21. kjdemuth

    kjdemuth Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2005
    Boston, MA
    No worries. I understand your point and I agree. Things shouldn't be dumbed down and punish the users that enjoy tweaking.
  22. albsat

    albsat Registered Member

    Feb 10, 2011
    When does this beta expires?
  23. 3x0gR13N

    3x0gR13N Registered Member

    May 1, 2008
    When beta testing is over.
  24. Rompin Raider

    Rompin Raider Registered Member

    May 6, 2010
    Avast forum said maybe 2-3 weeks. They do a good job:thumb: IMO.
  25. twl845

    twl845 Registered Member

    Apr 12, 2005
    They could turn the speakers off when they go to bed.
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