Has anyone tried it? Seems like a nice alternative to Authy which feels a bit too clunky. And I really hate GitHub, it's the worst designed website ever, can someone find the actual download link? The MS Store doesn't work on my Win 10 system, some crappy patch ruined it.
Guys, I'm being serious. How to download the .exe file, I can't find it anywhere, GitHub is the dumbest website ever. Also, are these less known authentication apps trustworthy in the first place?
Thanks, I always thought that ''Go to file'' should do the trick. But the green button leads to a ZIP file without any .exe file to install the app. And this isn't the first time this has happened to me when trying to download stuff from GitHub, you now see why I believe it sucks? And the MS Store is also the dumbest thing ever, it always want you to open the MS Store desktop app before you can download stuff.
That will download the sources. Executables might have been found here, but it looks like the author only publishes code, no binaries, on GitHub: https://github.com/FireCubeStudios/Protecc/releases
@Rasheed187 Copy the link from the github Code: https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/protecc-2fa-client/9PJX91M06TZS Paste here and generate links Code: https://store.rg-adguard.net/ Download the second msixbundle Code: 2505FireCubeStudios.Protecc_1.1.7.0_neutral_~_k45w5yt88e21j.msixbundle 2022-09-17 16:48:58 GMT eb5032d4dc5f31ec9916e61287f81fc62dfc90cd 29.2 MB and you can try to install downloaded 2505FireCubeStudios.Protecc_1.1.7.0_neutral_~_k45w5yt88e21j.msixbundle.
This is crazy, I think developers should always be forced to provide a .exe file on GitHub, otherwise what's the point. Thanks, but I will pass for now, too much work and I have a feeling it won't work since it's not a .exe or .msi file.
They share the source, so you can compile it yourself (and modify stuff first, if you want to). GitHub is more targeted at (fellow) developers then end users.
That's exactly why I think it's crap. And what do you think of Protecc, is it worth it and trustworthy?
Haven’t looked into it. I use/trust 1Password on all platforms. https://support.1password.com/one-time-passwords/
OK I see, I suppose 1Password works for all websites that support authentication apps, and it's also offers a desktop app? I need a fast and snappy app for this on my desktop/laptop, and Authy is too heavy for my taste.
1Password supports TOTP (time based codes, usually 6 or 8 digits, that change frequently, usually every 30 seconds). 1Password is a full password manager, so if you consider Authy “heavy”, you’ll probably consider this desktop App even more heavy? However, you can use their browser extensions to log in almost seamlessly.
OK cool, I suppose it will indeed be too heavy for me. How to use extensions for 2FA? I do wonder if it's safe though.
https://support.1password.com/save-fill-passwords/#sign-in-to-websites-with-1password After clicking on the 1Password icon or pressing the configured keyboard shortcut in a username or password field, 1Password will fill in username, password, and 2FA (after checking the browser URL against the configured URL in your 1Password entry).
But if I understand correctly, it only works with the 1Password desktop being active in memory? I was looking for a 2FA extension that works independently. I just saw that certain 2FA extensions do exist, but it's crazy how much data they want to collect, they don't exactly seem to be trustworthy. Although TypingDNA seems to be a well known company, never heard about them though. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/2fa-authenticator-app/gmohoglkppnemohbcgjakmgengkeaphi https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/authenticator/bhghoamapcdpbohphigoooaddinpkbai?hl=en
BTW, I saw this, seems to be pretty cool. Authy's desktop app couldn't even scan QR codes, it's crap and they will stop development in 2024. Perhaps I should also start using a password manager for 2FA codes. Although using an extension is a bit of a security risk. https://support.1password.com/one-time-passwords/