I don't use MS Teams, so this may not help. AG blocks anything from running located in user-space by default. You can add an application in user-space to Guarded Apps in order to run it. Chrome for example doesn't install to Program Files folder by default, but AppData in the user folder, which is user-space. Maybe MS Teams does the same.
Thanks guys. Teams is a weird one for sure. I've tried a few things so far to no avail. Will keep experimenting.
I have just installed AG Solo on my new laptop, and there seems to be a conflict with Sandboxie's deletion. I keep getting these messages : Tue Aug 11 10:50:20 2020 Prevented process <Interpréteur de commandes Windows> from writing to <c:\sandbox\brendan\__delete_opera_01d66fb904f9aca0\desktop.ini>. I had never had that on my old Win 7 machine. I don't know what's going on here. I would be grateful if someone could tell me what I should tweak to make it work. Thanks a lot. So far, I have solved the issue by adding sandboxie\start.exe to the power apps list, but I am not sure this is the safest way to go.
Just wanna say that there's a 30 day free trial for appguard now, you can access it by going to https://www.blueridgenetworks.com/ if you scroll down a bit u will see Free trial download of AppGuard Solo to protect home personal computer DOWNLOAD APPGUARD SOLO Which leads you here https://sites.fastspring.com/blueridgenetworks/instant/90dayfreetrialappguardsolo Once you go to checkout it says this So I assume it does not charge. Havent tested it tho, Maybe some other day. Also, appguard solo is now on sale, go here https://sites.fastspring.com/blueridgenetworks/instant/appguardsolo-sp , only 34 euro for a year. If you use the old link https://sites.fastspring.com/blueridgenetworks/instant/appguardsolo its still 76, so use the new one. 34.08 euro is 41.19 usd, divided by 12 = 3.43 usd per month. Even cheaper than aol tech fortress (3.99 usd per month after first month) and bravatek tuitio (4.16 usd per month).
how long does the discount go ? if i make the free trial now then i have to pay 76€ after 30 days because the discount is no more ? or after 30 days of free trial the software will be deactivated if i dont buy a license ?
According to the site, they reduced their price by half because of covid. So likely it's not goin anywhere anytime soon, but u never know I do not know about the second question. I assume it does not charge you immediately, and I assume you can cancel the trial before it charges you. BUT I DO NOT KNOW. And yes, after 30 days it will be deactivated, that I know for sure
In any case, if u wanna try it, make sure to pay with paypal. If it does not charge you immediately, then there's a section in paypal where you can cancel subscription.
My license will expire on March 27th, and I'd be happy to benefit from the current discount offer. However, if I buy it now, will the new license start now, or will it extend my current valid license until March 27th 2022 ?
If you're talking about the fastspring ($39.95 here) offer, from past experience they won't extend your existing license. It would be a new license, probably from when you buy it, not from when you activate it.
U have to ask appguard for that https://www.blueridgenetworks.com/contact/ It definitely won't extend your current license. But whether the new license starts ticking from point of sale or from point of activation, who knows
They are essentially geared towards the enterprise, not the consumer market. This is apparent from their support also.
I consider it a deceptive marketing site. Appears you have to enter credit card info.. As such, you will not be charged for the first 30 days use but you will have to cancel/uninstall prior to 31 days use or you will be charged. Or, you will be charged initially and then a credit will be issued to your card when you cancel/uninstall prior to 31 days use.
i have problems to allow some applications like HMPA and Wise Vector its all set to allow but like i see in the activity report from AG its still blocking these programs and i dont know more what to do.
HMPA Wise Vector and Appguard? Absolutely overkill seriously bro Appguard already protects browser and stuff from exploits, why HMPA? At least wise vector adds something on top of appguard (even if unnecessary), but if I was you I'd remove HMPA for sure and probably Wise Vector unless u really want something from it (and only that part)
was already set as power app so then i rather uninstall AG because i have HMPA before and i think with WV its ok. its also my thought that these programs are in conflict with AG.