Windows 7 a Linux Killer .. ha..ha

Discussion in 'all things UNIX' started by Ocky, Jan 21, 2009.

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  1. lewmur

    lewmur Registered Member

    Dec 22, 2008
    You are the one who first suggested that Linux users needed an "attitude adjustment." So don't get all huffy with me. And I haven't seen any "intelligent debate' from you. Only bashing.
  2. Mrkvonic

    Mrkvonic Linux Systems Expert

    May 9, 2005

    This is exactly the kind of atmosphere that we need to avoid: ms vs linux wars and such. They bring no joy or help to anyone. I've seen similar threads all over the place ... Wilders is no ordinary forum and we should keep it that way, above the petty bickering and insults you can find on the web.

    Forget the fact it's just a spicy intellectual exchange betwen Wilders veterans, what will newcomers or casual readers think when they stumble upon this thread?

    On one hand, you have the windows users justifying their os, on the other, you have linux users justifying theirs. And then, when things reach a dead end, it becomes personal and ugly. Linux users are usually quite itchy when someone points out a flaw/failure in their concept, whereas windows users tend to close themselves into a box of familiarity.

    This application, that application, market share ... does it really matter? The more options the user has the better. Remember how prices started dropping once AMD hit the market alongside Intel? So a healthy Windows is good for us just as a healthy Linux is. Look at the browsers. We have more and better browsers than ever ... and we enjoy them.

    People can claim lots of stuff, games, stability, security, compatibility, familiarity, some will sway toward windows direction, some toward linux. And both will be right. That's the ... paradox, if you will. It's entirely possible that the security aspect that some see in linux is completely irrelevant to another, whereas having office means might be the most important thing to some. And some will say they like games and others will swear by compiz. It all works and it's all true. Trying to negate bits of this equation is plain futile.

    Food for thought ...

  3. FastGame

    FastGame Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2005
    Blasters worm farm
    Good post Mrkvonic :cool: :thumb:
  4. Acadia

    Acadia Registered Member

    Sep 8, 2002
    I second that. :cool:

  5. Ocky

    Ocky Registered Member

    May 6, 2006
    George, S.Africa
    Geez, being the OP, I am going into hiding and promise to not post topics that
    will bring out this sort of MS vs. Linux bashing again.
    I use both and like both for various reasons. :argh:
  6. lewmur

    lewmur Registered Member

    Dec 22, 2008
    Ahh, but teacher, he started it!!:mad:
  7. Mrkvonic

    Mrkvonic Linux Systems Expert

    May 9, 2005
    The best way to think about operating systems is like women:
    The more the better :)

  8. HURST

    HURST Registered Member

    Jul 20, 2007
    Wow, I was reading this thread for the first time and I found myself frowning because of the road it was taking, but Mrk's post was really refreshing.

    In the end, Win user will prefer Windows and Linux user prefer Linux... and that's it. I believe every one of us would benefit a lot a learn if we at least try the other OS for a time, but there's no need to try to "force" the other party to use what I prefer.
    If you don't like what I use, that's OK, don't use it; but don't try to force me to use what you use...

    Maybe the mods could consider a "no Win vs. Linux" rule, just like the "no vs." rule in the AV section... I wouldn't think this should be necessary here at Wilders, but I've seen a lot of flame wars over countless forums, and I'd hate see Wilders become one of those...
  9. tlu

    tlu Guest

    Definitely:D On the other hand: The older you get, the more stressful they become. Result: One is enough.
  10. Kerodo

    Kerodo Registered Member

    Oct 5, 2004
    Amen to that.... :thumb:
  11. Cerxes

    Cerxes Registered Member

    Sep 6, 2005
    Northern Europe
    I'm application & functionality driven so I don't give a darn which OS I'm running with:

    Games & Desktop - Windowz
    Development - Win & *nix
    Serverstuff - Solaris
    Laptops - Gnu/Linux

    Btw, I'm pretty sure Win 7 will be a great OS and a good successor for XP.

  12. lewmur

    lewmur Registered Member

    Dec 22, 2008
    I never questioned whether or not it would be great or a good successor for XP. The question was if it was going to be a "Linux Killer." I tried to explain why that was not going to happen.

    If anyone bothered to read the article itself the author's primary slant was that the mobile version of Win 7 would do what XP had not been able to do in replacing Linux in the low end netbook market. I think I successfully debunked that idea.
  13. lewmur

    lewmur Registered Member

    Dec 22, 2008
    BTW. I'll willing to cop to having an "attitude" when it comes to Windows. I don't like monopolies. If Windows succeeds in "killing" Linux on desktops and/or laptop/netbooks it will have a monopoly, for all intents and purposes, in those markets. Mac's are not an alternative for average folks.

    So, yes, if you don't support the survival of Linux, you are "part of the problem." And for Linux to survive it has to continue to grow. And I have no doubt that it will.
  14. Eice

    Eice Registered Member

    Jan 22, 2009
    Strutting around playing cowboy wins you converts? News to me.
  15. lewmur

    lewmur Registered Member

    Dec 22, 2008
    Post like this wins them for you? This is a personal attack. I didn't attack anyone. DD
  16. BlueZannetti

    BlueZannetti Registered Member

    Oct 19, 2003

    Let's stick with the thread topic, not those posting in it. Thanks in advance....

    On topic - the situation unfolding in the netbook market is fairly complex. I recently purchased a netbook and was therefore faced with the XP Home vs Linux question and opted for XP simply for compatibility with my home PC ecosystem (Win based PC's/Laptops/HomeServer).

    Right now, pricing isn't a major discriminator in OS choice in this market segment. If it was, I would have opted for Linux. I've used Linux plenty in the past, so it was a known quantity to me.

    It will be interesting to see MS's pricing/SKU strategy moving forward. I really don't think moving the OS price point in this market will succeed - there are some low thresholds that they really can't exceed (I'd say it's around $500) and that's the premium end of this market. The main action is going to be well under that price point and you simply can't have the OS sucking up a sizeable fraction of the net price, nor will people really be willing to populate these systems with applications that significantly boost total cost of ownership. Personally, I think Linux can grab this market, but whether that happens depends a lot on netbook vendor support for Linux, making the user experience effectively OS neutral, and being sensitive to the fact that these machines will generally exist in a Windows ecosystem.

  17. Ocky

    Ocky Registered Member

    May 6, 2006
    George, S.Africa
    Big Ubuntu Jaunty Promises

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