2D Graphics Card

Discussion in 'hardware' started by Long View, Aug 14, 2008.

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  1. Long View

    Long View Registered Member

    I'm looking for a 2D Graphics card which creates as little heat as possible. The current card is an Nvidia Geforce 8500 GT which works in a PCI e slot.

    Does anyone still make cheap cool 2D cards ? that would work in a PCI e slot ?
  2. JRViejo

    JRViejo Super Moderator

  3. Long View

    Long View Registered Member

    Thanks - only one 2D card - looks like 3D is part of the deal these days ? and no way of knowing how hot they run.
  4. JRViejo

    JRViejo Super Moderator

    Yeah, 3D is the standard these days, and the huge fans on the card is indicative of how hot they run!
  5. lodore

    lodore Registered Member

    couldnt you just of got a motherboard with onboard graphics?
    3d graphics cards have been standard for ages.
    doesnt mean that you cant get a cheap 3d graphics card which uses little power.
    go for one of the ones that are ment for media centre pc's. they have no fan so make no noise. they use a heatsink only and are genrally underclocked.
    all computer componants use less power and genarate less heat than the older versions.
    so i say just keep your current nvidia card.
  6. Long View

    Long View Registered Member

    current card runs at 52c which I understand is not bad. By underclocking I can reduce this to 48c. Will stay with this card for now but if I could find a better card. The MB has no onboard graphics. it is an Intel DP35DPM recommended to go with the E8400 3.00 GHz
  7. JRViejo

    JRViejo Super Moderator

    Long View, perhaps you can use this nifty program: GPU-Z to compare your present card specs to any others, during your search for a replacement.
  8. mrhero

    mrhero Registered Member

    Once upon a time when there was no 3d cards, the best card manufacturer was Matrox. And they still make and sell pure 2d cards -but not cheap-.
  9. Long View

    Long View Registered Member

    I have one machine with a Matrox and thought of them. I have the option to use PCI e 16 or PCI . Not sure if there is any benefit for 2D ?
  10. JRViejo

    JRViejo Super Moderator

    Card manufacturers went the PCI Express way due to faster transmission rates when compared to the old PCI standard (the difference being a direct serial interface rather than a shared parallel bus) so you might not have a choice.

    The Matrox M-Series, while expensive, feature Fanless Passive Cooling and a 3 year warranty: M-Series Product Line.
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