I believe you misunderstood. The point is that it's not always necessary to alert about stuff. For example, with keystroke encryption enabled, you could install a keylogger, turn off protection against keystroke logging and global hooking, and the keylogger will still be blocked from recording keystrokes. Now they have implemented Screen Phantom, which makes no sense to me because even trusted tools will be blocked. But anyway, I believe SS should have an auto-block function, because I don't want to see alerts about outbound connections and access to protected files. And BTW, the "internet security" module also blocks banking trojans automatically from hijacking browsers, without any alerts. https://www.spyshelter.com/internet-security/
keystroke encryption doesn't need to alert you about anything Are you sure that they keylogger will be blocked? Have you tested that with the spyshelter tool? https://www.spyshelter.com/security-test-tool/ Because from what I understand keystroke encryption only scrambles the keystroke so that whatever is logged it is unreadable and/or useless to the keylogger. It doesn't actually block it. To block a keylogger, I believe, a product must have either HIPS (which spyshelter has), signatures (which many antiviruses have) or behavior detection (which again antiviruses have)
Yes, but that's what I mean with "blocking", the keylogger can't log any keystrokes. You can also block keyloggers by blocking global hooking and keyboard recording, but these things are also used by legitimate apps. But what I'm saying is that SpyShelter needs to have an auto-block feature, for people who don't want to be bothered with useless alerts.
I'm actually still using an older version of SS, from years ago. I didn't see any interesting new features in newer versions, which is disappointing. But it's still the best HIPS on the market, no doubt.
I don't know which version you have installed but "from years ago" till know there was a few ones quite interresting and useful
You can look at it in both a positive and negative way. The negative way is to say that SS v11 and 12 weren't really that interesting. The positive way is that SS V10 is still pretty good. But I'm guessing it doesn't work on Win 10 so I will have to upgrade eventually. I'm still on Win 8.1.
BTW, do you remember the name of this HIPS? I believe it was from some Chinese company, but I can't find the thread anymore. It seemed to be an interesting alternative to SpyShelter, not that I'm planning to switch or anything.
This looks like Huorong Internet Security https://malwaretips.com/threads/huorong-internet-security-stable.91408/
Yes...for sure it's Huorong IS called somtimes Velvet or Tinder (due to specific translation from Chinese). It's very interesting and offers a lot of features and fine options.
Thanks guys, I saved this screenshot but couldn't remember its name anymore. But I have found the thread on WSF and I made a comment about this tool trying to do too much, not my cup of tea, the GUI does look slick though. BTW, about SpyShelter Free, what exactly does it offer, is it the full HIPS and firewall? https://www.spyshelter.com/download-spyshelter/
Here are the monitored actions in the free version in bold text. (Note, this is the list for the Premium and Firewall versions as well. The greyed out actions cannot be activated and the Firewall modules don't exist in Premium.) Absent this detail, the differences between the four versions as detailed on the download page is otherwise quite clear. Whether or not your specification of "full" is met is up to you. Relative to the paid versions, I personally don't think so. 'Cause it's... free. See also my post #67 below for lesser technicals.
Already it was...see screenshot https://www.wilderssecurity.com/threads/spyshelter-12.422366/#post-2866124 There is no differences between free and paid firewall module except "Application Execution Control" module/feature and there are no active actions connected with file/folder protection in HIPS.
Thanks guys, so it seems like they basically disabled all anti-keylogging features in SS Free. The reason I asked is because I will soon buy a new Win 10 machine, so I'm trying to figure out my new setup. I do own a lifetime license of SS, but I believe it's not transferable to another machine, plus it's for an older version.
I suppose it would be useful to an overall free vs paid discussion by throwing in the screen shots of the Protection panel switches making the differences less technical than the List of monitored actions. As I use the Premium version, the Firewall switch in that version isn't there. Although shown in Free's panel, the features under Restricted Apps are unavailable (greyed out). To the extent of my observations to date, everything under Free's Rules and Settings is as available and as complex as in the paid versions, other than the greyed out monitored actions, of course. See also my post #64 above for greater technicals.
Point #3.11 in FAQ on SS page "It is possible to transfer the license to a different device, by simply uninstalling SpyShelter from the computer on which the license is currently active" https://www.spyshelter.com/help/#transfer But I think it would be perhaps better contact with support to have clear answer. According to range of protection of Free SS...there is one anti-logging action - #35 as anti-screenshot protection. Yes...there some mess in free features, but I don't think it would be reasonable to talk about main screen only...the list of active actions/features is the most important in app with limited features because only that one shows real deferences to paid version and allows to compose better prtection using another technologies/apps.
I didn't talk about the main screen only. In my post #64 I posted screen shots of the whole List of monitored actions. At some fault myself for not referencing it in my #67, I have edited both posts referencing each other and hopefully that will alleviate a similar misunderstanding. Even if they follow the posts sequentially as you did. Originally, as #64 directly addressed Rasheed's inquiry, I posted up the "less technical" #67 should a web search on SpyShelter cause some one to land in this forum. I edited #64 to broaden its purpose.
Thanks guys. To my surprise you actually get quite a lot of protection from the SS Free version, does it come with nagscreens? I would advice Datpol to streamline their line up. SS Firewall should be scrapped, only SS Free, SS Silent and SS Premium should be offered and SS Premium should of course get the firewall capabilities.
Not that I've noticed. But I have Free on a Win10 Pro test system that started out as an Insider Program Technical Preview in OCT 2014 on the slow ring. As of the last few years, I don't spend much time with it other than to test Windows updates every month. I installed Free when it was released out of curiosity and disable it during the updates. I'd never consider using it on a production system. If you do and it nags, get over it. What I'm running on a Pro system I built in February is Premium which has all the protection modules Windows 10 or 8 or 7 needs. (The license transfer from my old 7 system to the 10 went without issue.) The only thing the Firewall version is good for is XP. For me, end of discussion. Cheers.
OK, so no nags I guess. The reason I ask is because you would think there is a catch to SS Free, because you really get quite a lot of protection. And yes, a nagscreen would be a deal breaker for me.
OK thanks for the confirmation. I'm not really into paying yearly fee's, especially not when it comes to smaller companies. I would like to support them, but if they stop developing then it's game over. While with freeware or a lifetime license you can still use the app as long as you want. And if it stays compatible with the OS of course. Like I said I'm still using SS 10, it has been almost 6 years or so.