Just wondering why WVX installs to the x86 folder and not Program Files. The vcomp.dll is from 2013 and used by Visual Studio 2005. Seems a bit old.
Can you tell me why you think cloud protection is so important? In your testing, did you observe any malicious program that bypassed WVSX, that makes you think it should be complemented by cloud protection?
WVSX is currently 32-bit, so it will be installed to x86 folder. As for the vcomp.dll file, there is no need to update it yet.
There hasn't been any bypasses yes true.... but cloud surely helps to keep the web protection up to date with brand new malicious urls.. also binaries (faster response times in every case) . I guess you can do the same with streaming updates but reputation checks are also useful when it comes to cloud. I would love to hear what you guys think about improving web protection AKA anything in pipeline?
On close inspection I found out, that Web Protection isn't the culprit, but Advanced Protection. When I turn on AP, the machine freezes within a few couple of seconds. The cursor can still be moved, but not even the task manager opens. It's reproducible every time.
I had a bit of time and gave the combination of CF (cruel) and WVSX beta a whirl. A few takeaways: 1). I ran this combo within a VM that I setup to mimic the worst system ever. Even so, there was absolutely no noticeable performance lag. 2). the firewall component of Comodo and that of WV do not interfere with each other. When unknowns are run, the firewall of Comodo will act first, followed by WV (the time lag here is during the AI decision process). Either way no nasty network connections wee accomplished (and I really like how WV has coded their Firewall; it reacts to malware getting out, but when I ran a few legit applications that need to connect out not a peep). 3). About the only thrill I had was recording keystrokes via pyhook. But with two firewalls in place to stop any outbound transmission of such data it really didn't matter. 4). Although I still have to eventually get to coded some stuff, so far this combo has been a wonderful thing. m
Two solid performers is much more to my taste than a long list of various software. Simple, light, and functional. So far, no problems of any kind with Wisevector 3 beta and CFW
Thanks WV I will take a look and if I find anything as you have described I will save it and send it to support. Cheers, Baldrick
Having a good time time with this new build in spite of my always present overzealous expectations. Most of which this WVSX build exceeds! From tray menu Go to ACTIONS->RULES->EVENT: and really configure. @cruelsister @WiseVector - X unresponsive on RULES board but no matter. CANCEL closes windows. Just so you know.
Thanks @Lyx for some very useful suggestions. It would be of benefit of course for user's to export/import WVXS user preferences config's now that she sports the new rules feature. I'm sure @WiseVector has better explanation for addressing those aforementioned issues encountered.
Yes it is. Preferable would be to use the simple cruel settings of CF and the default on WV. Although it may be heresy on a security Forum to admit, but keeping things simple is Optimal (the Setup that alerts the Least is the setup that protects the Best).
Why didn't you just install v3, without uninstalling v2 first? The only time I ever uninstall software before installing a new version, is when the new version specifically requires the old version to be removed before installing it, which was the not case here.
I think I know what the problem is/was and it had nothing to do with WVSX. I have been out most of the day, and just woke up my computer. I had a problem with my Opera browser connecting out. A per the Glasswire connections alert it seems that my hosts is involved somehow. Also, I went into Services (Local) and noticed that WWAN AutoConfig and/or WLAN AutoConfig had stopped. After restarting one these two services, I could connect to the internet. P.S. I don't know why my hosts file keeps changing. I am sure it isn't malware!!!!
Hi @cruelsister, please simple questions: 1) For the past years I have used your cruel-comodo, and I never had a problem. Please, do you see WV as a cruel-comodo complement? Or is it redundant? 2) If WV is redundant, do you still prefer cruel-comodo? Or WV? 3) If both complement each other, please can you (take your time) find the best configuration/settings for Comodo & WV? (What exactly "the simple cruel settings" are?) I take this opportunity to tell you how much I miss your comments, not to forget your wonderful videos. When I visit these security forums the first thing I do is to search your comments ... yeah, I'm addicted to @cruelsister LOL Thanks in advance!
Thank you for your comments (blush)! So far, I can state these things: 1). WVSX is very strong and very elegantly coded. 2). the CruelCF + WVSX combo is not only not redundant, but result in additive protection. The only fair Dumb detection (Sig based) by VirusScope is made up for by the superior Dumb detection of WVSX. The mechanistic (Smart) detection of WV enahnces things significantly, while the Sandboxing function of CF really makes things difficult for malware to act. And I won't even bother to mention the Outbound Firewalls, CF's Script Analysis and WV's anti-ransomware honeypot functionality. The best analogy that comes to mind is malware trying to get through a gauntlet lined with folk bearing spiked clubs. It's gonna be bloody with a slim to no chance of one getting through. In short, an Optimal combination. (I do really wish that Comodo would make an offer to WV that they couldn't refuse. Departments could be re-evaluated leading to cost savings and resulting in a product without peer).
Great answers, thanks a lot @cruelsister ! Please if possible, sorry to insist, my #3 question: "If both complement each other, please can you (take your time) find the best configuration/settings for Comodo & WV? (What exactly "the simple cruel settings" are?)" Perhaps you're still testing both software, and you don't have an answer for me. If that is the case, please take all the time you need! But if by chance you already have recommendations, which settings are going to be the most efficient for Comodo & WV combo? Thousand thanks again!
@Decopi Unless you get a further reply, see here for CF: https://www.wilderssecurity.com/threads/comodo-firewall-for-windows-10.413789/#post-2959635
I do hope this will never happen. Comodo has already acquired (= destroyed) BOClean. I don't want Comodo to destroy yet another good anti-malware solution.
Thanks @paulderdash . I use to follow the CF thread you posted. But anyway, I'll wait for @cruelsister answer (because my question #3 is specific to cruel-comodo + WV combo).
Pretty much already answered her reply to me above. here https://www.wilderssecurity.com/threads/wisevector-stop-x.431502/page-62#post-3014347 ↑ Thanks, looks like it is safe to run WV with all components active alongside Comodo with your setup? Yes it is. Preferable would be to use the simple cruel settings of CF and the default on WV. Although it may be heresy on a security Forum to admit, but keeping things simple is Optimal (the Setup that alerts the Least is the setup that protects the Best).