WiseVector Stop-X

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by bellgamin, Aug 10, 2020.

  1. Behold Eck

    Behold Eck Registered Member

    Yes, as part of a layered security strategy it will still have its uses for some time to come.
    Nice one;)

    Regards Eck:)
  2. pegas

    pegas Registered Member

    I'm afraid you won't know it's ineffective until you get infected.
  3. Oldie1950

    Oldie1950 Registered Member

    If even the impression arises that security software is no longer supported, it will be uninstalled immediately. Security software that is no longer supported only creates a false sense of security.
  4. lucd

    lucd Registered Member

    so if you disallow WVSX to connect (to prevent it being shut down for instance), will the "enable network protection" (www filtering) still work or it needs Internet? Seams logical that it would

    so you only benefit from a local (outdated) AV
  5. Hiltihome

    Hiltihome Registered Member

    WVSX AI works locally, no Internet needed.
    WebProtect still works. Just tested.
    WVSX blocked direct disk access and outgoing traffic.
    I've only AppUpdate blocked, by inserting an non valid proxy.

    Attached Files:

  6. Behold Eck

    Behold Eck Registered Member

    Thanks for testing :thumb:

    Regards Eck:)
  7. GrDukeMalden

    GrDukeMalden Registered Member

    What's going on here? Did Wisevector STOP X get discontinued or something?

    EASTER Registered Member

  9. B-boy/StyLe/

    B-boy/StyLe/ Registered Member

    Last edited: Mar 10, 2023
  10. Tarnak

    Tarnak Registered Member

    Still connecting... I pinged!

    WiseVector_ping details_01.JPG

    WiseVector_ping details_02.JPG
  11. Tarnak

    Tarnak Registered Member

    Trace route details...

    WiseVector_ping details_03.JPG
  12. Tarnak

    Tarnak Registered Member

    A will-o'-the-wisp!!!!

    WiseVector_ping details_05.JPG
  13. Tarnak

    Tarnak Registered Member

    Still persevering with this software, and because I know what I am doing, I overrode this warning by WVSX.

    WVSX_SystemInformer update which I overrode_01.JPG
  14. EASTER

    EASTER Registered Member

    Still pretty formidable on snatching unknowns. Thanks @Tarnak for the your results.
  15. TerryWood

    TerryWood Registered Member

    Hi @ Wilders

    Dream on!

    Shocking treatment by WiseVector of Wilders forum contributors!!!

  16. Tarnak

    Tarnak Registered Member


    You're welcome.

    P.S. But, judging from some other comments here, and at MalwareTips, it has become noticeable that Wisevector/WVSX has become not so welcome.
  17. lucd

    lucd Registered Member

    It found some stuff regarding cuda, nvd3dum.dll, I put this file on hybrid-anlysis and nvd3dum.dll uses lolbins for some reason, either because of poor lazy programming or because it is a lolbin, so I removed the file and all works despite this , WVSX detects evasive maneuvres (like Lolbins) as malware and stuff that puts hooks onto processes to modify them
  18. EASTER

    EASTER Registered Member

    That's one of the benefits which on this end is used as a reliable compliment to the Granite Shield that i combo with Third Party Security.
  19. NormanF

    NormanF Registered Member

    Deprecated per the Malwaretips Forum thread where its now listed as abandonware.
  20. EASTER

    EASTER Registered Member

    So is Secure Folders @Rasheed187 - Yet is still functions reliably.

    However this WVSX is a sort of AV/Behavoral Blocker which DID have a fairly strong apprehension rate.
  21. Hiltihome

    Hiltihome Registered Member

    I'll keep it installed and running, alongside MD, as long as it does not produce FPs.
  22. EASTER

    EASTER Registered Member

    Same- Quite formidable AS-IS. I have to malware myself to see it perform because frankly nothing can penetrate the manner in which i set up multiple security walls. So its a useful compliment until such time it;s not.
  23. Infected

    Infected Registered Member

    I kept getting FP's on my mom's laptop, some type of trojan.tmp file. I did multiple scans with secondary scanners, nothing came up. I just uninstalled it..
  24. roger_m

    roger_m Registered Member

    That was a good idea, since it's been abandoned.
  25. JasonUK

    JasonUK Registered Member

    I had it as a secondary scanner but uninstalled it entirely as soon as it was clear consumer version wouldn't be developed further. What's the saying... it you're getting something for free then you're the product?! No thanks.
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