trustport 2012 is out

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by newone, Jul 13, 2011.

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  1. zfactor

    zfactor Registered Member

    likely from the bitdefender engine this seems common from bd
  2. Duradel

    Duradel Registered Member

    Its been running really well so far on my PC. Hopefully it keeps up the good job :thumb:

    EDIT: Uninstalled after the internet scanner wouldn't stop being disabled. Unable to get it to work again even with reboots and theres no way to repair it unless I re-install the full thing.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2011
  3. jaodsvuda

    jaodsvuda Registered Member

    I´m playing with a couple of WinXp hd snapshots (different settings for different tasks),and one of them includes TrustPort AV 2012.Must say I´m surprized how light it is,though RAM usage is high :

    Not many settings on advanced configuration compared to e.g.Avira...

    On normal settings , one get even less...

    Current settings : TrustPort 2012 AV + Comodo fw (with D+,paranoid) + SBIE free + Comodo Dragon browser (AdBlock,Flash Control), WinXP sp3 and - system is extremly fast ( much faster than my other "gaming" snapshot-system with Vipre AV + Private fw + SBIE free + Chrome browser ) . The whole system scan (1,3 Tb,full of mixed content,lots of rar and 7zip stuff... ) took about 30 minutes !
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2011
  4. ams963

    ams963 Registered Member

    o_O ..o_O ..:doubt: ..o_O ....
  5. jaodsvuda

    jaodsvuda Registered Member

    Yeah,2 hd´s (300 Gb + 1 Tb),AV was set to full scan mode (all files + inside compressed files).After KIS 2009/2010,and a 3,5 months of FSIS 2011 - this AV is really fast.
    I´m talking about TP AV 2012,not the IS version.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2011
  6. Legendkiller

    Legendkiller Registered Member

    is anybody using it, how good is it?
  7. kjdemuth

    kjdemuth Registered Member

    Legend I used it for a few days and it seemed to run well. It lagged a little when running firefox. If your one that checks resources, don't do it. It was rather heavy. On idle it was at 90K. It did go down a little to 78K but still a little heavy for me. I had to remind myself that it is two AV engines so that would account for the high usage. Other than that it ran well and didn't appear to have any other issues that I noticed.
  8. Legendkiller

    Legendkiller Registered Member

    thanks:thumb: , that's precisely i wanted to know,coz i know with vipre+avg......i would be ok as far as threats go...
  9. jaodsvuda

    jaodsvuda Registered Member

    It´s BitDefender + AVG ,and on XPsp3 (+Comodo fw + Comodo Dragon) is extremely light.In fact,the "lightest of them all",lighter than Vipre,equal to Panda cloud.
  10. Legendkiller

    Legendkiller Registered Member

    ok, sorry, i think that was for server edition........will try it out then..
  11. jaodsvuda

    jaodsvuda Registered Member

    It´s worth trying it out :thumb:.
  12. gerardwil

    gerardwil Registered Member

    And what about based on the other technology and licenses?

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  13. jaodsvuda

    jaodsvuda Registered Member

    Sorry,I do not know (that system is not in my hands at the moment),but the only updates it gets are BD´s and AVG´s signatures.Oh,I forgot...There was a small (automatic) program update (AV didn´t show any details on that) followed by some TP ~ 10 x 05 cm "buy this-click this" comercial s..t ( luckily,there was a "never-show-this-again" option ).
    Some observations :
    - it stays out of your way (until it´s needed) :thumb:
    - simple GUI (to simple for me) :thumbd:
    - it doesn´t make fuss if you´re absent for a few days (like Vipre/Emsi) - there´s no need for dl the whole database :thumb:
    - one can set it for "ask user what to do" option :thumb:
    - there´s much more under the HUD than it shows (web-filter / HIPS ?) :thumb:
    - no HIPS-collision with e.g. Comodo fw´s D+ (didn´t test it with e.g. Private fw)
    - ~ 270Mb on hd
    - has no password protection (you can kill it from tray) :thumbd:
    - lack of details in help-file :thumbd:
    - excellent VB100 results (I hope those are the right-ones )
    - less "nervous" than Vipre/Emsi with some e.g. ordinary hack-tools (for good,or for bad is yet to see)
    - ability to do its thing with various compressed files :thumb:
    - fast scanning :thumb:
    - very light on my 2-core phenom/XPsp3
    - to summarize it : as current user of Vipre & Emsi (different settups),and former user of KIS 2010 & FSIS 2011,I´m gonna stick some time with TP (I´m curious...)
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2011
  14. jaodsvuda

    jaodsvuda Registered Member

  15. QBgreen

    QBgreen Registered Member

    Running Trustport 2012 AV on 32bit Win7 Pro. The two engines in my installation are Neon (Vipre) and Argon (AVG).
  16. zerotox

    zerotox Registered Member

    Trustport uses old Bitdefender definitions. Right now the definitions of the Xenon engine on my PC are dated - 20.12.11. I think it is both sad and ridiculous. But after all you get what you pay for (depends how you pay for definitions to the companies you license the engines from).

    P.S. Well it just updated to the 27.12.11 version. I'm really glad. But still I'm not sure how the updates are distributed and how long is the lag between Bitdefender releases them and Trustport gets them.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2011
  17. 1000db

    1000db Registered Member

    I've asked for clarification from TP concerning the DR Web, GFI, etc. components but have received no response. I might actually consider using TP if I had a choice between a few different engines.
  18. Blackcat

    Blackcat Registered Member

    You must be running the Server edition; as mentioned above the Home versions have the Argon(AVG) and Xenon(BitDefender) engines.

    Only the Server editions have the other engines; Dr Web, Vipre and VBA32.

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  19. zerotox

    zerotox Registered Member

    No, the licenses given for the Cryptogram game a while ago also activate Neon + Argon. My experience.
  20. Blackcat

    Blackcat Registered Member

    The standalone AV and the IS suite both only have the two engines.

    @ zerotox

    The encryption game giveaway was for the Total Protection Suite; does this have the extra engines?
  21. zerotox

    zerotox Registered Member

    No, only Xenon and Argon. In the 3rd party license information Dr. Web and VirusblockAda are mentioned as well but in reality they are not listed to choose in the expert settings/Antivirus/Engines
  22. Blackcat

    Blackcat Registered Member

    I installed all 3 Trustport Home products (AV, IS and Total Protection) in separate snapshots and ALL 3 versions only have the Argon and Xenon engines; no sign of Neon (Vipre).

    So which version have you installed with the Neon engine?
  23. zerotox

    zerotox Registered Member

    Total Protection. Just 1 thing - this happens when I activated my key 2 days ago. Previously, for the same game keys it apparently activated the Standard engine set - Xenon and Argon, but I read on many software web-sites where the game was advertised, that people do get Neon and Argon with their keys.
    Anyway, I think Xenon is much better as most of the detections (test-wise my experience) come from Bitdefender's engine.
  24. Defcon

    Defcon Registered Member

    So TP scans each file 2x using both the AV engines?
  25. jaodsvuda

    jaodsvuda Registered Member

    Yeah,even scanning engine configuration differs :

    ---> for Xenon it´s
    1) analyze packed executables
    2) scan email databases

    ---> for Argon it´s
    1) detect non-virus malware
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