2019/10/30 15:58:39:CRITICAL RkFlt::Load: Unable to load driver (-1073740760) => The real time protection driver isn't loaded: STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_HASH Do you have another Antivirus running that could have blocked it ?
That is probably because signature enforcement, but I thought it was only starting with some recent Win10 version (we're already working on EV signature)... EDIT: Ah you said Win7 32 bits, wow OK it might be because we didn't test 32 bits Good one, I'll spin up a new VM to test
@liba the issue with 7x32 SP1 is likely a lack of Windows Updates: https://community.sophos.com/products/sandboxie/f/forum/113192/not-working-on-win-7-ultimate-32-bit Can you make sure you have the update for SHA-2 certificates installed ? Or just do all the updates available.
That's the reason, if the OS isn't able to read the driver certificate it won't load. You need 7x86 SP1 FULL PATCH.
can u exclude screenwings.exe by Hendrik Schiffer from detection? thanks what the difference between free plan and paid in realtime antimalware? it has the features of a free app but the main difference is the lack of automatic signature updates? the portable version did update signatures for me during scan..
Can you send me detection ? The free plan doesn't have realtime protection, it's a Premium feature only.
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