Sounds here like you can. But it’s not recommended Though on mobile seems to be different
I have Blackfog Privacy Enterprise version. May be a dumb question, but how do I uninstall it on a machine? I suspect it's not playing nicely with some apps since v4.9.5. Just want to verify that.
I was just prompted to updater BF on Android 12 but now it won't open. "Something went wrong with Blackfog Blackfog closed because this app has a bug Try updating this app after its developer provides a fix for this error."
Paul, just uninstall the usual way through Programs and Features. If you use a third-party uninstaller you may lose your license and may have to contact Darren / Support to get re-activated after reinstalling again.
I get a popup that services could not be stopped - verify that you have sufficient privileges ... maybe it should somehow be done through the (2FA) console but no idea where?
I found last time an update was available I could not update until I disabled "Software Restriction Policies" and "Windows Hardening" in Simple Windows Hardening. Could there be another program on your machine conflicting?
If you are running other security apps I would recommend a reboot as many of them will stop auto updates from running as well as preventing the service from stopping. It's annoying, but we have little control over what other apps are doing unfortunately.
Android version 4.6.1 fixed my issue on Android 12. Thanks @Darren Williams . Amazingly fast fix and awesome support.
BlackFog for Android ChangeLog 4.6.1 – April 5, 2022 Updated Android 12 flags to ensure correct startup 4.6.0 – March 31, 2022 Updated minimum supported version to Android 8.0 Added support for Android 12 Applied latest design across platform Improved DNS performance Optimized network performance Reduced APK size for faster updates Updated dependency map
In my case I think NoVirusThanks OSArmor on medium protection profile blocked a powershell script; BFP did update to v4.9.5 but got corrupted. Had to use BFP installer to remove, then reinstall. Seems OK now.
4.9.5 – March 28, 2022 Made global allow listing to be case insensitive Allow InTune scripts to execute Added SysJoker service specific detection Optimized memory usage while scanning executables Added Trusted PowerShell parent processes Improved compatibility with HyperV and Windows 11 Added support for Hypervisor-protected Code Integrity Updated copyright notices to 2022 Updated code signing certificates to 4096 bits Renaming transition to BlackFog in preparation of 5.0 Validate installer and updater paths before launching Added several indexes to database to increase performance Improved statistics calculations and storage Hide global whitelisting in Enterprise mode Improved device deletion from Enterprise console Updated dashboard icons in line with new BlackFog design Removed volume control notifications from client yes disable OS armor, had same experience Liked the previous GUI and Icon more
Nevertheless I have been having issues with some apps (Tidal UWP - won't play tracks, Signal and WhatsApp desktop - won't update). Darren and team have been unsuccessfully trying (hard) to replicate, but disabling Privacy Service solves the problem for me. Though they may have narrowed it down to BFP being very sensitive to an app trying to spawn a CMD console from within itself. And finding a solution to differentiating legit instances.
Is it still not possible to make it work system wide on iOS or does Apple still not allow that? Disconnect Pro works system wide, so it´s kinda strange that Blackfog Privacy is not allowed to do that.
Hi, i can confirm that on my samsung galaxy a21s with latest blackfog privacy for android was killed at startup. Maybe you fixed this for android 12 but problem with correct startup sometimes still exist in android 11 with 1. February android update and 7. April black fog rules. First i enabled bluetooth and then wifi and then i saw no key icon above. I disconnected wifi and checked BF and i had to press start button once. After that BF icon appeared in notification area and the i had to press again the start button to make protection connection and seeing the key icon. Its kind of frustrating that i am not protected as i should i be sometimes.
Thanks for the heads up. Mine wouldn't update, but then I remembered I had disabled auto-update in the Enterprise Console. After I changed that one machine updated but this machine still would not, possibly because I was using it? Anyway, I downloaded the installer and it installed fine. I don't mind the new look. It matches the Console and the new Android version now.
BlackFog for Windows ChangeLog 4.9.6 – April 14, 2022 Updated detection of wow64 processes and paths Signed all DLL’s
Thanks Krusty, and my thanks to Darren and team for their persistence in fixing my problem (in #1312).
just that this color swatch is psychedelic: it matches drug abuse, my opinion the first one was orange and black, more representative of the programme colors and even Darren's logo, again just an opinion
some problem with blackfog and lenovo vantage app: PowerShell illegal command hidden: c:\windows\sysnative\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -noprofile -noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -file c:\programdata\lenovo\imcontroller\plugins\lenovobatterygaugepackage_\x64\install.ps1
I have questions about privacy clean. I have very often 28 Mb of data with 9 files. Sometimes a little more 30Mb with 30 files cleaned. I regulary use a privacy clean and i use browser clean too so i know the history of that files reappearing. I never bother with browser clean but isnt this suospicious it looks like my pc is gathering screenshots or what is that data keep appearing. Please advise. Does Microsoft collects data trough screenshots or what is that data?
I have asked this on OSA forum thread, but i must ask on this one too. Will BlackFog have no problems when it updates itself and will it coexist with Novirusthanks OSArmor being installed alongside. Will be the update of BF ruined? Does anyone have some expeirences? Thanks!