Feature Request

Discussion in 'LnS English Forum' started by n8chavez, Aug 15, 2008.

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  1. n8chavez

    n8chavez Registered Member

    I thought of a feature that I think would be very useful for LnS. The ability to lock the conection, similar to what ZoneAlarm can do, or the implementaition of a "blocl all" rule that initiates at a certain time would be very useful.

    Ideally, LnS would have simple HIPS abilities; ie, blocking termiation and process manipulation, etc. But I know this is too much to ask for. The developers of LnS seem to be very stuborn about this.
  2. 1hui

    1hui Registered Member

    LNS is a professional firewall.
    simple hips abilities will make it more wonderful.:D :thumb:
  3. sukarof

    sukarof Registered Member

    Personally I love the fact that LnS is just a firewall. If I would like to have HIPS abilities there are tons of software that can provide this.
    It is good that the developers lets the user choose.
  4. Frederic

    Frederic LnS Developer

    It is very easy to create a rule blocking everything, and put it disabled at the top of the ruleset. With a single click (after the "internet filtering" tab is open) you get this "block all" feature.
    If the feature is to have this rule automatically enabled under certain circumstances, then I would like to know this "certain time" ;)

    As Surakof said, there are other applications dedicated to HIPS, so we prefer to keep Look 'n' Stop with pure firewall features.

    However, if you meant Look 'n' Stop has to protect itself against "blocking termination" & "process manipulation", just enable the "Keep Internet/application filtering" features in the advanced options, and both filterings will remain even if a malware stops Look 'n' Stop.


  5. n8chavez

    n8chavez Registered Member

    Why would you wan to have internet filtering active at night when you're sleeping? Very rarely do I download large files that would require me to have my connection active at night. Of course, I would disable my connection. That would work. But that isn't very easy for the user.

    I was thinking more along the lines of LnS being about to protect itself and other applications from process termination and manipulation; a la jetico 2.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels that simple and basic HIPS features are a good idea dor LnS. Over the years, I've requested such features many times and every time I'm scoffed at. Understand what users want. If you don't want to use those features than disabled them but make them available for those that do. Otherwise, we end up having bloated systems with ten or more security applications when there is really no need other than developer stubborness.
  6. TheQuest

    TheQuest Registered Member

    Hi, n8chavez

    Open your Command Prompt then type ipconfig /release then hit enter key to cut [stop] your connection, then type exit to close the prompt window, then to reconnect to the Internet type ipconfig /renew in the Command Prompt then hit enter key then type exit when connected.

    Take Care
    TheQuest :cool:
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2008
  7. Phant0m

    Phant0m Registered Member

    I would also like to see some way to ADD quick and convenient selections through the Look 'n' Stop - systray Menu, to be-able to activate or deactivate rules on-the-fly such like one for 'Block ALL'. Which can assist when running diagnostics, and cleaning infected computers without the need to pull plugs.

    Also would be wonderful to see Time-Sensitive Rules implemented into the Look 'n' Stop product.

    ... Regarding HIPs, I'm with Frederic on this one.

  8. ruinebabine

    ruinebabine Registered Member

    I'm all with those 2 requests. I'd particularly like to have 2 setting's options as

    " When fw is not running:
    • allow all trafic
    • block all trafic
    When fw is running:
    • filter
    • Allow all trafic on all adapters
    • Block all trafic on adapters set to 'Filter'"

    This would also boost pc's booting protection.

    I would also would love to have some kind of conditional rules available, Time-Sensitive, and Process-sensitive as well.

    With that available, I'd be ready to migrate from 8Signs to L'n'S :eek:
  9. Phant0m

    Phant0m Registered Member

    Look 'n' Stop already has Boot-Time Protection (providing you applied the registry Tweak), and offers means to have Application filtering and Internet filtering remain active ... even after it's GUI been exited out. :)

    Also, I'm not sure if this is what you mean, but Internet Filtering rules can be set to apply for particular application or applications. :p

  10. ruinebabine

    ruinebabine Registered Member

    OK, but do we also have the possibility to block all trafic, when the fw is ON/OFF?
  11. Phant0m

    Phant0m Registered Member

    Not quick and convenient selection through the Look 'n' Stop - systray Menu, but it can be done by creating a rule on top of the ruleset to block ALL .. and enable and disable at will.

  12. n8chavez

    n8chavez Registered Member

    Does anyone bother to read the thread at all? This was previously discussed above.
  13. ruinebabine

    ruinebabine Registered Member

    OK, thanks Phant0m, we agree on that one.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2008
  14. ruinebabine

    ruinebabine Registered Member

    What I did suggest was simply another possible implementation of the block all feature request.
    What's wrong for you with another user wording that he agrees with this request here in this thread?
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2008
  15. jmonge

    jmonge Registered Member

    can frederic make like anti-execute for apps(file extentions)for extra protection allow and deny option.thanks in advance.:thumb:
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